Here is a latest message from Cobra for the Resistance Movement.
Explanation of some of the codes based on Cobra's previous blog posts can be found in the link below.
ZEOLITE EXMOSS phase beta sequence in progress
A hub for articles in the blogosphere relating to the planetary liberation and Victory of the Light.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Ancient Halafian pottery for Syria pentagram protection
As suggested by Cobra in his latest interview with Prepare for Change, it is still very important to visualise the piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram to strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region.

Aaron – Should we re-start visualizing the piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram?This is something that everyone of us can do easily and help with one of the most important energy points on Earth.
COBRA – Yes, that would be very recommended. (OK thank you)
The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.Therefore please continue to do so if you feel guided.
Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.

[Gaia Portal] 2016-12-28: Standbys are engaged as trumpets sound
Below is a new Gaia Portal message published on Wednesday.
I would interpret the message as follow, which I believe is related to the operation of the Light Forces in Denver as reported by Benjamin Fulford and Cobra.
- An important operation of the Light Forces are being put on hold as the situation suggests.
- However, there are still lots of actions being done covertly during night time.
- Decisions are made so that operatives are moved to the front line and ready to take actions.
- This also leads to different factions of the Light Forces meet up with each other with respect and join up with each other for cooperation.
Standbys are engaged as trumpets sound.
Night shades are raised.
Decisions commence leading into the forward areas.
Light swords are raised upright as the parties connect.
I would interpret the message as follow, which I believe is related to the operation of the Light Forces in Denver as reported by Benjamin Fulford and Cobra.
- An important operation of the Light Forces are being put on hold as the situation suggests.
- However, there are still lots of actions being done covertly during night time.
- Decisions are made so that operatives are moved to the front line and ready to take actions.
- This also leads to different factions of the Light Forces meet up with each other with respect and join up with each other for cooperation.
Standbys are engaged as trumpets sound.
Night shades are raised.
Decisions commence leading into the forward areas.
Light swords are raised upright as the parties connect.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2016-12-28: Trump’s chain will be jerked if he tries to stop the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu
Below is the full version of Benjamin Fulford's article for this week.
French translation of this article can also be found in the following link:
Ben has also posted a new update regarding the Thai Roal family which can be found here:
French translation of this article can also be found in the following link:
Ben has also posted a new update regarding the Thai Roal family which can be found here:
Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.
The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon sources say. “The Cabal’s last stronghold, the vast underground base at Denver airport, was routed by a contingent of US, Russian and other troops, mopping up is in progress with more raids,” the sources say. In another operation “100,000 children and sex slaves were liberated from the underground bases of the Getty center in LA ,” they add.
The South of Chile was hit by an earthquake weapon last week to in order to “shake up the Nazi enclave in Bariloche and Patagonia in general,” they say.
The Khazarian stronghold of Israel is now also under unprecedented attack, as can be seen by the passing of a UN resolution condemning their illegal settlement building in the West Bank. The 14-0 UN vote, with the US abstaining, will lead to more UN resolutions aimed at forcing that rogue nation to agree to a two state solution to the Palestinian issue, many sources agree.
The murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey and the downing of a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea by the Israelis has given Russia both moral authority and legal grounds to pursue UN sanctions against Israel and to mount a real global war on terror by going after ISIS/Mossad assets worldwide, the Pentagon sources say.
In an attempted counter-move, war criminal Netanyahu sent the head of Mossad to visit Donald Trump and got him to issue a statement saying he would have vetoed the anti-Israel resolution. However, with the Khazarian base in Denver being wiped out, the Khazarians no longer have the military ability to impose their will on the US government, the Pentagon sources note.
The remaining Khazarian agents in the CIA are bracing for massive purge by Trump of the Bush faction, CIA sources say. The reformed CIA will end all drone attacks and drug flights, and will focus on human intelligence (humint), as well as open source intelligence (osint), the sources say.
Friendless Israel is now expected to face an air/land/sea blockade and other actions to force that state to conform to international law, Pentagon and agency sources agree. The Khazarian regime in Saudi Arabia will also be forced to end its various barbaric practices, they say.
Extra security measures have been taken for Donald Trump with Russian mercenaries and special forces sent to disarm nuclear weapons in New York and near the White House, the Pentagon sources say. One nuclear weapon under Washington has already been dismantled, they add.
The Khazarians are also planning to counter attack by creating a major financial crisis, multiple sources, including from the Rothschild family, agree. Here is what a twitter account claiming to emanate from Baroness Hanna de Rothschild, the daughter of Baron Jacob de Rothschild, had to say about the upcoming attack:
“Bss De Rothschild @BssDeRothschild 14時間14時間前 Its going to be a frightfully dismal year for US in 2017. No jobs, hyperinflation, more debt & impeachment. Merry Christmas you fools!”
She is also making multiple death threats against Trump and needs to be taken down, CIA sources say.
The financial attack, which will accelerate rapidly in the New Year, has already begun with
a major push to cause interest rates world-wide to rise to crippling levels. This is being done by means of a huge sell off in the bond market by the Khazarian mob families. The planned result will be to cripple indebted emerging nations’ economies and punish debt slaves in countries like the United States by forcing them to pay more for their card, car, house and other loans. The plan is to blame the engineered economic hardship on Trump, Rothschild family sources say.
However, there is a huge split within that family that will make this planned economic attack impossible to carry out.
On that front, we got word from Nathaniel Rothschild who says he has not been killed, as claimed by Pentagon sources, but has merely gone into hiding.
Here is what a source with access to Nathaniel had to say: “His family members are out to take away his position as the next head of the clan. They are not out to eliminate him, but need his signature on a specially prepared document only used by ‘the family’ that will annul his upcoming leadership ascension.”
The source also said “The battle continues within the family. They are losing control of the world’s financial system but will still remain in the club with China at the helm, via the Shanghai gold exchange… of which they are a main player”.
As far as the overall financial war was concerned, this is what the source, who is of Asian royal blood, had to say:
“It seems that those with a lot of green backs ( USD) want to get rid of it and trade it for Au. This is happening all over the world. The problem is that only a handful of people can actually move it around. Unless you are talking about black Au of which there are hundreds of thousands of tons of it but only the 10 ‘authorized dealers’ will touch it because it is not hallmarked. Hallmarked Au is not just a mark for selling, and keeping track of its movement. All hallmarks also contain a ‘radioactive marker’ so it can be tracked during shipment. Remember that the Boys also did this to the Shah of Iran’s gold stored in Thailand. Many people want the real thing now, NOT the paper that says you own it, as you and I have seen so much of that fake paper going around. That is why the next month is going to be very interesting. There is a scramble for physical gold now. The off ledger Au will be slowly moved back into the official market and must be hallmarked. We anticipate that China, Russia, and Thailand will be the main players involved in this transfer as they prepare for the new Gold backed currency. Remember that China slipped the news out in their big billboard near the Bangkok airport a few years ago. The truth was put there in place sight.
Do you wonder why there is no mention of BRICS lately? It because there is internal juggling taking place. They are repositioning their strategy now. They will need the physical Au to back their currency”.
Here is a picture of the billboard mentioned:

The same source said that “The intel regarding David Rockefeller [being dead] is correct. He is in stasis now at ‘The Base’…he will not be heard of or seen again… unless they hologram him…There are others in the elite club who are also there now. I am obtaining a list from our man on site and will pass it on to you once I have it. I was informed a few days ago that W J Clinton has been denied access to ‘The Base’. Henry Kissinger has a pod reserved. He will most likely go off radar very soon.”
Here is a picture of the billboard mentioned:

The same source said that “The intel regarding David Rockefeller [being dead] is correct. He is in stasis now at ‘The Base’…he will not be heard of or seen again… unless they hologram him…There are others in the elite club who are also there now. I am obtaining a list from our man on site and will pass it on to you once I have it. I was informed a few days ago that W J Clinton has been denied access to ‘The Base’. Henry Kissinger has a pod reserved. He will most likely go off radar very soon.”
Queen Elizabeth II, head of the committee of 300 has also been put under house arrest, Pentagon sources say. This can be partially confirmed by the Queen’s cancelation of her scheduled public appearances in recent days. However, sources close to the Royal Family say the Queen is simply avoiding public appearances as a security precaution because they have received reports the gnostic Illuminati are targeting her.
The other visible bloodline public figure being targeted by the gnostic Illuminati is Adolf Hitler’s daughter and Rothschild family member Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. The Illuminati say members of the German army and intelligence services are determined to remove her from power during the coming year. The recent fake German truck terrorist attack, and subsequent media campaign pinning the blame for that on Merkel, was just the first round of that campaign they say.
The year 2017 may also be time when the secret space program and ET folk get their long awaited disclosure. The following quote, from a source in the Antarctic base, requires more proof before I will believe it but, nonetheless here it is:
“The cabal are all freaked out by what they found in Antarticia – It gave Buzz a heart attack. Very large “pods” with beings inside. That is why John Kerry was there Election Day. Animals and people frozen in time. 12 – 14 foot humans in the pods who were in stasis, are now awakening”.
One thing we can confirm about Antarctica is that while the North Pole appears as part of a regular map on Google Earth, the South Pole cannot be found there, instead the map just vanishes into a point where many lines converge. We can only speculate as to why that is.
On a final note for this week and this year, December 25th marks the first day of the solar New Year. Since the Christians do not know the actual birth date of Jesus Christ, they conflated the old pagan solar New Year festivities with his birthday celebration. So, in a holiday spirit, we would like to wish our readers a Merry-Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2017 be the best year yet.
On a final note for this week and this year, December 25th marks the first day of the solar New Year. Since the Christians do not know the actual birth date of Jesus Christ, they conflated the old pagan solar New Year festivities with his birthday celebration. So, in a holiday spirit, we would like to wish our readers a Merry-Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2017 be the best year yet.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
[Benjamin Fulford] 2016-12-28: New update regarding the Thai Royal Family
Below is the latest update from Benjamin Fulford regarding the Thai Royal Family.
Queen Sikrit of Thailand passed away quite some time ago and the Government of Thailand will soon make a formal announcement of this, sources close to the Thai Royal Family say. We would like to convey our gravest condolences to the people of Thailand as well as to her family.
Queen Sikrit of Thailand passed away quite some time ago and the Government of Thailand will soon make a formal announcement of this, sources close to the Thai Royal Family say. We would like to convey our gravest condolences to the people of Thailand as well as to her family.
[Cobra] 2016-12-28: December Monthly Cobra Interview By Prepare For Change
Below is the post by Cobra about his interview with Prepare for Change for December.
Japanese translation of the interview transcript can be found in the following link:
A short notice from Prepare For Change:
You can submit questions for the next interview here:
We are getting far more questions that can be answered in a one-hour interview. We will ask as many Cobra questions as can be answered in the hour allotted.
Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:
Victory of the Light!
Japanese translation of the interview transcript can be found in the following link:
Here is the December monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here:
A short notice from Prepare For Change:
You can submit questions for the next interview here:
We are getting far more questions that can be answered in a one-hour interview. We will ask as many Cobra questions as can be answered in the hour allotted.
Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:
Victory of the Light!
[truthearth] 2016-12-25: The Breakthrough is Near (Current Events, Intel Compilation)
Below is an excellent summary of the current events and intel written by Jonathan Carty.
It shows how much we have achieved this year and the reasons for us to remain optimistic for the next year.
In one of Cobra’s previous articles he goes on to describe the importance of the interaction between humanity’s group consciousness and the energies coming from the Galactic Central Sun:
This is in addition to the recent TwitterGate scandal where millions of accounts were found to be openly sharing child pornography. Some of the accounts had tens of thousands of followers.
This is beyond a colossal amount of child pornography. It is more and more obvious that children are being sold, used, sacrificed and disposed of on an industrial scale. I think we can anticipate more of this information coming out as time goes on. This is the gunk we need to clean out of the shower drain, it’s been festering in there for decades and must be removed and cleaned, and it will be.
Cobra has mentioned before that there will be no huge financial event until the Event happens, which will actually be the financial reset, but we can notice various public displays of the work of the Alliance cornering the Cabal and their financial machinations which is very nice to see!
There are more than that and these are just recent. It is important that we put our money into something that has value like land, gold, silver and other real world items. There have already been bail-ins which all banks in Europe were required to have legislation for at the beginning of this year.
Now i’d like to turn to the geopolitical view of this operation. The United States and friends who are controlled by the Cabal sustained a massive defeat in Syria recently with the liberation of Aleppo. I would like to recap the situation in Syria as it the epicenter of the galactic proxy war occurring here on Earth right now:
The Syrian Army has been making advances towards Raqqa in the recent past but has begun to move more in that direction which we can see from these articles:
This is all I have for now. I hope this article, which is somewhat of a recap, helped bring everyone up to speed on what’s going on. Thank you for reading, much love and victory of the light!
It shows how much we have achieved this year and the reasons for us to remain optimistic for the next year.
Greetings everyone, I hope you are all
doing well. In this article I would like to present a compilation of
current events and intel that show how close we are to a final
breakthrough here on Earth.
I know the words near, soon and imminent
have been used to death but when we realize how long this planet has
been in quarantine and under control of the dark forces, 25,000 years,
it makes a few months or years seem manageable; do-able, if you will. Or
perhaps survival-able is better. Yes that one sounds more correct.
Now no one knows when The Event will
happen. We can try to pinpoint a date or time period but it’s not easy
to do this as there are billions of people with free will who are
constantly changing the course of events, not to mention the clearing of
the remaining Plasmic Toplet Bombs to ensure the safety of the planet and its inhabitants. The
main timeline though, per Cobra’s sources and intel, is a positive one
and victory of the light has been assured, so we needn’t put too much
focus into the negative.
One of the ways we can tell we are close
to a grand change is the highly discussed wave of energy hitting the
planet right now. This information got me really excited as it lined up
with some of Cobra’s information about the Galactic Center (the
“Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years. So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave, either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000 years after each large one…”
Here is another excerpt about the Galactic Wave from a previous post on Cobra’s blog:
“This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings…”
Here is the video from YouTube channel creator Dutchsinse about the energy wave engulfing the planet:
In one of Cobra’s previous articles he goes on to describe the importance of the interaction between humanity’s group consciousness and the energies coming from the Galactic Central Sun:
“It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us based on our ability to receive them. This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible.
Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.”
Here is an article
from Ascension With Earth that contains several articles from various
sources about the galactic wave and the energies travelling to us from
the Galactic Central Sun.
ECETI founder and contactee James Gilliland has released some information about these energies, here are a few excerpts, although I recommend reading the entire post:
“Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet. It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is. It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much awaited. It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid.
This ascension wave is the solution. It is the soul activator, the initiation and support of the light workers and warriors who came to the earth to liberate her and her people.
The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.”
Let us not forget earlier this year Cobra and David mentioned the sun would sneeze at some point in our near future:
(Blog Post Link) “If they do not cooperate, and cooperate fast, the negotiating conditions may change, because the planetary and cosmic situation will change as the Galactic Central Sun is about to “sneeze”.”
(Blog Post Link) “I am going to need to add something to the book about this. ALL the major aspects of Corey’s testimony have been confirmed — and Tompkins has no idea who he is!
Oh… and get this… he said the Sun is going to “sneeze” soon, it will have a quantum effect on human evolution, and that’s why the spheres are here!!!”
I think it is quite possible that the combination with the PizzaGate scandal, the U.S. being exposed supporting terrorists in Syria and the intense dislike of the candidates and exposed rigging of this year’s election, this is creating an incredible amount of global awakening all at the same time. Never before has everything been so open, obvious and unhidden.
The PizzaGate scandal
became even worse for me yesterday as it was discovered that a
pedophile ring existed on YouTube, out in the open. One YouTube user
created a video based on research done by citizen investigators on Voat
that exposed many videos of children in various poses and positions.
Some of these videos have millions of views and several horrific
comments. Apparently all you had to do to find these videos was type in
‘web cam video’ and there you had it:
This is in addition to the recent TwitterGate scandal where millions of accounts were found to be openly sharing child pornography. Some of the accounts had tens of thousands of followers.
Norway also announced the largest pedophile bust in history with 51 men being arrested and 150 terabytes of data being confiscated. To put that in perspective I found the following about how much data that is:
“150 Terabytes: Estimated size of all Web pages indexed by Google on Dec 8th 2005 (not including databases or video). (See this article for the figures I used)”
This is beyond a colossal amount of child pornography. It is more and more obvious that children are being sold, used, sacrificed and disposed of on an industrial scale. I think we can anticipate more of this information coming out as time goes on. This is the gunk we need to clean out of the shower drain, it’s been festering in there for decades and must be removed and cleaned, and it will be.
I’d like to move on to the financial
aspect of this whole thing and divert your attention to something that
isn’t getting enough attention. We know the Cabal is being
systematically cut off from their money supply via money laundering,
drugs, oil and so on via the hard work of the Alliance. One of the
things that we can see happening is the recent bankruptcy and nationalization
of the Jesuit’s bank ‘Monte dei Paschi di Siena’. Here is a quick quote
from Cobra’s blog about the importance of this bank to controlling
(Blog Post Link) “The Chigi family are bankers for the Jesuits and they control Banca Monte dei Paschi de Siena. As I have stated over a month ago, the Eastern Alliance is disrupting their financial machinations and here are the results…”
(Blog Post Link) “Also the Eastern Alliance has allegedly made a trading attack on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, disrupting Jesuit financial machinations. That bank is one of the most important banks in the current Jesuit-controlled banking system. It is owned by the Chigi family, a main black nobility family from Siena.”
(Blog Post Link) “The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth. It is good to know that the Jesuit organization is a 16th century creation of the Farnese family, which is one of the most powerful papal Black Nobility families in Italy.”
Cobra has mentioned before that there will be no huge financial event until the Event happens, which will actually be the financial reset, but we can notice various public displays of the work of the Alliance cornering the Cabal and their financial machinations which is very nice to see!
As David Wilcock talked about in previous talks and episodes of his show Wisdom Teachings
on Gaia the ultimate downfall of the big banks is that they will be
fined into oblivion. We can see more of this happening recently:
There are more than that and these are just recent. It is important that we put our money into something that has value like land, gold, silver and other real world items. There have already been bail-ins which all banks in Europe were required to have legislation for at the beginning of this year.
We needn’t worry but quietly prepare, now especially more than ever since events have been accelerating.
If anyone remembers the series of episodes Michael Tellinger did on Gaia with regard to the UBUNTU Movement
which is a philosophical way of living without money, also known as
contributionism. He addressed all 13 main problems that come up over and
over again when he does these talks around the world.
Michael ran for president under the name of the Ubuntu party
not too long ago. There was an enormous amount of interest but
unfortunately it appears the elections are rigged in Africa as they are
He just did an update a few days ago as
of the time of this writing where he talks about the success of the
adaptation of this way of living with various small towns and villages.
He was hoping to get only 1 town to do it but several are interested and
are currently working to implement it:
Now i’d like to turn to the geopolitical view of this operation. The United States and friends who are controlled by the Cabal sustained a massive defeat in Syria recently with the liberation of Aleppo. I would like to recap the situation in Syria as it the epicenter of the galactic proxy war occurring here on Earth right now:
(Blog Post Link) “The situation in Syria is the geopolitical turning point for the planetary liberation.”
(Blog Post Link) “The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.
Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.”
The Syrian Army has been making advances towards Raqqa in the recent past but has begun to move more in that direction which we can see from these articles:
“The clashes come on the tenth day of the SDF’s second stage of their Wrath of Euphrates operation to liberate ISIS’ stronghold of Raqqa. Their forces have reached the Euphrates and retaken a large area northwest of Raqqa, they announced on Tuesday.
During the first 10 days in the second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates, which was launched from the directions of Qadiriyê and Kerdoşan villages with the goal of liberating western Raqqa, fighters have liberated 97 villages, dozens of hamlets and strategic hills in a total area of 1300 square kilometers,” said spokesperson Jihan Sheikh Ahmad in a press briefing.”
“The Turkish troops and weaponry began making their way toward the border region on Sunday as Turkish and Syria fighters continue to tighten the noose around the al Bab, the northern Syrian enclave controlled by Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, Agence France-Presse reported.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said “Al-Bab is nearly finished” almost a month after the offensive began to retake the city, which lies 100 miles west of Islamic State’s so-called capital of Raqqa, Syria, AFP reported.”
Although I don’t trust the Turkish
leadership at the moment I think they are under pressure from Russian
and the Alliance to stay in check, I don’t believe Mr. Erdoğan would
like Russian sanctions being implemented on his country again. Lesson
learned. Let us not forget Putin is a master chess player and is being
aided by our Galactic friends. This planet will have a happy ending, it
is already decided. The cancerous cell known as Earth will be
transformed and healed into the paradise it is supposed to be.
Recently, per Benjamin Fulford’s weekly intel report,
his sources claimed this week that various Cabal members are on house
arrest and won’t be allowed to go anywhere. In an interesting and
possible confirmation story the Queen and Prince Philip had cancelled their trip to Sandringham because they both had colds. But they apparently went anyways
by helicopter instead. They cancelled their trip on the 21st of
December but felt well enough to go the next day December 22nd by
I suppose that it is possible they did
have colds and took a different mode of transportation but given the
intel and events that have been playing out I might suspect something
else going on here. Perhaps Ben will go over it in his next update.
One more thing I will add that I thought was significant was China’s announcement of their ‘imminent’ use of NASA’s ‘impossible’ engine in some of their satellites:
“Scientists in China claim they’ve created a working prototype of the ‘impossible’ reactionless engine – and they say they’re already testing it in orbit aboard the Tiangong-2 space laboratory.
The radical, fuel-free EmDrive recently stirred up controversy after a paper published by a team of NASA researchers appeared to show they’d successfully built the technology.
…scientists with the China Academy of Space Technology claim NASA’s results ‘re-confirm’ what they’d already achieved, and have plans to implement it in satellites ‘as quickly as possible.’”
This is all I have for now. I hope this article, which is somewhat of a recap, helped bring everyone up to speed on what’s going on. Thank you for reading, much love and victory of the light!
P.S. for more information about The Event and what it is I created a tab on the main page of this blog that is titled ‘The Event‘. It has a ton of useful information and includes the weekly meditation we are doing to speed up this whole process.
P.S.S. You might also enjoy this video I made where I discuss some of the things written in this article:
Monday, December 26, 2016
[Benjamin Fulford] 2016-12-26: Trump’s chain will be jerked if he tries to stop the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu
Below is the first part of the newsletter from Benjamin Fulford for this week.
A full version of this article will be published here on Thursday.
Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.
The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon sources say. “The Cabal’s last stronghold, the vast underground base at Denver airport, was routed by a contingent of US, Russian and other troops, mopping up is in progress with more raids,” the sources say. In another operation “100,000 children and sex slaves were liberated from the underground bases of the Getty center in LA ,” they add.
The South of Chile was hit by an earthquake weapon last week to in order to “shake up the Nazi enclave in Bariloche and Patagonia in general,” they say.
The Khazarian stronghold of Israel is now also under unprecedented attack, as can be seen by the passing of a UN resolution condemning their illegal settlement building in the West Bank. The 14-0 UN vote, with the US abstaining, will lead to more UN resolutions aimed at forcing that rogue nation to agree to a two state solution to the Palestinian issue, many sources agree.
The murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey and the downing of a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea by the Israelis has given Russia both moral authority and legal grounds to pursue UN sanctions against Israel and to mount a real global war on terror by going after ISIS/Mossad assets worldwide, the Pentagon sources say.
In an attempted counter-move, war criminal Netanyahu sent the head of Mossad to visit Donald Trump and got him to issue a statement saying he would have vetoed the anti-Israel resolution. However, with the Khazarian base in Denver being wiped out, the Khazarians no longer have the military ability to impose their will on the US government, the Pentagon sources note.
The remaining Khazarian agents in the CIA are bracing for massive purge by Trump of the Bush faction, CIA sources say. The reformed CIA will end all drone attacks and drug flights, and will focus on human intelligence (humint), as well as open source intelligence (osint), the sources say.
Friendless Israel is now expected to face an air/land/sea blockade and other actions to force that state to conform to international law, Pentagon and agency sources agree. The Khazarian regime in Saudi Arabia will also be forced to end its various barbaric practices, they say.
Extra security measures have been taken for Donald Trump with Russian mercenaries and special forces sent to disarm nuclear weapons in New York and near the White House, the Pentagon sources say. One nuclear weapon under Washington has already been dismantled, they add.
The Khazarians are also planning to counter attack by creating a major financial crisis, multiple sources, including from the Rothschild family, agree. Here is what a twitter account claiming to emanate from Baroness Hanna de Rothschild, the daughter of Baron Jacob de Rothschild, had to say about the upcoming attack:
“Bss De Rothschild @BssDeRothschild 14時間14時間前 Its going to be a frightfully dismal year for US in 2017. No jobs, hyperinflation, more debt & impeachment. Merry Christmas you fools!”
She is also making multiple death threats against Trump and needs to be taken down, CIA sources say.
The financial attack, which will accelerate rapidly in the New Year, has already begun with
A full version of this article will be published here on Thursday.
Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.
The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon sources say. “The Cabal’s last stronghold, the vast underground base at Denver airport, was routed by a contingent of US, Russian and other troops, mopping up is in progress with more raids,” the sources say. In another operation “100,000 children and sex slaves were liberated from the underground bases of the Getty center in LA ,” they add.
The South of Chile was hit by an earthquake weapon last week to in order to “shake up the Nazi enclave in Bariloche and Patagonia in general,” they say.
The Khazarian stronghold of Israel is now also under unprecedented attack, as can be seen by the passing of a UN resolution condemning their illegal settlement building in the West Bank. The 14-0 UN vote, with the US abstaining, will lead to more UN resolutions aimed at forcing that rogue nation to agree to a two state solution to the Palestinian issue, many sources agree.
The murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey and the downing of a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea by the Israelis has given Russia both moral authority and legal grounds to pursue UN sanctions against Israel and to mount a real global war on terror by going after ISIS/Mossad assets worldwide, the Pentagon sources say.
In an attempted counter-move, war criminal Netanyahu sent the head of Mossad to visit Donald Trump and got him to issue a statement saying he would have vetoed the anti-Israel resolution. However, with the Khazarian base in Denver being wiped out, the Khazarians no longer have the military ability to impose their will on the US government, the Pentagon sources note.
The remaining Khazarian agents in the CIA are bracing for massive purge by Trump of the Bush faction, CIA sources say. The reformed CIA will end all drone attacks and drug flights, and will focus on human intelligence (humint), as well as open source intelligence (osint), the sources say.
Friendless Israel is now expected to face an air/land/sea blockade and other actions to force that state to conform to international law, Pentagon and agency sources agree. The Khazarian regime in Saudi Arabia will also be forced to end its various barbaric practices, they say.
Extra security measures have been taken for Donald Trump with Russian mercenaries and special forces sent to disarm nuclear weapons in New York and near the White House, the Pentagon sources say. One nuclear weapon under Washington has already been dismantled, they add.
The Khazarians are also planning to counter attack by creating a major financial crisis, multiple sources, including from the Rothschild family, agree. Here is what a twitter account claiming to emanate from Baroness Hanna de Rothschild, the daughter of Baron Jacob de Rothschild, had to say about the upcoming attack:
“Bss De Rothschild @BssDeRothschild 14時間14時間前 Its going to be a frightfully dismal year for US in 2017. No jobs, hyperinflation, more debt & impeachment. Merry Christmas you fools!”
She is also making multiple death threats against Trump and needs to be taken down, CIA sources say.
The financial attack, which will accelerate rapidly in the New Year, has already begun with
[Cosmic Disclosure] Season 6, Episode 16: Revealing a Bigger Plan
Below is the first part of transcript of Comsmic Disclosure: Revealing a Bigger Plan.
This is a transcript for a video taping base on the Corey Goode's most recent update and David has asked a number of follow up questions.
David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I am here with Corey Goode.
And in this episode, we're going to get into some very exciting new updates. I have seen some of the bullet points of what we're going to be talking about, and this is really going to be one of the classics. I'm sure of that.
So Corey, welcome back to the show.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: When we last left off, you had experienced a knee injury as you were falling out of this MIC craft – Military-Industrial Complex, MIC, what you used to call the Lower-Level Space Program; we're trying to give them a more respectable name.
Take us from there. What happens next after you've had the knee injury?
Corey: Well, since the last time that we spoke and that I released an update, soon after I'd gotten home – it was around October the 26th, early in the morning – I found myself once again in my shorts and T-shirt, no shoes, walking in the parking lot behind my house.
I woke up in the middle of walking, and as I was trying to figure out what was going on, I'm still walking. I'm walking towards the same craft as last time, the one that's sort of fish-shaped when you look at it from the top.
David: So this is clearly some kind of anti-gravity craft, . . .
Corey: Yes.
David: . . . not a regular airplane at all?
Corey: Yes.
David: Okay.
Corey: So I see the same two airmen from the last time. And as I was walking up, they immediately asked me if I'm physically able to walk up the ladder.
David: So these were the guys that brought you home and then jogged back the last time?
Corey: Yes, same guys.
David: Okay.
(Continue reading here)
This is a transcript for a video taping base on the Corey Goode's most recent update and David has asked a number of follow up questions.
David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I am here with Corey Goode.
And in this episode, we're going to get into some very exciting new updates. I have seen some of the bullet points of what we're going to be talking about, and this is really going to be one of the classics. I'm sure of that.
So Corey, welcome back to the show.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: When we last left off, you had experienced a knee injury as you were falling out of this MIC craft – Military-Industrial Complex, MIC, what you used to call the Lower-Level Space Program; we're trying to give them a more respectable name.
Take us from there. What happens next after you've had the knee injury?
Corey: Well, since the last time that we spoke and that I released an update, soon after I'd gotten home – it was around October the 26th, early in the morning – I found myself once again in my shorts and T-shirt, no shoes, walking in the parking lot behind my house.
I woke up in the middle of walking, and as I was trying to figure out what was going on, I'm still walking. I'm walking towards the same craft as last time, the one that's sort of fish-shaped when you look at it from the top.
David: So this is clearly some kind of anti-gravity craft, . . .
Corey: Yes.
David: . . . not a regular airplane at all?
Corey: Yes.
David: Okay.
Corey: So I see the same two airmen from the last time. And as I was walking up, they immediately asked me if I'm physically able to walk up the ladder.
David: So these were the guys that brought you home and then jogged back the last time?
Corey: Yes, same guys.
David: Okay.
(Continue reading here)
Sunday, December 25, 2016
[Recreating Balance] 2016-12-25: Thank the Sun
The following is a new post from Untwine with a lyrics for Fiya Water from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.
"I'm sending you all of my love
You with a heart to feel it (feel it)
You in the light and dark
With the eyes to see it
Love go ahead
Love stand beside us!
Love is within each heart to guide us
And I thank the sun for shining that light
And letting love blaze like
Fire! Water!
We're all still learning
The river forgives
All tides are turning
(You know) some say the river won't flow
They say it's gonna stay run dry
(You know) well, once more the river will flow
For every time it was dry
We'll all be sharing a river of love
And letting love blaze like
River, river, river
The river it flows
Love like a river
However dark or long the night is
Right where you are, that's where the Light is
My love the sun
Is your reflection
It's true
We're one
We're all each other
Lay down your arms
Lay down your gun
Open your arms
And know one day I'll see you all
Further down in the river
To a place we've never, ever known before
Tonight out song will finally know the sound of love delivered
To its hiding place beneath the winter snow
And I thank the sun for shining that light"
You with a heart to feel it (feel it)
You in the light and dark
With the eyes to see it
Love go ahead
Love stand beside us!
Love is within each heart to guide us
And I thank the sun for shining that light
And letting love blaze like
Fire! Water!
We're all still learning
The river forgives
All tides are turning
(You know) some say the river won't flow
They say it's gonna stay run dry
(You know) well, once more the river will flow
For every time it was dry
We'll all be sharing a river of love
And letting love blaze like
River, river, river
The river it flows
Love like a river
However dark or long the night is
Right where you are, that's where the Light is
My love the sun
Is your reflection
It's true
We're one
We're all each other
Lay down your arms
Lay down your gun
Open your arms
And know one day I'll see you all
Further down in the river
To a place we've never, ever known before
Tonight out song will finally know the sound of love delivered
To its hiding place beneath the winter snow
And I thank the sun for shining that light"
[Gaia Portal] 2016-12-24: Stretchings begin as Essence Awareness expands
Here is a new Gaia Portal message published yesterday morning, which is about 3 days after our Winter Solstice Meditation.
I would interpret the message as follow:
- Light is spreading across the globe as the general population has more awareness of the plantary situation.
- The flower symbolism associated with the nasturtium is victory in battle and conquest. Here I would say it means the Light Forces are winning the battle to bring us one step closer to the final victory.
- The word Lilies in the third sentence symbolise that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. Therefore I would say this sentence means that the actions of the defeated Dark Forces are forgiven by the Source.
- Effects of the energy waves from the Galactic Central Sun can be identified in our lives in different ways.
Stretchings begin as Essence Awareness expands.
Nasturtium communities come to the forefront.
Lilies are carried for the fallen.
Star Lights are recognized in full.
I would interpret the message as follow:
- Light is spreading across the globe as the general population has more awareness of the plantary situation.
- The flower symbolism associated with the nasturtium is victory in battle and conquest. Here I would say it means the Light Forces are winning the battle to bring us one step closer to the final victory.
- The word Lilies in the third sentence symbolise that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. Therefore I would say this sentence means that the actions of the defeated Dark Forces are forgiven by the Source.
- Effects of the energy waves from the Galactic Central Sun can be identified in our lives in different ways.
Stretchings begin as Essence Awareness expands.
Nasturtium communities come to the forefront.
Lilies are carried for the fallen.
Star Lights are recognized in full.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
[Recreating Balance] 2016-12-22: Return of the Sun
In the following article, Untwine has clarified the real origin of holidays after the Winter Solstice and how the Cabal has misused this with their own rituals.
He reminded us that we need "to be
careful and make conscious decisions about what rituals and ceremonies
they participate in, and the way they participate, not only during the
december holidays, but throughout all holidays of the year, as well as
various other artistic and cultural celebrations, in any culture
throughout the world. Remember that symbols are everywhere, make
conscious intentions about what you consent to, what you decide to use
sacred symbols for, and research what the symbols really mean."
Solar waves triggered by Central Sun waves that are coming to us during
this solstice alignment have been observed by scientists :
In ancient times, solstices used to be celebrated by festivals that lasted for several days. The winter solstice marks the longest night of the year, and after that the days start to be longer again gradually. This can be seen as a symbolic return of the sun, and this is the real origin of the holidays celebrated on 24th and 25th of December. This was symbolically celebrated in various cultures in ancient times as the birthdays of sun gods, for example the Egyptian god Ra or Indo-Persian god Mithra. This symbolism of the return of the sun resonates even more nowadays during the Central Sun alignment of the december solstice.
In ancient times, solstices used to be celebrated by festivals that lasted for several days. The winter solstice marks the longest night of the year, and after that the days start to be longer again gradually. This can be seen as a symbolic return of the sun, and this is the real origin of the holidays celebrated on 24th and 25th of December. This was symbolically celebrated in various cultures in ancient times as the birthdays of sun gods, for example the Egyptian god Ra or Indo-Persian god Mithra. This symbolism of the return of the sun resonates even more nowadays during the Central Sun alignment of the december solstice.
Meanwhile, dark forces have long been corrupting cultures throughout the world to insert their own crazy mythologies. This is what is hidden in the mainstream christmas rituals. The days around the december solstice also mark the beginning of the zodiac sign of capricorn, which is associated with the planet Saturn. In dark force mythology, they see Saturn as one of their main evil god that they worship, which comes from the fact that long time ago, dark forces opened strong negative portals on Saturn and its moons, established bases there, and some of the main negative plasma filaments were rooted there. This has greatly distorted the energy emitted by Saturn, but Saturn as a deity and a planet are not really evil, their real energy is positive.
Etymologically, the name satan comes from Saturn, and santa comes from satan. Throughout history, many solstice festivals were influenced to be more and more centered around the worship of an evil image of Saturn and mainstream christmas rituals are the remnants of this.
For these reasons, I would like to strongly recommend people to be careful and make conscious decisions about what rituals and ceremonies they participate in, and the way they participate, not only during the december holidays, but throughout all holidays of the year, as well as various other artistic and cultural celebrations, in any culture throughout the world. Remember that symbols are everywhere, make conscious intentions about what you consent to, what you decide to use sacred symbols for, and research what the symbols really mean.
Happy return of the Central Sun to everybody !
[Gaia Portal] 2016-12-21: Butterfly Essence comes to the fore
Here is a new Gaia Portal message on Winter Solstic 2016. Same as last year a new message is published on this special day to herald a new energetic change on Earth. This time, the message seems to be focusing on the situation in Europe.
I would interpret the message as follow:
- A major transformation into an environment of loving nature is happening around the world.
- Period of quietness has ended, more actions and victory from the light can be seen in near future.
- Lots of mid level cabal members have been brought to justice.
- European courts are being used to send out message to the Cabal that they can no loner continue with their actions. This can be seen in the news such as European court ruled agaisnst UK surveillance law, and Spanish banks lose European case over mortgage floor clauses and are required to repay more than 4 billion euros to affected customers.
- The word "Mastrichts" in the last sentence seems to be referring to Maastricht Treaty which leads to the creation of Euro and pillar structure of the European Union. I think the last sentence means that despite all the attacks in Europe, the majority of the countries of the European Union have moved away from the Cabal and joined the Light forces.
P.S. Here is the link to the Gaia Portal message on Winter Solstice last year
Maastricht Treaty
European court deals blow to controversial UK surveillance law
Spanish banks lose mortgage interest rate case
Butterfly Essence comes to the fore.
Static paradigms abandoned and released.
Surrogates are charged.
Flasks of compliance are stirred.
Mastrichts are moved to the Light.
I would interpret the message as follow:
- A major transformation into an environment of loving nature is happening around the world.
- Period of quietness has ended, more actions and victory from the light can be seen in near future.
- Lots of mid level cabal members have been brought to justice.
- European courts are being used to send out message to the Cabal that they can no loner continue with their actions. This can be seen in the news such as European court ruled agaisnst UK surveillance law, and Spanish banks lose European case over mortgage floor clauses and are required to repay more than 4 billion euros to affected customers.
- The word "Mastrichts" in the last sentence seems to be referring to Maastricht Treaty which leads to the creation of Euro and pillar structure of the European Union. I think the last sentence means that despite all the attacks in Europe, the majority of the countries of the European Union have moved away from the Cabal and joined the Light forces.
P.S. Here is the link to the Gaia Portal message on Winter Solstice last year
Maastricht Treaty
European court deals blow to controversial UK surveillance law
Spanish banks lose mortgage interest rate case
Butterfly Essence comes to the fore.
Static paradigms abandoned and released.
Surrogates are charged.
Flasks of compliance are stirred.
Mastrichts are moved to the Light.
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2016-12-19: Old reality fading quickly as pole shift now fully underway
Below is the full version of Benjamin Fulford's update for this week.
However I do not agree with what he described about Putin as I firmly believe that he is working for the Light. Therefore please use your discernment seriously when reading this update.
The collective story by which humanity has been herded into the future is undergoing a pole shift, and the old reality is fading rapidly. The story by which the world, especially the Western world, has been living in was one of a never ending war on terror and an engineered clash between Islam and Christianity. The mass murdering criminals whose “social engineering” has perpetuated this story are being hunted down and killed or else are under house arrest or in hiding.
One of the most senior members of the cabal behind the atrocities in Syria and elsewhere, Bishop Javier Echevaria, the head of the fascist Opus Dei Vatican organization was killed last week after he tried to overturn the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Pentagon sources say. The Vatican says he died of natural causes.
Three independent sources, one CIA, one Pentagon and one bloodline are also saying that David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild, the respective bloodline leaders of the US and the EU were also killed last week. No confirmation of this has been obtained, as of the time of this writing from either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families.
The sources also say the Clintons, the Bushes, Senator John McCain and many other cabal leaders are under house arrest and are only allowed out under carefully chaperoned circumstances pending their war crimes trials.
We certainly hope these trials will materialize but in any case it is very clear that the people who have been running the planet (especially the West) until now are in a state of deep panic.
Part of the reason for the panic is that an updated membership list of the committee of 300, the secret government of the West, has been made public.
The fact is that even if these people are now backing away from the never ending war on terror scenario and are instead pushing for a global carbon tax, they have been so incompetent at ruling this planet that they have provoked a mass popular uprising against their rule. This tweet, on an account allegedly put up by AnadeRothschild, captures the sentiment: “Pat Taylor @PT_Fino 11月29日 @AnaDeRothschild I’d like your entire bloodline to be executed on live TV. Call me old fashioned.”
This is why they are now in a state of deep funk.
A visible manifestation of their desperation is the hysterical claims by the corporate media and compromised intelligence agency sources like Saudi loving CIA director John Brennan that “Russian hacking” was responsible for the election of Donald Trump. Just like the Washington Post was forced to back off from a list of “fake news” sites it published recently, the Russians are now demanding that US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama prove the allegations or apologize. This failing Russia story is a clear indication their ability to control the world story is over.
Another sign of the panic among the leaders of the collapsing old regime is the fact that Hillary Clinton and Obama both contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say that
they were not responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack on Japan. They claim, as do the Gnostic Illuminati, that Russia’s Vladimir Putin was the person behind that operation. Multiple sources have confirmed that the nuclear weapon used for that attack came from the Russian submarine Kursk that sank in 2000. At the time the Rothschild agent Dr. Michael Meiring told the WDS the Rothschilds were responsible for that attack. Since both the NSA and the gnostic Illuminati claim Putin takes orders from Jacob and Evelyn de Rothschild, claims of his involvement in 311 may well be true.
The Rothschilds, for their part, say they take their orders from the P2 Freemason lodge. It is a fact that self-described P2 heir apparent Leo Zagami sent threatening and bragging e-mails immediately after 311 (Fukushima) and made threats to destroy Tokyo as well. Japanese government sources confirm the threats to Tokyo from the P2.
Another very interesting P2 freemason connection to Japan has also come out. Zhang Shengzhi, a man who claims (and provides documentation to back this), to be an heir to the Manchu throne says the mother of the Meiji Emperor was a Hapsburg princess who was also a renowned photographer. A cousin of the Japanese emperor says this claim is likely to be true “because there were a lot of Jews in the town where the Meiji Emperor came from.” Since the Hapsburgs claim to be descended from the Caesars, as do the heads of the P2, it means Japan has been a Roman colony since the Meiji era with the imperial family being used as proxy rulers.
Zhang, who was mentioned in the May 5th, 2015 edition of this newsletter, says he provided the Japanese government with documents proving his claim that he was the rightful heir to the gold that was used to set up the Bank of Japan. The Japanese government did not openly dispute his claim, he says. However, after he presented the documents he was beaten up by three thugs and then arrested. He was held for 23 days, the maximum time a person can be held in Japan without charges being laid, and was then forcibly confined in Tokyo’s Musashi Mental hospital. Zhang was finally able to get out after sympathetic doctors, who could tell he was not insane, allowed him to check himself out recently, he says.
Zhang, the Showa Emperors’ cousin and many other sources also claim the current emperor of Japan is not from the Japanese royal family. If that is the case, then the right to issue Japanese yen and the Bank of Japan are based on nothing but fraud.
Of course the same can be said of the Federal Reserve Board and the EU central bank. In the US major moves against this fraud continue. One example is that the US Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal by former AIG CEO Hank Greenburg seeking to avoid fraud charges for hiding massive losses from investors, Pentagon sources say. This opens the way to mass arrests of other Wall Street executives.
Also, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 0 in the Shas vs US case that bank fraud statutes apply to those who defraud bank customers as well as to the banks “making bank execs liable for screwing customers,” a Pentagon source notes. The big law firms, like sharks smelling blood, are preparing for a Wall Street feeding frenzy.
The high ranking consiglieri of the old regime like George Bush Jr., Condoleezza Rice, Jim Baker and Bob Gates are lobbying hard for Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerman to be made Secretary of State but that “this will not save them from 911 and war crimes charges,” the Pentagon sources say. Henry Kissinger, long term Rockefeller bagman, is now a Ronin (masterless Samurai) desperately kissing Trump’s ass in the hopes of retaining influence.
There were more confirmations last week that the incoming Trump government in the US is basically a military one. Former Navy Seal Commander Ryan Zinke was named to the Department of the Interior while former army Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg was selected as Chief of Staff of the National Security Council.
This government is taking a military approach to the Khazarian mafia, which means either killing them or forcing them to surrender. There is some sort of battle going on in and around Denver, Colorado, the Pentagon sources say, confirming that foreign troops are converging there. This writer has seen with his own eyes the masses of fenced in areas and air-ventilation shafts around Denver airport. This is apparently one of the final Khazarian strongholds and it is being taken down.
The US military also claim they were able to neutralize nuclear weapons that were to be used in false flag attacks in Yellowstone, near the Trump tower in New York and Mt. Lassen in Northern California.
Furthermore, Pentagon sources say US, Russian and Iranian special forces are working together to “terminate” ISIS forces in Palmyra, Syria. There was also a big earthquake in Papua New Guinea indicating the Khazarian submarine base there is under attack, the sources say.
Special forces are also being sent to the Getty Center in California to flush out Satanists living under it, WDS sources say. The museum was built at a cost of $6 billion at a time when a 1000 room casino could be built for $500 million because most of the work was underground, the sources say.
The gnostic Illuminati say the entire current world power structure is crumbling and will be replaced by something new and better.
However I do not agree with what he described about Putin as I firmly believe that he is working for the Light. Therefore please use your discernment seriously when reading this update.
The collective story by which humanity has been herded into the future is undergoing a pole shift, and the old reality is fading rapidly. The story by which the world, especially the Western world, has been living in was one of a never ending war on terror and an engineered clash between Islam and Christianity. The mass murdering criminals whose “social engineering” has perpetuated this story are being hunted down and killed or else are under house arrest or in hiding.
One of the most senior members of the cabal behind the atrocities in Syria and elsewhere, Bishop Javier Echevaria, the head of the fascist Opus Dei Vatican organization was killed last week after he tried to overturn the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Pentagon sources say. The Vatican says he died of natural causes.
Three independent sources, one CIA, one Pentagon and one bloodline are also saying that David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild, the respective bloodline leaders of the US and the EU were also killed last week. No confirmation of this has been obtained, as of the time of this writing from either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families.
The sources also say the Clintons, the Bushes, Senator John McCain and many other cabal leaders are under house arrest and are only allowed out under carefully chaperoned circumstances pending their war crimes trials.
We certainly hope these trials will materialize but in any case it is very clear that the people who have been running the planet (especially the West) until now are in a state of deep panic.
Part of the reason for the panic is that an updated membership list of the committee of 300, the secret government of the West, has been made public.
The fact is that even if these people are now backing away from the never ending war on terror scenario and are instead pushing for a global carbon tax, they have been so incompetent at ruling this planet that they have provoked a mass popular uprising against their rule. This tweet, on an account allegedly put up by AnadeRothschild, captures the sentiment: “Pat Taylor @PT_Fino 11月29日 @AnaDeRothschild I’d like your entire bloodline to be executed on live TV. Call me old fashioned.”
This is why they are now in a state of deep funk.
A visible manifestation of their desperation is the hysterical claims by the corporate media and compromised intelligence agency sources like Saudi loving CIA director John Brennan that “Russian hacking” was responsible for the election of Donald Trump. Just like the Washington Post was forced to back off from a list of “fake news” sites it published recently, the Russians are now demanding that US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama prove the allegations or apologize. This failing Russia story is a clear indication their ability to control the world story is over.
Another sign of the panic among the leaders of the collapsing old regime is the fact that Hillary Clinton and Obama both contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say that
they were not responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack on Japan. They claim, as do the Gnostic Illuminati, that Russia’s Vladimir Putin was the person behind that operation. Multiple sources have confirmed that the nuclear weapon used for that attack came from the Russian submarine Kursk that sank in 2000. At the time the Rothschild agent Dr. Michael Meiring told the WDS the Rothschilds were responsible for that attack. Since both the NSA and the gnostic Illuminati claim Putin takes orders from Jacob and Evelyn de Rothschild, claims of his involvement in 311 may well be true.
The Rothschilds, for their part, say they take their orders from the P2 Freemason lodge. It is a fact that self-described P2 heir apparent Leo Zagami sent threatening and bragging e-mails immediately after 311 (Fukushima) and made threats to destroy Tokyo as well. Japanese government sources confirm the threats to Tokyo from the P2.
Another very interesting P2 freemason connection to Japan has also come out. Zhang Shengzhi, a man who claims (and provides documentation to back this), to be an heir to the Manchu throne says the mother of the Meiji Emperor was a Hapsburg princess who was also a renowned photographer. A cousin of the Japanese emperor says this claim is likely to be true “because there were a lot of Jews in the town where the Meiji Emperor came from.” Since the Hapsburgs claim to be descended from the Caesars, as do the heads of the P2, it means Japan has been a Roman colony since the Meiji era with the imperial family being used as proxy rulers.
Zhang, who was mentioned in the May 5th, 2015 edition of this newsletter, says he provided the Japanese government with documents proving his claim that he was the rightful heir to the gold that was used to set up the Bank of Japan. The Japanese government did not openly dispute his claim, he says. However, after he presented the documents he was beaten up by three thugs and then arrested. He was held for 23 days, the maximum time a person can be held in Japan without charges being laid, and was then forcibly confined in Tokyo’s Musashi Mental hospital. Zhang was finally able to get out after sympathetic doctors, who could tell he was not insane, allowed him to check himself out recently, he says.
Zhang, the Showa Emperors’ cousin and many other sources also claim the current emperor of Japan is not from the Japanese royal family. If that is the case, then the right to issue Japanese yen and the Bank of Japan are based on nothing but fraud.
Of course the same can be said of the Federal Reserve Board and the EU central bank. In the US major moves against this fraud continue. One example is that the US Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal by former AIG CEO Hank Greenburg seeking to avoid fraud charges for hiding massive losses from investors, Pentagon sources say. This opens the way to mass arrests of other Wall Street executives.
Also, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 0 in the Shas vs US case that bank fraud statutes apply to those who defraud bank customers as well as to the banks “making bank execs liable for screwing customers,” a Pentagon source notes. The big law firms, like sharks smelling blood, are preparing for a Wall Street feeding frenzy.
The high ranking consiglieri of the old regime like George Bush Jr., Condoleezza Rice, Jim Baker and Bob Gates are lobbying hard for Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerman to be made Secretary of State but that “this will not save them from 911 and war crimes charges,” the Pentagon sources say. Henry Kissinger, long term Rockefeller bagman, is now a Ronin (masterless Samurai) desperately kissing Trump’s ass in the hopes of retaining influence.
There were more confirmations last week that the incoming Trump government in the US is basically a military one. Former Navy Seal Commander Ryan Zinke was named to the Department of the Interior while former army Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg was selected as Chief of Staff of the National Security Council.
This government is taking a military approach to the Khazarian mafia, which means either killing them or forcing them to surrender. There is some sort of battle going on in and around Denver, Colorado, the Pentagon sources say, confirming that foreign troops are converging there. This writer has seen with his own eyes the masses of fenced in areas and air-ventilation shafts around Denver airport. This is apparently one of the final Khazarian strongholds and it is being taken down.
The US military also claim they were able to neutralize nuclear weapons that were to be used in false flag attacks in Yellowstone, near the Trump tower in New York and Mt. Lassen in Northern California.
Furthermore, Pentagon sources say US, Russian and Iranian special forces are working together to “terminate” ISIS forces in Palmyra, Syria. There was also a big earthquake in Papua New Guinea indicating the Khazarian submarine base there is under attack, the sources say.
Special forces are also being sent to the Getty Center in California to flush out Satanists living under it, WDS sources say. The museum was built at a cost of $6 billion at a time when a 1000 room casino could be built for $500 million because most of the work was underground, the sources say.
The gnostic Illuminati say the entire current world power structure is crumbling and will be replaced by something new and better.
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