Wednesday, February 17, 2021

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2021-02-16: Article 342 - An Idea Came to Me

  [Original article can be found here:]

Thérèse Z here; There is a humongous cleansing taking place right now all over our planet. Before I say any more about this cleansing process a short reminder of how the deep state controllers simultaneously continue to expand the removal of our freedom.

This removal of freedom is very clear in some countries now for quite a while. Here you can see a visual map with animation that shows the development of lockdowns worldwide for over one year from January 24th, 2020 up to February 2nd, 2021. Take a look at this animation map!

A good friend reminded me this morning what the actual exact translation of the letters COVID really means Certificate Of Vaccine ID. She went on to write the following...

A short list of the rights that we still had one year ago but no longer have.

The right to travel

The right to gather

The right to pray

Right to education

Right to work

Right to a healthy private life

She points out that if we don’t get these rights back soon, we might lose them altogether.

So you and I are well aware of the fact, that the goal for our controllers is that we are all provided with a COVID a certificate of vaccine ID, that will essentially control our every move, what we can or cannot buy, if we are allowed to visit restaurants, cinemas, food stores, yeah... the list is endless. A pure dystopian society is the plan where currency currently in use will be replaced by a digital system that they control. That is to say THEIR IDEA OF A GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET.

Do you not find that some of the current ongoing discussions in the alternative media are way too much focused upon a period of time ahead of us, when things are likely to get much worse? Some people are discussing the eventual return of President Trump {still the officially recognized POTUS}. They mention in those discussions how a likely 3rd political centrist type party will emerge and come back in the 2022 elections.

As far as I’m concerned, and from what I can clearly see taking place ~ the NWO ~ New World Order plans are about to go down the drain!

They are not going to succeed in creating a dystopian society and continue to remove all of our freedom.

They will NEVER be allowed to either take down the current financial system and bring in their version!

I have just decided that it might be a good time to give a reminder about the connection between the GCR = Global Currency Rest and The Event. So I will do a repost of that information tomorrow for those newer readers that may not be fully aware of the details here. 


There is a very special group of people who have knowledge beyond that known to mankind.

This group is working on OUR SIDE.

This group will eventually present themselves to mankind after the Transition.

For now they must remain anonymous.

All of those dark dark bases around the planet. All of the locations both above and below surface where humans have been held in captivity for so many nefarious reasons... the Resistance Movement began clearing some of them away about two years ago {you might recall those 2 huge ocean liners that Donald Trump referred to anonymously ~ one parked off the west coast and one near Washington DC ~ used in rescue operations} rescuing and bringing children and adolescents to safety and beginning their long journey towards healing. This process has been ongoing at the quickest possible and safest rate. This process I am told is now almost complete.

Besides toplet bombs I would imagine that the safety of these hostages has also been an integral part of deciding when the Transition can take place. If it took place too early there was a risk that the ‘demons’ might sacrifice these souls in retaliation knowing that the end was near.

An Idea

You know the post I made recently #  336  below about how we can declare, decree and command that evil is removed from this or that place, buildings and so forth.

Well some days ago I felt inspired to begin to decree the entire removal of all evil and darkness on every timeline and dimension past present and future from the entire planet.

What does that mean. That means I am decreeing that it’s time for The Event that it’s time for Compression Breakthrough.

Would you like to join with me in doing the same?

Goodness me how wonderful if there were hundreds of us maybe even thousands commanding the arrival of The Event.

I think that it is truly high time for that now.

The preparations for the Transition are now taking place at high speed everywhere on this planet.

Hope that you will join me in this final Mission Ignition.


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