Monday, November 02, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-10-29: Article 271: Final Battle Update ~ Part Two

 [Original article can be found here:]

TZ here; We now have a second ‘Final Battle’ update from Cobra.

If you are finding it difficult to grasp all of the detailed information about the spider chimera group and the details of their removal, then I suggest that you either leave it alone so to speak or if you would like some more knowledge that might put it into more perspective then I recommend that you read this link that Cobra provided in his first ‘Final Battle’ update two weeks ago. I found it to be extremely interesting. "Chimera beings were once highly evolved angelic beings who chose to subject themselves to controlled toplet bombs explosion experiments long time ago in the galactic past. This, and numerous genetic experiments has mutated them into spider beings of unimaginable darkness:

Today 29th October 2020 ~ It’s absolutely fantastic news that both the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex have been erased! This has taken place in the past 2-3 weeks!

There is a link provided in this new update related to the ‘Mother’s of Darkness’ (a chimera creation) which I am assuming is just too much for me to look at... Cobra warns that it is graphic material... so I’ve decided not to open this link. I have already seen enough sickening details over the past five years or more that have provided me with enough graphic material about child abuse networks to suffice.
We learn that Disclosure about child abuse networks is now going mainstream thanks to Taiwanese Dragons and there are several links about that.

The cleverness of the Dragon group in Taiwan is making sure that China is prevented from attacking mainland Taiwan.

Astrologically speaking we learn that the day of the US elections November 3rd is a very important day for multiple reasons.

Because second wave lockdowns are now being implemented in many countries I along with Cobra would encourage you to take part in the daily meditation at 0930 UTC that Cobra links to. I attempt to do this as often as I can. I focus upon visualizing media people surprisingly bursting out in truthful information revealing the lies and manipulation taking place. And not in least seeing the amazing release of tension and joy among the people when they know the truth about this and indeed the knowledge that there is abundance available from now on for everyone.

If you are not thoroughly convinced that all of these figures we are presented with about second waves in Italy, France, Germany etc... are lies, then I encourage you to go to my Truth About Darkness page and read or listen to Dr Reiner Fuellmichs great information. A short quote from there...

The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the Corona Scandal are:

  1. Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection?

Because the cabal are having way too much success in this Covid madness there is a meditation planned for the 11th 11(NOV) 2020 to bring us back to a correct positive planetary timeline returning us to an optimal Ascension timeline. This will be done at 11:11CET (1011 UTC) on the 11th of the 11th month of the year. See details here on Cobra’s update. A special request for everyone living in France to join 2 important Sisterhood of the Rose groups at this time in meditation. Links provided to the groups in Paris and in Versailles.

Victory of the Light

Here the new update from Cobra;

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