I have made some small changes to the formatting to make the article more readable here.

An overview article for newly awakening readers – 26th April 2017
Almost immediately after the Day of Compression Breakthrough or the day of The Event we will have Peace on Earth – yes total and complete peace that is incomparable to anything that we have ever experienced before. We will be lacking for words, we will walk around in utter amazement when we receive the news via mainstream media that all wars on this planet have ceased and all weapons have been put aside. It will take some time to sink in but after eons of enslavement, eons of feeling lost in a wilderness we will finally see beyond the veil that has been clouding our vision of reality for so long. We will finally be free to allow the truth of our being to bloom, free to develop and express the true sovereign beings we are.
I hope that we ban fireworks or at least any that sound like bombs etc. exploding so that the war weary traumatized souls all over this planet can heal quicker. On that note if you have knowledge of some positive method of healing please know that your assistance in this area will be very much needed and appreciated. There will be so many souls needing help to release trauma, programming etc. so that they can let go of their fears and once again begin to find trust, begin to believe that they can be a part of a community where they are appreciated and accepted for who they are.
When we begin to adjust to existing in a world where we no longer need fear, when we have managed to digest and assimilate all of the information about the truth of our reality beyond the mass programming and control of the veil, http://prepareforchange.net/2015/11/01/the-veil/ our creative urge will blossom and we will unite with others in so many wonderful creative projects to heal Mother Gaia and everyone living here.
Who Is Cobra?

His name is derived from the expression Compression Breakthrough and for the sake of his safety the Resistance Movement have insisted that his voice must be adjusted during interviews. He is the authorized voice of the Resistance Movement and evidence of his work will be provided through mainstream media after The Event. His first posting on The Portal website was on March 31st 2012. The first time that I read a posting there I knew inherently that this person truly knows exactly what he is talking about – a voice of authority that touched my heart. When he told us that he would be holding conferences to give more details about the liberation I quickly decided to attend one and met him and his beloved Isis in Nov. 2012 in Laguna Beach LA. He was aware of my website Veritas Galactic Sweden and he encouraged me to continue writing. After the conf. I immediately got to work writing about The Event combining all of the Resistance Movement info from Cobra with channeled information from Archangel Michael that I knew to be totally reliable. Here is the link to that article. http://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/the-event
For those that would like to read more about Cobra this page on my website might interest you.
Prepare for Change has gathered many articles of interest about Cobra and the Resistance Movement – RM on this page:
Pie in the Sky? No – New Atlantis

If you happen to be a new reader and have no prior knowledge of this subject you might be thinking right now that this woman needs her head examined, how could anyone in their right mind believe that there will soon be overnight peace on earth when the world seems crazier than ever right now?
On January 4th this year Cobra gave us some details about the plans for the co-creation of the new society after The Event, he says “New Atlantis is the codename for the energy grid around the planetary surface that will support the Compression Breakthrough and also the codename for the New Society after the Event……. The New Atlantis project actually aligns the vortexes of the Old Atlantis with the new energy grid that is about to be completed soon.
New Atlantis is a project of the Light forces that is already ongoing for millennia. Saint Germain is one of the main beings working on this project. He has revealed parts of this project to humanity in his incarnation as Francis Bacon in a novel called New Atlantis, where he described a utopian society based on meritocracy. In his next incarnation as Comte de Saint Germain he attempted to co-create a new Society in America by assisting in the independence of the USA and by being the main spiritual force behind the Constitution.
Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis project. The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.
Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools in manifesting that aim. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter: (Lightworkers worldwide have been busy with this important project for nearly two years and the project is almost complete)

When the critical mass of those angelic beings are anchored around the planet, the head of the Yaldabaoth entity will begin to dissolve…….”
Recently Saint Germain discussed the Fulfilment of Divine Mothers Plan which he points out is ‘no pie in the sky’ but very real. In other words, from the Day of Compression Breakthrough – when the Light from the combined Forces of Light above meets the Light from below ~ Gaia + RM + Agartha on the surface nothing will ever be the same again. We will unite with one another and begin to co-create a new Golden Age on Gaia. We have all been affected by these powerful Galactic Waves of Love these past four or five years and we are transmuting, letting go of, healing, our burdens, wounds, belief systems, everything that has hurt us.
You will need to know that the so called Master Plan for this change has been in place for at least 3 – 4 decades. I have taken the link about the Master Plan for The Event from Prepare for Change because many of Cobra’s most important ‘key’ articles are available in one place (see heading Cobra RM top of PFC site) there and many of them have been translated, so just roll down to the bottom of the article and you will see which languages are available.
In Depth Information about Allied Light Forces and Liberation Progress

For the reader who is unfamiliar with who exactly the so called Resistance Movement or Allied Light Forces are I have gathered an overview of the various groups involved, below surface, on the surface, in the solar system and not in least on higher dimensions on a webpage entitled Victory Now.
Following the aforementioned information that same webpage covers the most important details about the battle with the dark forces for planetary liberation, covering the timeframe from this message here from June 5th2012 and up until the present moment.
June 5th 2012 – Leader of the Archons Leaves Earth
We were informed by Cobra on June 10th 2012 that the “leader of the archons on the physical plane was arrested on May 5th by the Resistance forces and taken off-planet. He has crossed over to the Light and is now free-willingly assisting with the planetary liberation process. This arrest took place in Rome. He was the one that many members of the Cabal were worshipping in their distorted rituals, so now they are worshipping something that does not exist any longer.” I might add here that some time ago when Cobra was asked about this archon leader and whether he was still assisting the Light Forces we learned that the realisation of all of the suffering and pain that he had been the cause of was too much to bear and he asked to return to the Galactic Central Sun and begin the soul journey all over again.
I should add that should you decide to follow the progress of the Light Forces over the past four years (2013 – Present) it will demand many hours of reading and a necessity to take breaks as it covers over four years of Cobra updates that are directly connected to the battle with the chimera. On April 7th 2017 we learned the following;
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are intensively clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity (the tentacles of this entity which stretched into the solar system have recently been removed) with all plasma anomaly and plasma toplet bombs and all plasma scalar technologies of the Veil. Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped up the plasma attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.

On Wednesday, the Light forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command have begun full force active removal of all plasma negativity near the surface of the planet. Every direct intervention of the Confederation forces inside the quarantine Earth provokes retaliation by the Chimera and they started first by trying to provoke nuclear exchange between USA and North Korea: This complete update;
On April 22, 2017 another ‘Situation Update’ from Cobra relates:
Now that the Cabal could not trigger World War 3 directly:
they have turned to electronic warfare.
Aside from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in Cabal’s plans to create global war……….
…. A certain elite task force has begun removing key perpetrators of those crimes internationally. They „shoot first and ask questions later.“
They have issued a warning, stating that „anybody using a directed energy weapon against a civilian target, either knowingly or unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may expect to be dealt with.“
They have also stated that an „international diplomatic and political scandal with far reaching consequences, exposing certain key people from the United States, responsible for use of those weapons against civilian population, may explode soon.“……..

…..Now it is of the utmost importance for all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to invoke and anchor the Light as much as humanly possible, although I am fully aware that we are tested beyond limits. Here is a very good and effective example of how to do this:
Our unified awareness and consciousness will transmute this situation, as it has transmuted countless situations before.
Victory of the Light! To read this complete update;http://2012portal.blogspot.se/2017/04/situation-update.html
I am so looking forward to the arrival of that DAY of days when I will be adding the final Victory of the Light information to this page hopefully in the near future. Here is the Victory Now webpage link: http://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/the-event/victory-now
New Financial System
Recently I saw an article written by someone anonymous who claimed that he/she had inside information about the so called Global Currency Reset or GCR. This person then made several derogatory remarks about Cobra and his sources of information. I have to say that for the past 3 and a half years at least we have seen many articles, whether ‘channelled’ (fake) or peoples contacts in the financial world of various kinds saying more or less that the GCR was about to happen within days or weeks max.
We have been informed by Cobra that the so called Reset, Reval of the Financial System will take place at the time of The Event not prior. These articles will no doubt keep popping up until then.
Regarding the New Financial System this link here was the first article we received on this subject from Cobra on April 28, 2012.
This article is one of the ‘Main Cobra Articles’ found on this page on PFC where you can also find translations to many languages – just check the language box at the bottom of this link: http://prepareforchange.net/resistance-movement/cornerstone-cobra-articles/

3 years ago in Dec. of 2013 we received an update about the New Financial System and The Event where we clearly see the game being played behind the scenes that has taken place and will continue no doubt to do so until the last minute. “A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is being created now with full speed. The Eastern Alliance is building the new financial system to support the coming Event:”
I wrote / compiled this article in February of 2016 to give readers a broader view of the Financial Reset.
“I will attempt here to convey to you why there is no need for doubt regarding the question of financial redistribution of wealth to humanity after The Event. “
Understanding the Role of the Red Dragon Society Regarding The Event / The Re-Distribution of Wealth to Humanity
Phenomenal Results of Our Recent Etheric Liberation Meditation
Cobra asked us to join forces in an important meditation in February this year telling us “The master key for the energy grid around the planet is the Congo vortex. That is a huge energy vortex that is anchored in Lake Kivu in Congo. This area was the landing space of a special expedition of the Central Race which landed there more than 2 million years ago, anchoring a very powerful Light presence. Much later this vortex was taken over by the Reptilians who actually energetically controlled most of the Sub-Saharan Africa from that area. This is the reason why black magic is so widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa and why so many people there are possessed by Reptilian entities:
Congo vortex was the entry point for the Archon invasion in 1996. Since then, the Archons are doing whatever they can to destroy the feminine energy in Congo, while the Light forces are trying to heal the situation:

On Feb 26th we united worldwide in an Etheric Liberation Meditation with massive success here is what I wrote to my blog readers when the results came in from the RM. “TZ here; My God! – dear readers we could not have better news than this! – now I understand why Cobra used the word EPIC in his previous short report about the etheric meditation. Enjoy this message in all of its amazing details and know that you will clearly start to see signs whether small or great all over Gaia that we are on the road to liberation and total Victory of the Light. Cobra mentioned that this epic meditation has cut the remaining waiting time before The Event in half. The Resistance Movement have ways of estimating ~ depending on the current situation ~ when The Event is most likely to take place. This type of estimation is of course classified for safety for the surface human population. SO the Resistance Movement are no doubt themselves amazed at the influence this meditation has had. This should encourage us all to continue every effort to affect a strong positive return of Light and Love – we can take note of Yeshua’s reminder yesterday that when we change our behaviour the whole world changes. The weekly meditation on Sunday shall no doubt continue as long as necessary ~ we now have enormous evidence that meditation and etheric work generally moves mountains. Things are developing at an amazing speed now and NO-ONE person knows the Day or the Hour that Goddess/Mother will give the signal for The Master Plan (see Most Important Cobra articles on PFC or The Portal) to begin. Our greatest goal right now should be to connect with our I AM / Higher Self Presence and lovingly follow advice given as to how we best can move forward in Love for ourselves and others. In Love and Light to everyone TZ
Etheric Liberation Report
Our meditation on Sunday (Feb 26th 2017) was the turning point in the decisive battle for the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April 2017, and one of the biggest victories of the Light. It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event by half….
At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode.
This wave was detected by Space Observing System in Tomsk in Russia, where the activation happened at 9:55 pm local time. You can clearly see drastic increase of plasma activity starting around one hour after the activation and lasting for about 36 hours, if you click on the picture below (on origianal link just below here):

This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance has communicated that „they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbit“. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.
It means that the „tentacles“ of the Yaldabaoth entity are gone forever and now only the „head“ remains.
Since our activation, healing of the „head“ of the Yaldabaoth entity is proceeding faster than expected…… to read this update in full go here:
Therese Zumi
End of part one.
Part Two of this article will be published here in 1 to 2 days
Recommended related reading;
For those readers who would like a broad overview of the various groups on the dark side I created this page some years ago.
Advice from Archangel Michael on cooperation and leadership after The Event
Preparing for The Event – Keep It Simple
First Posted on Prepare for Change 26th April 2017 at 1225 CEST
To read PART TWO of this article go to this link: http://prepareforchange.net/2017/04/27/compression-breakthrough-event-part-two-two/
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