Below is a new Gaia Portal message published on last Wednesday, which seems to be a very positive one that herald the eagerly anticipated events by Lightworkers and the true awakening of humanity.
Here is my interpretation of the message:
- Our solar system has entered an area of high energy environment, with more intense waves from the Galactic Central Sun. There is a magnificent change throughout the universe to transmute all the darkness. This change in energy level can also support the building of a new golden age (or New Atlantis) on Earth.
- Spacecrafts from the Galactic Light Forces are making themselves visible to the general population.
- The general population now also have enough awareness to accept the upcoming full disclosure.
- Clearing of the darkness from both the physical and non-physical plane of the planet Earth continues.
- The eagerly anticipated events, such as full disclosure and mass arrest, are about to manifest in real life.
New Beginnings commence throughout the Gaia-supporting Cosmos.
Heaven sents make themselves visible to all.
hu-being eyes become fully opened.
The Light cleanses the toxics.
REALizations bear fruit.
I pray that those who live in despair and illusion, once they wake up, maybe with a start, that these shadow-walkers will throw themselves into the Light as a long awaited but oh so feared state of radiance, in company of love, transforming their darkness once and for all. For all.