Below is the latest situation update by Corey Goode on Facebook.
Thank you, for all of the kind comments of support we have received. We
attended my Aunts Viewing Tuesday evening and then the funeral yesterday
afternoon. Please continue to send my family and team positive and
protective energy. We are all under serious character assassination
attempts as well as very heavy spiritual/negative energy attacks that
are extremely focused. Your energetic support has helped balance the
incredibly negative energy coming from actual agents in our community,
but also from triggered individuals that have knowingly spread lies
about my team and myself. Most recently we are finding out that people
professing to be light workers are spreading very hurtful rumors about
Stacy and I (Please keep forwarding those Emails/SMS & Facebook
Messages from them to us). Some of them so hurtful that Stacy is feeling
the need to withdraw a bit. She was very excited to meet like minded
people at recent conferences and was looking forward to future
encounters until recently. She doesn't understand how people can get so
locked into this negative energy, spread horrible lies about her and
call it a positive thing for the community. Please keep her in your
thoughts and prayers. I do hope that everyone can use this situation as a
mirror and recognize any energy they are putting out. Most of us will
see this as a positive mirror, as many of you have been sending out love
and compassion. Those who have fallen for the PsyOps and vicious rumors
that have been spread through these agents and their unsuspecting
proxies may be able to use this as a learning opportunity and a tool for
personal growth. I do plan to take a day or two for more family time
before getting fully back to work. Quite a lot is going on right now to
distract us from having a singular focus of guiding ourselves to the
most optimal temporal reality. When we are diverted into these negative
discussions it also diverts potential energy that we could be used
towards a positive future. I do plan on an interview on Divine Frequency
in the next week. I will be answering general questions as well as ones
regarding the recent infiltration of Ufology. That will be my last
public response to these slanderous attacks. Privately we are working on
gathering information for future legal actions. We will, however, be
posting videos and articles of rebuttals from supporters and citizen
sleuths that are showing much more journalistic integrity than any of
the attackers have shown. Having some of these blatant lies exposed by
people doing the investigation that the attackers should have done is a
good thing in my opinion. I have been very impressed with what some of
you are finding and presenting. We are getting pretty excited about the
MUFON Symposium, The Case for a Secret Space Program, in Las Vegas in a
few weeks. FYI, MUFON is receiving the same attacks from the exact same
people. What do these agents not want to occur because of this
Conference and the Book by the same title we are releasing? We will then
be taking the family to the Boulder area to shoot more Cosmic
Disclosure and to look around at houses and communities. We are learning
more and more how incompatible our energies have become with the area
we are currently living. We are also about to get the final website up
for the Eclipse of Disclosure Conference at Mt. Shasta the third weekend
of August. The first 100 Early Bird tickets have sold out. The rest of
the tickets and speakers list will be on the website shortly. I will
post that URL as soon as its published. Thank you, ALL once again. We
will be putting out some updates soon through David Wilcock, Dr. Salla
and Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia TV. TY, CG -
A hub for articles in the blogosphere relating to the planetary liberation and Victory of the Light.
Friday, June 30, 2017
[GaiaPortal] 2017-06-28: Felicitations of Angelic Guides are heard
Below is the new GaiaPortal message published on Wednesday, on the same day there was a spike in the amplitude of Schumann Resonance, which was possibly due to actions of the Light Forces.
- Expression of joy by the Galactic Light Forces can be heard/seen, one of the possible ways are two new crop circles in England and Switzerland.
- 'Spanners of Nova Gaia constructors' in the second sentence may be referring to Lightworkers who are building the Cintamani grid around the planet. They are working tirelessly to complete the grid to perfection.
- People who have attacked key Lightworkers such as Cobra and Corey Goode are fading away.
- At the same time, people who supported the attacks unknowingly have been forgiven.
- In the context of this message, the word 'Gamma' in the last sentence may be referring to directed energy weapons, therefore the whole sentence can be interpreted as the uses of directed energy weapons against Lightworkers around the world have been reduced significantly.
Schumann Resonance
Crop Circles
Latest post by Corey Goode on Facebook
Directed Energy Weapons
Felicitations of Angelic Guides are heard.I would interpret the message as follows:
Spanners of Nova Gaia constructors complete the process.
Speculators are dissolved.
Half-awakeds are absolved.
Gammas are resolved.
- Expression of joy by the Galactic Light Forces can be heard/seen, one of the possible ways are two new crop circles in England and Switzerland.
- 'Spanners of Nova Gaia constructors' in the second sentence may be referring to Lightworkers who are building the Cintamani grid around the planet. They are working tirelessly to complete the grid to perfection.
- People who have attacked key Lightworkers such as Cobra and Corey Goode are fading away.
- At the same time, people who supported the attacks unknowingly have been forgiven.
- In the context of this message, the word 'Gamma' in the last sentence may be referring to directed energy weapons, therefore the whole sentence can be interpreted as the uses of directed energy weapons against Lightworkers around the world have been reduced significantly.
Schumann Resonance
Crop Circles
Latest post by Corey Goode on Facebook
Directed Energy Weapons
Updated guided audio in English for the Violet Flame for Long Island and Yaldabaoth for Long Island meditation
Here is the updated version of the guided audio in English for the Violet Flame for Long Island and Yaldabaoth for Long Island meditation at 2pm GMT daily. New instructions has been added at the end to purify the negative plasma vortex at Long Island and the Black Stone.
Details about this meditation can be found here, including the new guided audio in other languages:
Here are the full instructions:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and its inhabitants.
3. Visualize this by grounding yourself to the core of the the planet and visualize gold and green light spiraling around you to strengthen your connection to Gaia.
4 . Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
5. Now visualize a violet flame purifying the last remaining Chimera stronghold on Long Island - including the RHIC and its energy field on plasma, etheric and astral planes. Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all of North America and purifying it. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.
6. Visualize the Ascended Masters' light surrounding Earth with the White Dove of Peace glowing in golden light ascending with the Violet Flame on the Chimera stronghold on Long Island.
7. See a violet and white flower of life grid surrounding the planet to activate the planetary grid with light.
8. Visualize the Light Forces taking control of the Plasma Grid around Earth, dissolving the head of Yaldabaoth, and accelerating the dismantling of all Toplet Bombs to hasten the liberation of the planet at the Event.
9. Visualize the huge negative plasma vortex about 1000 miles in diameter with its center on Long Island being flooded with the Violet Flame.
10. Visualize the Pleiadian Atlantean underwater pyramids located not far away from Long Island being activated, serving as the positive anchor point that counteracts the negative effects of the Long Island plasma vortex.
11. Call Archangel Metatron and the White fire of AN* to fully transmute the black stone near RHIC collider on Long Island.
Victory of the Light!
Details about this meditation can be found here, including the new guided audio in other languages:
Here are the full instructions:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and its inhabitants.
3. Visualize this by grounding yourself to the core of the the planet and visualize gold and green light spiraling around you to strengthen your connection to Gaia.
4 . Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
5. Now visualize a violet flame purifying the last remaining Chimera stronghold on Long Island - including the RHIC and its energy field on plasma, etheric and astral planes. Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all of North America and purifying it. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.
6. Visualize the Ascended Masters' light surrounding Earth with the White Dove of Peace glowing in golden light ascending with the Violet Flame on the Chimera stronghold on Long Island.
7. See a violet and white flower of life grid surrounding the planet to activate the planetary grid with light.
8. Visualize the Light Forces taking control of the Plasma Grid around Earth, dissolving the head of Yaldabaoth, and accelerating the dismantling of all Toplet Bombs to hasten the liberation of the planet at the Event.
9. Visualize the huge negative plasma vortex about 1000 miles in diameter with its center on Long Island being flooded with the Violet Flame.
10. Visualize the Pleiadian Atlantean underwater pyramids located not far away from Long Island being activated, serving as the positive anchor point that counteracts the negative effects of the Long Island plasma vortex.
11. Call Archangel Metatron and the White fire of AN* to fully transmute the black stone near RHIC collider on Long Island.
Victory of the Light!
[Recreating Balance] 2017-06-26: New Atlantis Alignment
Below is the latest post from Untwine regarding the New Atlantis and how it is related to the key locations of Light around the world.
As mentioned by Untwine in the article, it is important that we keep placing Cintamani stones along the New Atlantis Alignment or anywhere around the planet.
As mentioned by Untwine in the article, it is important that we keep placing Cintamani stones along the New Atlantis Alignment or anywhere around the planet.
There is a very interesting alignment of power places which is very connected to the creation of New Atlantis.

Before I continue, I need to explain what is meant by New Atlantis and some of its history. Atlantis is a name used to describe the creation of a world of Light, the new society that will be beyond duality. The first template for this society was anchored in the Pleiades millions of years ago. Moldavite stones came from the planet where the first Atlantis was established, they are a result of an explosion caused by experiments made during this first Atlantis, and therefore hold a connection with the energy thread of the creation of Atlantis.

The second Atlantis was created on Earth with its main anchor on a continent which was located in the northern Atlantic ocean around the Azores islands. This was originally a society of pure Light, which later got infiltrated and entangled in conflicts created by dark forces, resulting in the beginning of prison Earth 26000 years ago and sinking of Atlantean continent 13000 years ago.
During last 13000 years, Light forces have kept the flame alive, working on long term plans for the creation of the New and final Atlantis once dark forces will be completely gone and the whole world can live in the Light again.

One of the first and main anchors for this is located at the eastern side of the Mediterranean which was an Atlantean colony, and then when the Atlantean continent sank some Atlantean Light groups went to settle there, especially around Egypt and Israel.
Heritage from these groups was passed down through generations, especially among Essene groups who were behind Kind David and Solomon and later behind Jesus and Magdalene, who then passed it along when Magdalene went to France, resulting in the creation of Templar, Cathar and Priory of Sion groups, who then spread out internationally, and who, despite suppression and infiltration from the dark, have worked on these long term plans towards New Atlantis.
St Germain/Francis Bacon emerged from these groups and has worked very closely with Light templars.
Now let's talk about the alignment. One central point in this alignment is the Palace of Versailles near Paris. There are strong connections between this place and St Germain who was very active there especially during 1700s, trying to inspire new ideas and reforms within the royal court in connection with the original Freemason networks (before they were infiltrated by the dark, when they still had very strong connection to the Light). He also was working energetically to initiate some members of the court to Goddess mysteries, especially the Princess of Lamballe. Energy from these initiations is especially strong around the Temple of Love in the Petit Trianon, which was the queen's quarters, who was a close friend of Princesse of Lamballe.
We will see that this New Atlantis alignment is very connected with St Germain, who of course is one of the main actor working for the creation of New Atlantis.
The Versailles palace is built along a main axis :
If we extend this line towards the East, we arrive exactly at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, a main historic anchor for some of the Atlantean Light groups I was mentioning (Essenes). Templars are named after the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem in that same location. Distance from Versailles to Jerusalem is about 3333km.
Along this line are some other very interesting locations.

Switzerland has particularly strong Light Templar connections :
It then goes exactly through Venice, a central Goddess vortex, and anchor for Light groups in which St Germain was initiated into Goddess mysteries :

It also notably goes through Greece, another strong anchor for ancient Atlantean groups. It goes exactly through Alexandreia in northern Greece (Alexander the Great was connected to Atlantean heritage groups), and then very close to the island of Samos (home of Pythagoras), and through the island of Chios, a strong vortex with rich history and strong special geological characteristics.

Back to Versailles, if we extend the line towards the west, it arrives exactly at the obelisk outside the White house in DC.
This is especially significant as St Germain was the main force for the original creation of USA, which he envisioned as the first anchor for the New Atlantis. He was very connected to the original founders of USA working in DC. Unfortunately USA was then strongly infiltrated by the dark, but once they are removed a Renaissance will come in USA and New Atlantis will bloom there, thanks to the template and vision anchored by St Germain and the Light forces working with him.
The distance between Versailles and the obelisk in DC is about 3333 nautical miles.
This alignment goes exactly through all the main cities on the northern east coast, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and DC :

It also goes through the west part of Long Island, very close to the Temple of Love built there, which was modeled after the original Temple of Love in Versailles, which was a main anchor for the energy of Goddess initiations by St Germain in the court of France :
It then goes notably through Asheville NC which is a strong vortex, and then through Atlanta(is) in Georgia.
It then goes down through Mexico, another strong anchor for ancient Atlantean groups, notably it goes exactly through Tula, ancient capital of the Toltec empire. The famous statues on the pyramid there are commonly called the 'Atlanteans'.

It's also interesting to note that the line also goes through Cornwall England, a main anchor for the Light groups around King Arthur, and also through Nova Scotia Canada, a strong anchor for Light templars and St Germain/Francis Bacon (Oak Island).
To clarify, I am not saying that these are the only places for New Atlantis, there are many other strong places besides this alignment, this is just one particular alignment with very strong connection to it.
Let's anchor the Light back into the grid to anchor the template for New Atlantis again, I would suggest people to bury Cintamani stones anywhere along this alignment, and also keep burying more everywhere around the Earth until we finally reach breakthrough.

Victory of the Light

Before I continue, I need to explain what is meant by New Atlantis and some of its history. Atlantis is a name used to describe the creation of a world of Light, the new society that will be beyond duality. The first template for this society was anchored in the Pleiades millions of years ago. Moldavite stones came from the planet where the first Atlantis was established, they are a result of an explosion caused by experiments made during this first Atlantis, and therefore hold a connection with the energy thread of the creation of Atlantis.

The second Atlantis was created on Earth with its main anchor on a continent which was located in the northern Atlantic ocean around the Azores islands. This was originally a society of pure Light, which later got infiltrated and entangled in conflicts created by dark forces, resulting in the beginning of prison Earth 26000 years ago and sinking of Atlantean continent 13000 years ago.
During last 13000 years, Light forces have kept the flame alive, working on long term plans for the creation of the New and final Atlantis once dark forces will be completely gone and the whole world can live in the Light again.

One of the first and main anchors for this is located at the eastern side of the Mediterranean which was an Atlantean colony, and then when the Atlantean continent sank some Atlantean Light groups went to settle there, especially around Egypt and Israel.
Heritage from these groups was passed down through generations, especially among Essene groups who were behind Kind David and Solomon and later behind Jesus and Magdalene, who then passed it along when Magdalene went to France, resulting in the creation of Templar, Cathar and Priory of Sion groups, who then spread out internationally, and who, despite suppression and infiltration from the dark, have worked on these long term plans towards New Atlantis.
St Germain/Francis Bacon emerged from these groups and has worked very closely with Light templars.
Now let's talk about the alignment. One central point in this alignment is the Palace of Versailles near Paris. There are strong connections between this place and St Germain who was very active there especially during 1700s, trying to inspire new ideas and reforms within the royal court in connection with the original Freemason networks (before they were infiltrated by the dark, when they still had very strong connection to the Light). He also was working energetically to initiate some members of the court to Goddess mysteries, especially the Princess of Lamballe. Energy from these initiations is especially strong around the Temple of Love in the Petit Trianon, which was the queen's quarters, who was a close friend of Princesse of Lamballe.
We will see that this New Atlantis alignment is very connected with St Germain, who of course is one of the main actor working for the creation of New Atlantis.
The Versailles palace is built along a main axis :

If we extend this line towards the East, we arrive exactly at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, a main historic anchor for some of the Atlantean Light groups I was mentioning (Essenes). Templars are named after the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem in that same location. Distance from Versailles to Jerusalem is about 3333km.
Along this line are some other very interesting locations.

Switzerland has particularly strong Light Templar connections :
It then goes exactly through Venice, a central Goddess vortex, and anchor for Light groups in which St Germain was initiated into Goddess mysteries :

It also notably goes through Greece, another strong anchor for ancient Atlantean groups. It goes exactly through Alexandreia in northern Greece (Alexander the Great was connected to Atlantean heritage groups), and then very close to the island of Samos (home of Pythagoras), and through the island of Chios, a strong vortex with rich history and strong special geological characteristics.

Back to Versailles, if we extend the line towards the west, it arrives exactly at the obelisk outside the White house in DC.
This is especially significant as St Germain was the main force for the original creation of USA, which he envisioned as the first anchor for the New Atlantis. He was very connected to the original founders of USA working in DC. Unfortunately USA was then strongly infiltrated by the dark, but once they are removed a Renaissance will come in USA and New Atlantis will bloom there, thanks to the template and vision anchored by St Germain and the Light forces working with him.
The distance between Versailles and the obelisk in DC is about 3333 nautical miles.
This alignment goes exactly through all the main cities on the northern east coast, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and DC :

It also goes through the west part of Long Island, very close to the Temple of Love built there, which was modeled after the original Temple of Love in Versailles, which was a main anchor for the energy of Goddess initiations by St Germain in the court of France :
It then goes notably through Asheville NC which is a strong vortex, and then through Atlanta(is) in Georgia.
It then goes down through Mexico, another strong anchor for ancient Atlantean groups, notably it goes exactly through Tula, ancient capital of the Toltec empire. The famous statues on the pyramid there are commonly called the 'Atlanteans'.

It's also interesting to note that the line also goes through Cornwall England, a main anchor for the Light groups around King Arthur, and also through Nova Scotia Canada, a strong anchor for Light templars and St Germain/Francis Bacon (Oak Island).
To clarify, I am not saying that these are the only places for New Atlantis, there are many other strong places besides this alignment, this is just one particular alignment with very strong connection to it.
Let's anchor the Light back into the grid to anchor the template for New Atlantis again, I would suggest people to bury Cintamani stones anywhere along this alignment, and also keep burying more everywhere around the Earth until we finally reach breakthrough.

Victory of the Light
Thursday, June 29, 2017
[Benjamin Fulford] 2017-06-28: King David Peii II's castle may not look like much but it sits on top of a mountain of gold
Here is another post from Benjamin Fulford's Typepad blog regarding Bougainville.
King David Peii II's castle may not look like much but it sits on top of a mountain of gold.
King David Peii II's castle may not look like much but it sits on top of a mountain of gold.
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2017-06-26: Special report The Mouse that Roared or how the people of Bougainville defeated the Rothschilds
Below is the full version of Benjamin Fulford's special report published on 26 June 2017.
The Island of Bougainville in the South Pacific has been the scene of an epic decades-long struggle that resulted in locals, armed only with axes and bows, defeating troops armed with the latest world class weaponry. The battle pitched the natives fighting to retain their ancestral homes against a Rothschild multinational fighting to steal the worlds’ largest gold deposits at the Panguna mine. As a result of their victory the Nasioi people of Central Bougainville became the first indigenous peoples in the world to force a global mining multinational to give up one of its richest ventures.
This is not just a local matter because there is so much gold on that Island that it could affect the future of the global financial system. The international bankers say there are only a few tens of billions of dollars’ worth of gold and copper there, but, if we use the fractional reserve methods employed by the Federal Reserve Board in 2008 to price gold (700 tons of gold was turned into 750,000 tons worth of gold backed bonds), then it is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Furthermore, locals say the mine was covering up a massive money laundering operation by claiming gold was copper, meaning the mine, and six other known rich gold reserves on the island, are potentially worth hundreds of trillions of dollars even without fractional reserve magic. “They would take the gold out at night and hide it in caves,” according to Bougainville Revolutionary Army sources.
The mine was operated by Rio Tinto Zinc from 1972 until 1989 before the locals shut it down, emerging victorious after a decade long war that resulted in the death of about 30,000 people or more than 10% of the population, according to BRA sources. A BRA general, “Joel” describes how the unarmed rebels were able to defeat a state of the art army. “When we first attacked them we only had axes and spears and knew that many of us would die,” he says. “We used guerilla tactics, we attacked one soldier and took his gun, with that gun we could kill 3 or 4 other soldiers and take their guns and so on; that is how we armed ourselves,” he says.
Red Cross officials working on the island also say that to this day there are extra-judicial murders and many “disappeared people,” as a result of the conflict on the island.
Furthermore, the resistance army won the war only to face a blockade that, to some extent, continues to this day.
Furthermore, the resistance army won the war only to face a blockade that, to some extent, continues to this day.
Rio Tinto Zinc claims they have handed over control of the mine to Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) that is mostly owned by the Autonomous Government of Bougainville (ABG). Rio Tinto also claims they are not liable for the enormous environmental damage they caused by dumping mercury and other poisonous mine slurry into a local river because they were abiding by local laws at the time. However, if you take a look at Bougainville Island on Google Earth you can still see clearly, decades after the mine closed, the scars on the landscape caused by it. They should not be allowed to get away with environmental destruction so great that it shows up on satellite photos.
The Twin Kingdom of Meekamui and Papala, the locals’ name for the island, is headed by King David Peii II who wants to charge the owners of Rio Tinto with war crimes and sue them for environmental destruction at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
The BCL people for their part, are trying to re-open the mine and promise to be nice to the environment this time but the locals are so bitter about the mass murder and environmental destruction that they do not want BCL or ABG to have any role whatsoever in the mine.
This is how King David views the situation:
This is how King David views the situation:
ABG (Autonomous Bougainville Government) is simply an agent of the Government of Papua New Guinea. Its headquarters are located at Waigani, PNG. Whoever controls PNG also controls ABG. As you might be aware Australia granted independence to PNG in 1975. However, Australia still de facto controls PNG. According to 2011 statistics Australia raked about K19.8 Billion PGK [Papua New Guinea Kina, 1 kina=0.31 US dollars] from its companies in PNG but only gave about K450 million PGK back in the form of AusAid. That’s about 3% only; 97% is retained in Australia. The borrower is a slave to the lender. PNGeans are happy to receive AusAid funds for their projects but don’t know the real story.
ABG, was established because the Bougainville leadership split up immediately after winning the 10-year war against PNG and BCL/Rio Tinto. The VP Joseph Kabui decided to negotiate with the PNG Government due to lack of funds for services, etc, while the President Francis Ona did not think it was right to negotiate. Though both have now died and gone their successors are still alive and active. I am the successor of the late Francis Ona under the Twin Kingdom Agreement.
ABG is down at the bottom end of the international food chain of that old control system, and therefore, cannot say nay to BCL, Rio Tinto, PNG, Australia or their hierarchies or controllers because “it’s a slave to its lenders”.
BCL (B’ville Copper Ltd) is still owned by foreigners (or non-Bougainvilleans). The shares they claim to have given to ABG are still controlled by foreigners because ABG itself is a foreign agent on Bougainville anyway. ABG was established by its financiers (PNG & Australia, etc) to serve their own interests in our sovereign island nation.
What King David describes is true of much of the developing world where ruthless multinationals pillage the land with the help of mercenaries and locally hired and bribed “leaders.” It is estimated that multinationals loot Africa alone to the tune of $60 billion a year.
In that sense, the battle for Bougainville’s gold could mark a global turning point because King David promises to use the vast funds from the mine to help other developing countries. Countries in Africa and other developing parts of the world would do far better being paid a fair price for their resources than receiving often useless “foreign aid” from the countries that are looting them.
In any case, it is clear that somebody powerful went to a lot of trouble to try to prevent this writer from visiting King David. First of all, all flights into and out of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea were cancelled the day after our arrival for unspecified reasons. The result was to delay the arrival of King David’s representative, Mealagan Krishnan. Also, even though there are daily flights to the town of Arawa, a two and a half hour drive from the Kingdom’s capital, these flights were mysteriously cancelled during the week of our visit. We were forced to take a flight to the town of Boka, a grueling 7 hour drive from the Kingdom and when we got there we found the main road was blocked by “a huge accident” forcing us to go by boat and back roads.
One final literal roadblock was manned by BCL thugs who demanded a $1000 bribe to let us pass. When I told their boss “you cannot squeeze blood from a stone,” he answered “I can squeeze blood from a stone.” After much haggling we paid a $100 dollar cash bribe and were allowed to continue on our way. Overall, our arrival was delayed by 4 days.
Finally, after meeting the King we were offered a tour of the Panguna mine on the following day. However, instead we were roused in the middle of the night with a warning that 10 truckloads of mercenaries and corrupt police officers were on their way to try to force the land-owners of the Panguna mine to sign over the rights of the mine to BCL. We were also told they would try to kill us.
The locals felled trees across the road and set up armed road-blocks to stop the mercenaries from chasing us after we left. Armed conflict was avoided at the last minute but the BRA told us it was our arrival that led to the dispatch of the mercenaries.
The locals felled trees across the road and set up armed road-blocks to stop the mercenaries from chasing us after we left. Armed conflict was avoided at the last minute but the BRA told us it was our arrival that led to the dispatch of the mercenaries.
In any case, as a result of our visit, we will be appealing for international help to allow the locals to develop the mine on their own in an environmentally friendly manner. The King promises the billions or trillions of dollars that will flow from the mine will be used to help the people of Bougainville and the world.
Though many of the Bougainevillians we met were barefoot, they carried smart-phones and knew more about the true nature of the international financial system than the average reporter from the Wall Street Journal seems to (I have met many of them over the years). I would rather have King David in charge of the Bougainville gold than the ruthless and incompetent Khazarian central bank gangsters who have done so much harm to this planet and its people.
Both Rio Tinto Zinc and BCL ignored multiple attempts by this writer to contact them.
Both Rio Tinto Zinc and BCL ignored multiple attempts by this writer to contact them.
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2017-06-26: Historic changes in central Europe Asia and elsewhere as old order implodes
Below is the full version of Benjamin Fulford's regular update for this week.
Sometimes historic changes are announced in obscure headlines such as this one: “Defense Ministers from Six Countries Focus on Cooperation in Prague.”
A more accurate headline would read “Austro-Hungarian Empire revived after 100 year hiatus.” The story says Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria Slovenia and Croatia are going to carry out a joint exercise to protect their borders. Their joint borders are almost the same borders as those of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and within these borders civilian, police and military authorities are going to work together. Usually, a shared external border, in this case operating independently from the EU, is a definition of a country.
It is also worth noting the Habsburg dynasty overthrown after World War I were rivals of the Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild dynasties that won the war; which may be why Hungary has already thrown out its Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild central bank.
It is a good guess that Karl Von Habsburg,
It is a good guess that Karl Von Habsburg,
head of the Paneuropean Union and heir to the Habsburg throne, sees a chance to revive his ancestor’s Empire now that his Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild rivals have lost so much of their power.
Elsewhere in Europe, we are seeing a growing split between Germany and the US with people in Germany now openly talking about the EU imposing sanctions on the US in retaliation for their efforts to stop the Germans from buying more cheap Russian gas.
Elsewhere in Europe, we are seeing a growing split between Germany and the US with people in Germany now openly talking about the EU imposing sanctions on the US in retaliation for their efforts to stop the Germans from buying more cheap Russian gas.
The Europeans are also pushing to create a joint army with the capability to operate overseas as yet another break with US President Donald Trump’s America.
Also, Rothschild slave President Emmanuel Macron of France has now publicly sided with Russia on Syria. This is a clear indication the opportunistic Rothschilds understand who they have to suck up to now if they want to protect their interests.
The rise of Russia’s influence, however, has led to a huge power struggle there with the Knights of Malta trying to take control, according to FSB sources there. The following Russians have been awarded the Maltese Knight’s cross:
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, B.A.Berezovsky, Pavel Borodin, G.E.Burbulis, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, VV . Ilyushin V.V.Kostikov, M.Yu.Lesin, S.F.Lisovsky, Yevgeny Primakov, A.V.Rutskoy, S.A.Filatov, Shaimiev, S.M.Shahry, V.B.Yumashev, and S.V.Yastrzhembsky, according to Russian FSB sources.
“Why are these people involved in an organization that has promoted the destruction of Russia (what is left of it), the collapse of industry, science and education, the extinction of the Russian people and the spiritual impoverishment of the nation?” an FSB source connected with the White Dragon Society asks. “The Masonic Order of the Knight’s Cross is awarded for the behind the scenes aiding in the destruction of Russian statehood, sovereignty and power of the State,” this source continues.
The source says the Knights of Malta are trying to control all Russian private security companies. They are doing this through an association of bodyguards in Russia led by a Mr. Fonareff who is “a small puppet to the Order of Malta.” The parent organization is the International Bodyguard and Security Services Organization.
“When you read their website just remove the “anti”…because I hear the Hospitaliers and Red Cross are involved in human trafficking and organ theft,” according to the source, who is senior in the Russian government.
The entire organization is headed by Professor George Popper, a senior Knight of Malta.
The entire organization is headed by Professor George Popper, a senior Knight of Malta.
Leo Zagami, a self-confessed Satanist, claimed the black sun worshipping P2 Freemason lodge gave orders to the Knights of Malta.
This does not mean that the majority of members of the Knights of Malta are Satanists, only certain key people around the top of the hierarchy are.
In any case, the attempt by the IBSSA to control all private security companies in Russia is typical of the fascist P2 freemason lodge who want to create an absolute, centralized world dictatorship. The Russian WSD faction is opposed to centralized monolithic control and is expected to win the power struggle there.
The power struggle elsewhere is also going against the Satanists. In the Middle East, King Salman named his son Mohammed Bin Salman as crown prince and fired his half-brother Nayef, who is well connected to the US establishment. Since the King Salman who has appeared recently in public is visibly younger than the senile Salman who took over the throne it is safe to assume he is just a body double and that the 31 year old Salman Jr. is now King of Saudi Arabia.
However, Pentagon sources say “this is just a futile attempt to delay the global currency reset.” Furthermore, “Saudi Arabia is isolated by the Russian/Iranian/Qatari cartel, and may soon be forced to sell what little oil it still has for yuan and non-dollars,” the sources say. Right now only the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Israel support the Saudi regime.
The Pentagon sources also say US President Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner was sent on orders of the US military/intelligence establishment to Israel to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to demand regime change there. It is no coincidence the Iranian and Hizbollah forces, protected by a new Russian air base, have arrived at the Israeli border to give notice to the criminal Netanyahu regime that it is militarily isolated from the world. The US military is not going to fight to protect the criminal Netanyahu regime, the Pentagon sources say.
A similar move is being made in the Ukraine where President Petro Poroshenko has been summoned to Washington “to discuss regime change,” the sources say. These moves are part of a worldwide effort to end all conflicts and prepare the way for a new financial system, they say.
There is also likely to be regime change in the US, the sources continue. Here the latest developments show the entire “blame Russia” campaign by the old establishment is failing. Instead the “Cabal is on its back foot as Bernie Sanders and wife Jane are under FBI investigation for bank fraud and former attorney general Loretta Lynch is under a Department of Justice probe for obstruction of justice,” the Pentagon sources say.
Trump himself is expected to be eventually removed since the US requires real regime change while Trump merely represents the lesser evil faction of the old regime, the sources continue.
In Asia as well, there is a lot going on. Last week South Korean President Moon Jae In had a conversation with his North Korean counterpart Kim Jon Un where the agreed to unify the Korean Peninsula in the near future, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the emperor. This move, like the incipient revival of the Habsburg state, is possible now because the post 1913 Federal Reserve Board secret government is collapsing, WDS sources in Asia say.
In Asia as well, there is a lot going on. Last week South Korean President Moon Jae In had a conversation with his North Korean counterpart Kim Jon Un where the agreed to unify the Korean Peninsula in the near future, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the emperor. This move, like the incipient revival of the Habsburg state, is possible now because the post 1913 Federal Reserve Board secret government is collapsing, WDS sources in Asia say.
In Japan, meanwhile there was a bizzare incident in which the USS Fitzgerald, a state of the art missile destroyer, was rammed by a Philippine registered cargo ship. Pentagon sources speculate it “may have been a false flag e-hijacking by Israel, unable to use its submarines, to frame North Korea just a few days after the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.”
The other possibility, the sources say, is the “the Fitz may have been immobilized by emp or electronic warfare, forcing the US military to disclose its base on mars, suppressed technology, and the secret space program (ssp) which is good for humanity.”
There has been definitely some sort of futuristic secret technology deployed in Japan in recent years. The Japanese underground military hardware stockpiles and bases in Kyushu were destroyed recently by some secret weapon. Also, the radiation around Fukushima has all vanished after a huge fleet of unknown aircraft flew over the region, according to Japanese military intelligence.
The fascist regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also under a growing siege. Newspapers here are reporting as a scandal that Abe used undue influence to help the Okayama Prefecture based Kake Gakuen educational institution open a new veterinary medicine school.
The fascist regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also under a growing siege. Newspapers here are reporting as a scandal that Abe used undue influence to help the Okayama Prefecture based Kake Gakuen educational institution open a new veterinary medicine school.
What the newspapers are not reporting is that Kake Gakuen is run by the same people who were involved in Japan’s notorious unit 731 biological and chemical warfare institute and that the “veterinary school” was just a cover for the development of bio and chemical weapons, sources close to the Emperor say. In other words, instead of mincing words about “influence peddling,” the newspapers should talk about war crimes. In any case, Abe is dying, the sources say and fundamental regime change ie the removal of the fascists, in Japan is just a matter of time.
Monday, June 26, 2017
[Benjamin Fulford] 2017-06-26: The derelict Panguna mine in Bougaineville
Here is another update from Benjamin Fulford today. This time the update comes from his personal TypePad blog.
The derelict Panguna mine in Bougaineville
The derelict Panguna mine in Bougaineville
[Benjamin Fulford] 2017-06-26: Special report The Mouse that Roared or how the people of Bougainville defeated the Rothschilds
Here is a special report from Benjamin Fulford regarding situation in Bougainville.
Again, I am only posting what is available to everyone on the website for now. A full version of this report will be published here on Thursday.
Again, I am only posting what is available to everyone on the website for now. A full version of this report will be published here on Thursday.
The Island of Bougainville in the South Pacific has been the scene of an epic decades-long struggle that resulted in locals, armed only with axes and bows, defeating troops armed with the latest world class weaponry. The battle pitched the natives fighting to retain their ancestral homes against a Rothschild multinational fighting to steal the worlds’ largest gold deposits at the Panguna mine. As a result of their victory the Nasioi people of Central Bougainville became the first indigenous peoples in the world to force a global mining multinational to give up one of its richest ventures.
This is not just a local matter because there is so much gold on that Island that it could affect the future of the global financial system. The international bankers say there are only a few tens of billions of dollars’ worth of gold and copper there, but, if we use the fractional reserve methods employed by the Federal Reserve Board in 2008 to price gold (700 tons of gold was turned into 750,000 tons worth of gold backed bonds), then it is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Furthermore, locals say the mine was covering up a massive money laundering operation by claiming gold was copper, meaning the mine, and six other known rich gold reserves on the island, are potentially worth hundreds of trillions of dollars even without fractional reserve magic. “They would take the gold out at night and hide it in caves,” according to Bougainville Revolutionary Army sources.
The mine was operated by Rio Tinto Zinc from 1972 until 1989 before the locals shut it down, emerging victorious after a decade long war that resulted in the death of about 30,000 people or more than 10% of the population, according to BRA sources. A BRA general, “Joel” describes how the unarmed rebels were able to defeat a state of the art army. “When we first attacked them we only had axes and spears and knew that many of us would die,” he says. “We used guerilla tactics, we attacked one soldier and took his gun, with that gun we could kill 3 or 4 other soldiers and take their guns and so on; that is how we armed ourselves,” he says.
Red Cross officials working on the island also say that to this day there are extra-judicial murders and many “disappeared people,” as a result of the conflict on the island.
Furthermore, the resistance army won the war only to face a blockade that, to some extent, continues to this day.
Furthermore, the resistance army won the war only to face a blockade that, to some extent, continues to this day.
Rio Tinto Zinc claims they have handed over control of the mine to Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) that is mostly owned by the Autonomous Government of Bougainville (ABG). Rio Tinto also claims they are not liable for the enormous environmental damage they caused by dumping mercury and other poisonous mine slurry into a local river because they were abiding by local laws at the time. However, if you take a look at Bougainville Island on Google Earth you can still see clearly, decades after the mine closed, the scars on the landscape caused by it. They should not be allowed to get away with environmental destruction so great that it shows up on satellite photos.
The Twin Kingdom of Meekamui and Papala, the locals’ name for the island, is headed by King David Peii II who wants to charge the owners of Rio Tinto with war crimes and sue them for environmental destruction at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
The BCL people for their part, are trying to re-open the mine and promise to be nice to the environment this time but the locals are so bitter about the mass murder and environmental destruction that they do not want BCL or ABG to have any role whatsoever in the mine.
This is how King David views the situation:
This is how King David views the situation:
[Benjamin Fulford] 2017-06-26: Historic changes in central Europe Asia and elsewhere as old order implodes
Below is the update from Benjamin Fulford for this week.
A full version of the article will be published here on Thursday.
A full version of the article will be published here on Thursday.
Sometimes historic changes are announced in obscure headlines such as this one: “Defense Ministers from Six Countries Focus on Cooperation in Prague.”
A more accurate headline would read “Austro-Hungarian Empire revived after 100 year hiatus.” The story says Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria Slovenia and Croatia are going to carry out a joint exercise to protect their borders. Their joint borders are almost the same borders as those of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and within these borders civilian, police and military authorities are going to work together. Usually, a shared external border, in this case operating independently from the EU, is a definition of a country.
It is also worth noting the Habsburg dynasty overthrown after World War I were rivals of the Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild dynasties that won the war; which may be why Hungary has already thrown out its Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild central bank.
It is a good guess that Karl Von Habsburg,
It is a good guess that Karl Von Habsburg,
head of the Paneuropean Union and heir to the Habsburg throne, sees a chance to revive his ancestor’s Empire now that his Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild rivals have lost so much of their power.
Elsewhere in Europe, we are seeing a growing split between Germany and the US with people in Germany now openly talking about the EU imposing sanctions on the US in retaliation for their efforts to stop the Germans from buying more cheap Russian gas.
Elsewhere in Europe, we are seeing a growing split between Germany and the US with people in Germany now openly talking about the EU imposing sanctions on the US in retaliation for their efforts to stop the Germans from buying more cheap Russian gas.
The Europeans are also pushing to create a joint army with the capability to operate overseas as yet another break with US President Donald Trump’s America.
Also, Rothschild slave President Emmanuel Macron of France has now publicly sided with Russia on Syria. This is a clear indication the opportunistic Rothschilds understand who they have to suck up to now if they want to protect their interests.
The rise of Russia’s influence, however, has led to a huge power struggle there with the Knights of Malta trying to take control, according to FSB sources there. The following Russians have been awarded the Maltese Knight’s cross:
Saturday, June 24, 2017
[Recreating Balance] 2017-06-24: Choice/Belief
Below is another excellent article written by Untwine.
Interestingly I am reading 'Conversations with God (Book 4): Awaken The Species' and in Chapter 9 it writes that:
Therefore, I strongly encourage everyone to use their freewill to set the intention, ideally to help with the planetary liberation and awake others to do so.
Interestingly I am reading 'Conversations with God (Book 4): Awaken The Species' and in Chapter 9 it writes that:
...intention is everything. It sets the energetic signature for events that follows.
You can get in your car and drive down the road and be doing everything that a good driver would do, but if you haven't set your intention about where you're going, you'll find yourself getting nowhere.
Therefore, I strongly encourage everyone to use their freewill to set the intention, ideally to help with the planetary liberation and awake others to do so.
Behavior and action are defined by choices, and choices always stem from belief systems.
I would like to invite people to really reflect on this.
And to inquire and question what they think is possible, especially in their own lives.
We are working to manifest huge changes on the planet, the end of duality, massive core transformation of life as it has been known inside prison Earth. We are heading towards total abundance, totally healthy environment and energy fields, freedom of travel around the planet and the galaxy and beyond, purely positive life experience for all sentient beings.

Image source :
How can we manifest such a reality when most people have such limiting belief systems regarding what they are able and not able to do ? There is a big incoherence and dissonance in the manifestation process here.
The evolution of the global planetary process is defined by the sum of all individual manifestation process of all beings involved.
Right now the Light forces and few awakened people on the surface have to work a lot to create progress. The more people join and support the process, the faster and better things will evolve towards the Event.
Every little money, energy and time we spend, is a vote we cast for the creation of the planetary situation. How do you spend your time, money and energy ? Do you really still want to fund business that cause suffering of sentient beings, to give your time and energy to the black magic mainstream media (causing energy pollution for yourself), to be stuck in controlling, toxic and dysfunctional families and jobs ? What is the story you want to write for your life, what is the side of history you want to be on, what is the purpose of your Spirit ?

I would like to invite people to really reflect on this.
And to inquire and question what they think is possible, especially in their own lives.
We are working to manifest huge changes on the planet, the end of duality, massive core transformation of life as it has been known inside prison Earth. We are heading towards total abundance, totally healthy environment and energy fields, freedom of travel around the planet and the galaxy and beyond, purely positive life experience for all sentient beings.

Image source :
How can we manifest such a reality when most people have such limiting belief systems regarding what they are able and not able to do ? There is a big incoherence and dissonance in the manifestation process here.
The evolution of the global planetary process is defined by the sum of all individual manifestation process of all beings involved.
Right now the Light forces and few awakened people on the surface have to work a lot to create progress. The more people join and support the process, the faster and better things will evolve towards the Event.
Every little money, energy and time we spend, is a vote we cast for the creation of the planetary situation. How do you spend your time, money and energy ? Do you really still want to fund business that cause suffering of sentient beings, to give your time and energy to the black magic mainstream media (causing energy pollution for yourself), to be stuck in controlling, toxic and dysfunctional families and jobs ? What is the story you want to write for your life, what is the side of history you want to be on, what is the purpose of your Spirit ?

We all want to see massive core changes everywhere, but many do not believe in their ability to manifest their most basic dreams or missions. This incoherence has an effect on the planetary process, because we are all actors with a particular role in that process. These limiting belief systems are not based in reality and were planted in the collective consciousness by the dark. Because when we remember and decide to step into our manifestation power as conscious creators, there is nothing that we can not do, there is nothing that will stop us, we will manifest anything we can imagine.
There is no law in the universe that states that you can not manifest certain things. It does not exist. On the contrary, there is very much support towards whatever you decide to manifest as a conscious creator.
But you need to remember that whatever you choose to do with your time and energy in every moment, is not given, it is actually a choice that you have. Every single little choice we make in every moment of our daily lives creates ripples in our own reality and into the planetary reality. We are not insignificant inconsequent piles of dust isolated in little concrete boxes. We are incarnations of the Source, nodes in a network that extends all around the planet and beyond into all of creation. Everything we do creates ripples into the network. Please look carefully into the big picture of your life and make your choices wisely.
I would like to invite people to inquire and look deeply into their belief systems. If you make a clear choice towards something, and don't give up on that decision, and invoke all necessary resources and take all necessary actions towards it, it will definitely happen, whatever it is.
Do not wait until you have the resources to start making positive choices and actions. Manifestation process happens the other way around. Make a choice first, and take all the actions you can towards it, and that is how the necessary resources will come.

There is no law in the universe that states that you can not manifest certain things. It does not exist. On the contrary, there is very much support towards whatever you decide to manifest as a conscious creator.
But you need to remember that whatever you choose to do with your time and energy in every moment, is not given, it is actually a choice that you have. Every single little choice we make in every moment of our daily lives creates ripples in our own reality and into the planetary reality. We are not insignificant inconsequent piles of dust isolated in little concrete boxes. We are incarnations of the Source, nodes in a network that extends all around the planet and beyond into all of creation. Everything we do creates ripples into the network. Please look carefully into the big picture of your life and make your choices wisely.
I would like to invite people to inquire and look deeply into their belief systems. If you make a clear choice towards something, and don't give up on that decision, and invoke all necessary resources and take all necessary actions towards it, it will definitely happen, whatever it is.
Do not wait until you have the resources to start making positive choices and actions. Manifestation process happens the other way around. Make a choice first, and take all the actions you can towards it, and that is how the necessary resources will come.

Do people need reminder of all the suffering happening to so many sentient beings around the planet ? Many people have opportunities to take relatively simple actions that would help the liberation process for all including themselves, but choose not to. Please understand that there is strong energetic pressure being put upon you to prevent you from making positive actions. Please remember your compassion, your desire for relief from all the atrocities on this planet, for liberation of all sentient beings including yourself. Make all your small daily choices while remembering what you aim for.
We will manifest Universal Liberation for all, in the best possible way according to the Divine Plan. No matter what it takes. Because there is no other choice. This is the only viable choice.

We will manifest Universal Liberation for all, in the best possible way according to the Divine Plan. No matter what it takes. Because there is no other choice. This is the only viable choice.

Victory Of The Light Now
Friday, June 23, 2017
[Benjamin Fulford] 2017-06-23: King David Peii II gets White Dragon Society support for his people
Here is a new short post on Benjamin Fulford's personal blog.
More information about King David Peii II and Bougainville Island can be found in the links below:
King David Peii II gets White Dragon Society support for his people

More information about King David Peii II and Bougainville Island can be found in the links below:
King David Peii II gets White Dragon Society support for his people
[Cobra] 2017-06-22: Joint Cobra / Kauilapele Interview by Goldfish Report
Below is the link to the Goldfish Report interview featuring Cobra and Kauilapele.
Currently there is no transcript available for this interview.
You might want to listen to this joint Cobra / Kauilapele Interview by Goldfish Report:
Victory of the Light!
Currently there is no transcript available for this interview.
You might want to listen to this joint Cobra / Kauilapele Interview by Goldfish Report:
Victory of the Light!
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