A Facebook page has also been created for this meditation:
Here is the instruction for this meditation from the Facebook page:
1. Use your method to quiet your mind and connect with Gaia
2. Call Goddess Dou Mu
3. State intention of grounding Goddess energy to Gaia
4. Use Gayan mudra
5. Visualize pink beams of energy emanating through your hands & piercing the veil and disintegrating the veil
6. After you have visualized veil being pierced allow the energy to flow back through you and ground it to Gaia holding Goddess energy and acting as a transmitter to Gaia
The Sisterhood of the Rose has asked that those who feel guided to participate in this additional step:
1. Visualize a large pillar of pink light surrounding you
2. Visualize the pillar of pink light connecting to the Galactic Central Sun
3. Powerfully (with the full force of your being) ground it to the core of Gaia
Major Cities w/time conversion:
London Time: 9:33am
NYC: 4:33am
San Francisco: 1:33am
Shanghai: 5:33pm
Sydney: 8:33pm
Jerusalem: 11:33am
Rio: 6:33am
We all see the signs that progress towards the Event is accelerating, and holding Goddess energy and grounding it to Gaia is important to ensure a peaceful transition and to pierce the veil that has enslaved us for too long.
It is time to bring the Goddess back to Gaia and to free humanity once and for all. We are asking all of you to tap into the power you hold within - connect with your inner Goddess and participate in the Grounding the Goddess Energy meditation on Friday March 4, 2016. Details on the meditation can be found at:
Click Here for Details on the Goddess Meditation!
Each day leading up the meditation we will share tips and techniques to help you open your heart, connect with the Goddess within, end the rule of the dark and bring about the Golden Age.
It is time to be free!
Victory of the Light!
Prepare for Change
For those who are new or inexperienced in using energy as a tool in meditations, it's highly recommended to come from a balanced state, relatively speaking and not deliberately push and wield one's willpower. That's not the meaning of powerful, the recommendation given in the instructions here. To me, what it means is the ability to make a statement, with one's attention and intention, to allow manifestation to come into existence. Like in the expression "and so it is" or in viewing the wished for image as a "mock up" leaving the process of manifestation to itself, letting go of expectations and false hopes. There's always more forces at play than the one we expect to yield personally and by letting go we allow freedom to be present in the process of creation. No strings attached.