Sunday, November 29, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-11-26: Article 293 - For Lightworkers ~ Our Role after The Event When the Truth Is Known ~ UNITY Will Be the ONLY GOAL


 [Original article can be found here:]

Less than 3 weeks after The Event humanity will begin a full awakening process...

At this point in time they will have been provided with enough information and clear evidence to show them that DIVISION between us was purposefully and deviously created by our controllers to control us.

As a Lightworker it is of great importance that there is no tendency within your own being, to see people as being more or less ‘worthy’ depending upon their country of origin, the colour of their skin, their religious affiliation, their political affiliation or their sexual orientation etc. Ask yourself now whether you are consciously aware of holding onto any type of prejudice in the above mentioned areas

As a first priority, we need to thoroughly keep in mind, that the future of civilization on this planet, the future of Nova Gaia, the co-creating of the New Atlantis will be all about UNITY ~ UNITY and even more UNITY.

We have all been born on this planet with the same inherent rights to a life where we should be equally worthy of having everything that we need both physically and emotionally to live well. In the very best of worlds we should all have equal opportunities to develop our gifts and talents to be acceptable co-creators in the building of societies where we can all thrive together

You might have seen a recent message here which was relayed to me via Saint Germain. It pertains to our Leadership Roles after The Event ~ see # 284.

We are going to find ourselves involved in some way with the society where we live after Compression Breakthrough. We will find ourselves playing the role of a coordinator of some kind ~ a person who has a cooperative and loyal relationship with the entire neighbourhood.

During this time period of ‘reformation’... and adaptation we will need to be aware that CAUTION is necessary.

Remember what will be taking place at this time! There will be chaos in society at large.

The politicians who have had controlling roles in our societies will have either been arrested or completely incapable of any form of leadership. Here I am saying that 0% of these people will be capable of expressing themselves due to being in a deep state of shock.

Your main role ~ yes YOU who are reading this now ~ will be to dampen the chaos every way that you can.

Remember you do not need to have expert knowledge of all of the details to be a reliable person in a state of calmness at this time. You know absolutely enough if you are reading this now to be an oasis of security for others.

You will be able to say with great fervour, to everyone, that “all of the problems on this planet are now going to be resolved finally.” You know that there will be abundance for every single person available. You know that people will no longer have to fear the threat of war anywhere on Gaia.  You know that this is the end to poverty, starvation and people being driven from their homes. You know that all of those misplaced people and families currently living in dire conditions... in refugee camps…  will soon be given homes of their very own. Etc.

You are reminded about being cautious at this time, due to the fact that there will be a total lack of vision and leadership.

People will be looking to you for this leadership.

Remember one very important thing.

You will achieve much much more with SMALL EFFORTS than with any large displays of power.

Remember a second important thing.

You will NOT BE ALONE in the efforts that you will be making to affect a calmness in your environment. Your Sovereignty as a calm, strong, reliable pillar of strength, will be assisted by the entire Company of Heaven Who will be supporting our every effort at this time

We will simply ‘ooze’ Sovereignty from our Being. You are going to be amazed at your own strength at this time. You are going to be amazed at your energy level at this time.

Whatever the circumstances you will be provided with assistance to be able to give a balanced support to the situation.

We will be operating in the very best of good conduct. We will bring a sense of calmness to the situation. We will find ourselves capable of elevating the social order at this time.


Now we would be very naive if we were to believe that we would be able to completely avoid dealing with negative voices and opinions during this time.

With so many emotions coming to the surface due to the enormous chock that these changes will entail we will need to be aware of the following.

“inferior persons and ideas should be assigned to their proper places. Do not allow them a voice in your affairs.”

As we travel through the first months of this New Time on Nova Gaia we will learn how to deal with such matters as negative reactions / opinions arising in diverse situations. One word should be highest in your mind UNITY. In keeping that word in mind you will find the right words to say to be able to return any difficult situations to a cooperative spirit again.

When you are required to bring a situation back to a calm place, you will develop an ability to express yourself in a clear minded way to end disputes. You will learn how to do this without hurting people’s feelings unnecessarily.

Yet, some disputes will have to be ended quickly and clearly because this will be a time when we simply cannot allow disputes of the ego kind to detain us from bringing progress to situations.

Let’s be ready to do this ~ NOW!

PS: If you would like to know how you can get ready for this new role then it might help to read the message from Saint Germain # 284 here below.



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