We need as many people to join us to reach the critical mass again and keep the momentum up towards the planetary liberation.
Guided meditation in multiple languages are being added everyday, so check out on their website.
We have managed to accelerate the timing of the EVENT by half when we reached critical mass with the Etheric Liberation Meditation on February 26th.
Let’s continue to accelerate our own liberation with
another mass meditation on the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2017 at 10:28
This is (all on Monday):
12:28 am HAST Honolulu
3:28 am PDT Los Angeles
4:28 am MDT Denver
5:28 am CDT Chicago
6:28 am EDT New York
10:28 am GMT London
11:28 CET Berlin
12:28 pm EET Cairo
5:28 pm ICT Bangkok
6:28 pm CST Taipei
7:28 pm JST Tokyo
9:28 pm AEDT Sydney
11:28 pm NZDT Auckland
See the time and date calculator for your time zone here:12:28 am HAST Honolulu
3:28 am PDT Los Angeles
4:28 am MDT Denver
5:28 am CDT Chicago
6:28 am EDT New York
10:28 am GMT London
11:28 CET Berlin
12:28 pm EET Cairo
5:28 pm ICT Bangkok
6:28 pm CST Taipei
7:28 pm JST Tokyo
9:28 pm AEDT Sydney
11:28 pm NZDT Auckland
strengthening the light grid on the planet we can completely dissolve
the plasma octopus and allow the EVENT to become a reality. Your
participation in this important meditation can greatly accelerate this
To join the worldwide synchronized meditations on the PFC COEO site, click here:
Remember – the full meditation lasts 16 minutes – and it is
synchronized worldwide in many different languages to maximize its
effect on the planetary situation.
For guided meditations in multiple languages, click here:
Please check the comments section for the full list, as more meditations will be added every day.

1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intention to use this meditation to trigger
the complete and final dissolving of the plasma octopus Yaldabaoth
3. Visualize a pillar of Violet Flame rotating clockwise
towards the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Violet
Flame rotating counterclockwise as it rises up from the center of the
Earth. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
4. Visualize the final removal of all remaining obstacles to the EVENT.
5. Now visualize a rainbow colored Goddess vortex,
expanding outwards from your heart throughout the whole Earth and then
from there throughout the whole Solar System.
6. Visualize the Goddess descending through this rainbow
vortex, bringing peace, kindness, and healing for all beings on Earth –
spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
7. Visualize the Goddess spreading abundance and joy to all
beings on our beautiful planet Earth, throughout the Agarthan network,
and throughout the solar system.
8. Continue to visualize this Goddess vortex, as you raise your arms to the sky and say “iiiiiii” for a few minutes.
9. Drop your arms and continue to see this Goddess vortex
expanding as you say “aaay-ahh, aaay-ahhh, aaay-ahhh” for a few minutes.
7. Visualize the Event finally taking place, bringing
peace, abundance, and joy to all beings on Earth and throughout the
solar system.
Liberation Now!
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