Sunday, December 12, 2021

[Victory Now] Urgent Message from Dragon Sources to the Public

Below is an urgent message from Dragon Sources to the Public.

The original post can be found here:


If you find yourself in a world where beings are controlled by “demonic principalities in high places” whom have placed themselves in authoritative positions, simply do not consent, in silent protest and meditation, and let them know.

In this way if people on a mass scale throughout the planet do not consent and show this message, divine individual sovereignty is achieved and all whom participate simply do not accept their satanic unlawful reality and so create a bridge to a higher resonance reality, where no one is enslaved.


This way all evil plays out and is eradicated from the reality of those recognizing their freedom and their individual divine rights. For all those who have a hard time dealing with the current authoritarian groups running rampant, remember the following…

Urgent message from dragon sources to the public: 

This is needed because in societies where people are being forced, we need to take action and since we are dealing with parasites "demonic principalities in high places". 

Here is how to take action in the “satanic 7 fold protection” they hide behind (which is avoiding the law of Karma and preventing benevolent intervention) :  

“Do what thou wilt” is the whole of their law, so to counter it, never oppose them since they have Authority, but say “you can do what you want (to respect the whole of their law) but I do not consent.” 

This forces them to use up the “7 fold protection” they have (activate the law of karma against them). This will make their authoritative systems fall and bring about Intervention sooner.

We may as well not make it easy for them. 

Just say, You can do whatever you want I do not consent this sin is on your head (soul) and you will receive instant karma for your actions. 

That should be on protest posters everywhere where people sit down peacefully and meditate so they can easily identify violent provocateurs. Let them know as a collective that no one is willing to be enslaved.

Humanity is receiving an upgraded genetic code which the parasites fear and fight to suppress. Humanity’s Collective consciousness is the key and our empathic and psychic powers are on the rise.

That is why it is crucial to keep at the centre of our attention, that we are more powerful than all demons / parasites. They fear the power we possess through our connection with the Source. We are the technology they fear. That’s why they go through all this trouble and expense to disempower humanity. 

Fear is the mind killer.

Courage is one of the greatest manifestations of faith. ✨🙏✨

This is where the word “faith” is crucial. It is not “religious faith” but a deep connection and trust in the power of the greater Divine Source intelligence within us.

Humans are a trinity: mind (intellect), heart(emotions) and spirit (intuition). Most people function with the first 2 and are easily controlled lacking one third of their being which is intentionally being suppressed by the controllers . We must activate all 3 parts to overcome and reach sovereignty.

Please see the following instructions here and share worldwide:

Victory Now!

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