The undeclared civil war inside the ranks of the Western elite is continuing to rage, with both sides carrying out major offensives. Ultimately, this battle is between the old aristocratic bloodlines, strongest in Europe, and the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati, now prevalent inside the U.S.
The biggest battleground continues to be Washington, D.C., where the old establishment is fighting for its life and losing against the military-backed regime of President Donald Trump.
However, the situation in Europe is also heating up intensely as the Russia/China Eurasian alliance moves to consolidate control there in alliance with some old-bloodline factions, according to White Dragon Society sources in Europe. Germany and Turkey, reviving a World War I alliance, are leading the anti-U.S. moves there. Also, Italy’s new government has declared open warfare against the Khazarian mafia cabal in a move that will bring new turmoil to the eurozone.
We will start with a look at the situation inside the U.S. Here, the U.S. military is supporting President Donald Trump in some ways, while fighting against him in others. This ambiguous stance can be seen in the form of a continuing major offensive against pedophiles and other corrupt elements in the old establishment.
A Pentagon source summed up the situation as follows: “After 8 months of defiance, liberals are reeling from their defeat in the culture war as the NFL was forced to ban kneeling when the national anthem is sung, and nearly 8 months after a New York Times exposé, Manhattan prosecutors were forced to arrest Harvey Weinstein.”
Furthermore, the impending retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is expected to give the Trump regime control over the Supreme Court, the sources say. This will make it possible to carry out the long-awaited mass arrests without interference from cabal agents in the justice system, the sources note. It will also make a big difference in the culture wars, as a pushback to family values and away from promoting non-reproductive sex intensifies with Christian support.
As a part of these culture wars, Harvey Weinstein’s criminal trial is putting a lot of pressure on the Hollywood elite. Pentagon sources are saying that Weinstein “signals with the book he carries about Communist director Elia Kazan that he will rat on other predators and pedos in Hollywood.” Kazan’s “testimony as a witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952 at the time of the Hollywood blacklist brought him strong negative reactions from many liberal friends and colleagues.”
Various other rats have been singing like canaries for a while now in a bid to get off the sinking cabal ship. In particular, we now know that Jeffrey Epstein, who ran a pedophile island used to compromise and blackmail elite politicians, etc., is now an FBI informant who has been squealing to U.S. special prosecutor Robert Mueller. This is important because Mueller, despite his past tainted by 9/11 etc., is now working for the U.S. military. Since Trump himself has been a visitor to this pedophile island, the military is getting evidence he was blackmailed into doing Israel’s bidding in places like Syria and Iran, Pentagon sources say.
The pushback against Trump’s Zionist blackmail-induced activity in the Middle East could be seen when “the House on May 23 banned Trump from declaring war on Iran without Congressional approval, and Congress on May 24 killed a measure for the U.S. to recognize Golan as part of Israel,” the sources say. In other words, Zionist blackmail against Trump is not going to be enough to allow these fanatics the opportunity to start their long-awaited World War III.
Other Pentagon sources, meanwhile, are saying a major victory against the Zionist-controlled banks was achieved last week and that as a result, trillions of dollars fraudulently obtained after the Lehman crisis is now going to be used for a new financial system. The source says,
“…that a gold-backed U.S. dollar looms on the horizon; that the U.S. government is going to stop borrowing money from the banks; that Donald Trump may have succeeded in getting back perhaps…
$15 trillion in “credits” from the $23-43 trillion now known to have been stolen by the banks; and—most importantly for the American public—that sometime in June over a trillion dollars will be released into the U.S. economy through trusted stewards—normal people, many of them veterans—to inspire a job creation and new construction boom such as we have not seen since the aftermath of World War II. The massive investments in mostly black inner cities and mostly white impoverished rural areas is part of this deal.”
This financial move, if it is realized, is definitely connected to ongoing intrigue in Saudi Arabia, the current main financial backer of the old petro-dollar. Here, de facto monarch Mohammad bin Salman has not been seen in public since a shoot-out was reported at his palace on April 21, 2018. This move against Salman, who was put in power by Israeli special forces, is definitely linked to attacks on Saudi agent and former CIA head John Brennan, the sources say. Brennan is now being blamed as the source for the entire “Russiagate” witch-hunt against Trump, they say.
“‘John Brennan should pop the glass capsule and take the cyanide now,’ [Trump confidant] Roger Stone said to Amanda House, deputy political director of Breitbart News and host of Breitbart News Daily. ‘He’s the perp who started the entire Russian dossier matter. He’s lied about it under oath. He’s going to die in a federal penitentiary.’”
No doubt, stress over the impeding doom of his protégé Brennan is one reason why 93-year old George Bush Sr. is in the hospital again.
Another blow against the Bush/Nazi faction of the cabal may come soon in the form of a military coup in Brazil, Pentagon sources are saying. Here, a truckers’ strike has paralyzed the economy. This is expected to be the trigger for a military coup that will restore former presidents Dilma Rousseff and Lula da Silva “from Zionist usurpers who seized control of the central bank in 2016,” the sources say.
The Zionists also failed in their recent push to derail a peace deal with North Korea by using their agent John Bolton to issue provocative statements. This move was supposed to be coordinated with an attack in Korea by an Israeli submarine pretending to be a North Korean submarine, Pentagon sources say. Instead, however, the Zionists lost yet another submarine near Korea, the sources say.
The battle for the planet earth is also raging in Europe. Here, market-watchers are seeing many obvious signs that a new crisis is coming. While Germany and France are looking increasingly towards Russia and China, the situation to watch is now in Italy and Spain.
Spain and Italy, especially, are going to be big in the news cycle over the coming weeks. To put this situation in perspective, the Italian and Spanish GDPs combined are worth more than $3 trillion, or 16 times the $194 billion GDP of Greece. This means the crisis will be 16 times bigger than the Greek crisis that, by itself, nearly undid the Euro.
The Italians now have a government that plans to do something about the slow destruction of the Italian economy caused by its participation in the Euro by issuing a new currency to pay for various plans to fix Italy’s economy. The old establishment is so upset about the new Italian government that Italian President Sergio Mattarella vetoed their candidate for Finance Minister because he is opposed to the Euro. The Italian president is supposed to be a figurehead, and this anti-democratic move is going to result in an open attack on the Italian deep state, according to P2 Freemason lodge sources. Italy’s Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio said on Sunday that President Sergio Mattarella should be impeached for betraying the state because of his rejection of a eurosceptic as economy minister.
A comparable thing is likely to happen in Spain because of similar structural problems related to the Euro. These problems can only be solved by these countries either giving up economic sovereignty or else issuing their own currency. The governments in both countries favour issuing new currencies. However, any new currencies in Southern Europe would not only endanger the Euro, they would also open the way for the big Kahuna—a new currency for the United States to replace or cohabit with the no-longer-American U.S. dollar.
In other words, the existing financial paradigm is likely to face its biggest crisis since the Lehman shock, and this time it may not survive without a complete reboot. Until that happens, we can expect financial turmoil.
Typically with these crises, the first victims will be those with the riskiest gambling portfolios—in this case people who have been buying junk bonds and stocks at historically unsustainable prices.
On a final note, we must inform our readers there is a lot we are being asked not to report just yet so the bad guys cannot interfere. However, we can say that the good guys, with really nice plans for the planet, are headed for victory. Planetary liberation is coming soon.
A hub for articles in the blogosphere relating to the planetary liberation and Victory of the Light.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Thursday, May 24, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - 2018-05-22: Trump’s universal trade war declaration is bringing events to a head
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States. A kinder way of putting it would be to say that the U.S. is revolting against an international system that has looted its people on behalf of globalist oligarchs. Yet another way of putting it is to say the world is negotiating a replacement for the petro-dollar system. In any case, we can now expect a lot more shouting and bluster, and possibly even the odd nuke or two, as these negotiations proceed.
In public, this dispute can be seen in the biggest open split between European powers and the United States since the end of World War 2. We have the leaders of France, Germany, and the EU openly calling for an end to the post-war European/American alliance. The U.S. side, for its part, has publicly threatened sanctions against European countries. Under the surface, a U.S. assassination campaign against disobedient EU leaders is also a good guess.
The immediate trigger was Trump’s decision to leave the Iranian nuclear accord. Of course, anybody who is following what is really going on knows that the Trump decision to leave the Iranian nuclear accord has nothing to do with nuclear weapons and is really about Iran’s announcement that it will sell oil to Europe priced in Euros, not petro-dollars.
Let us start by taking a look at how things will proceed on the superficial level. Here Trump is saying, “If you do not buy more from us, we will stop buying from you!” He is also saying, “If you stop using petro-dollars to buy Iranian oil, we will prevent any European country doing business with Iran from doing business with us.” The Europeans are saying, “You are a deadbeat who is not paying for what you buy, so who cares is you stop buying!” They are also saying, “We will punish any European companies who obey your sanctions against Iran.”
The most important threat seen in public has been the U.S. threat to impose sanctions against Germany if they proceed with the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. This pipeline would allow Germany to import more gas directly from Russia instead of having to go through the Khazarian puppet state of the Ukraine. In essence Trump is saying, “If you do not buy gas from us (at a 20% markup), we will stop buying your cars.”
The elephant in the living room of this EU/American domestic spat is China and its move to replace the Atlantic alliance with a Eurasian alliance that leaves the Anglo-Saxon powers on the periphery of world power. The way things are going now, the Chinese are winning because the EU/U.S. spat has given a big boost to Chinese yuan-denominated oil futures and thus strengthening the petro-yuan as a would-be replacement for the petro-dollar.
That is probably why Trump chose a NATO meeting to implicitly threaten a shooting war if his trade war with the EU, China, and the rest of the world does not succeed. Here are his comments:
“‘Will that be successful? I tend to doubt it,’ the president told reporters during an appearance with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. ‘The reason I doubt it is because China has become very spoiled. The European Union has become very spoiled. Other countries have become very spoiled, because they always got 100 percent of whatever they wanted from the United States.
‘But we can’t allow that to happen anymore,’ Trump added.”
However, Chinese secret society sources say they are actually playing a much bigger game and that they are pushing for…
a world government. This Chinese world view is shaped by their history. When China was divided into warring states, the inevitable result was population decline, poverty, and misery. They believe the world now needs to unify, like China once did, in order to end strife and poverty. The problem with this vision, from a Western perspective, of course, is that if the price of world peace is for everybody to become a Chinese slave, then no thanks.
However, unless the West can remove the Zionists with their apocalyptic visions from control of Western future planning, then the Chinese alternative becomes increasingly inevitable as time unfolds.
That is why the West needs to do something about monotheism and the families that control it. Let us make that clear, there are competing family groups that control what we view as the competing monotheistic religions. We have:
The Christians, who are controlled mainly by the P2 Freemasons and the Vatican or the descendants of the Caesars;
The Jews and the Christian Jewish slaves (evangelical Zionist Christians), who are controlled by the Rothschild etc. family dynasty (self-described descendants of King David);
The Orthodox Christians, who are ultimately heirs to the tradition of the Greeks and Alexander the Great;
The Sunni Muslims, who are controlled by a group of descendants of Mohammed, as well as by descendants of the pagan families who control Mecca; and
The Shia, who are controlled by a different branch of the descendants of Mohammed as well as by heirs of the Persian empire.
Outside of these groups we have the Gnostic Illuminati, who believe that whatever entity created this planet is evil and needs to be overthrown. The other group is the Satanists, who have an amoral vision that allows their members (many of whom have infiltrated the top levels of world power) to do whatever they want, including mass murder, child rape, cannibalism, etc.
While these groups have been fighting for world power for a very long time, what they have in common is a vision of an end time when the world will “end” and then be replaced by something else.
The trick now is to get these various groups to agree to some sort of vision of the future that does not involve Armageddon and the destruction of 90% of humanity. That is what the real fight is about. The financial war over such things as petro-dollars is thus really a war over control of the psychological process of deciding what humanity as a species will do in the future.
The White Dragon Society and its allies are pushing an alternative to all of these visions that envisions a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and set earth life on a path for exponential expansion into the universe.
For now, though, in the West what we are seeing is a grassroots movement, including at the middle ranks of the military-industrial-law-enforcement nexus to remove all criminals from power.
On this front, the biggest development last week was the resignation of 34 Chilean bishops, ostensibly because of a massive cover-up of child abuse. However, as is often the case, the story given out for public consumption is not the whole story. What we are seeing in Chile is the removal of the group that was ultimately responsible for the “dirty war.” This group, closely associated with the Nazis and the Bush family, is largely responsible for the Nazi coup in the U.S. that started with 9/11.
Pentagon and other sources are saying this mass resignation may lead to the removal of Pope Francis. However, P2 Freemason sources are saying what is really going on is a Christian Church revolt against the Roman families that have controlled Christianity since its creation. That is why the Pope last week installed 14 new cardinals who were not European. The Pope, they say, is planning for a massive campaign in Africa and South America to end poverty and be a counterpart to China’s massive One Belt One Road infrastructure project.
The Pope has also publicly declared war on the unregulated casino-type gambling that the Western financial system has degenerated into.
In any case, there is a related purge of corrupt actors still continuing inside the U.S. as well. On this front, according to Pentagon sources, there are now more than 30,000 sealed indictments ready to be acted upon soon. The trigger for these arrests may be the publication of emails, etc. that will “bust Hillary (Clinton) for underage sex and other crimes.”
The “cabal” is also “reeling with low-level attacks after Gina Haspel was confirmed as CIA Director and Trump signed an executive order to release unredacted documents to Congress,” the sources say. The Department of Justice Inspector General is also “about to lower the boom with his explosive report of cabal crimes,” the sources say.
There is also a lot going on in Asia now that a new CIA head has been named. The most dramatic issue is the ongoing probe of corruption in Malaysia. Here the new government of Mahathir Mohamad is leading raids on former government officials that are literally yielding truck loads of cash, jewelry, and other visible signs of corruption. Pentagon sources are saying that ousted Prime Minister Najib Razak “has flipped,” and that Trump may “visit Malaysia after his June 12 Singapore summit with fat boy (North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un).”
The Malaysian corruption investigations are likely to expose the real reasons for the vanishing Malaysian Air Flight 370/17. However, we know part of this operation was aimed at preventing China from gaining access to U.S. semiconductor manufacturing technology. What this means is that while part of this airplane disappearance was criminal, part of it was linked to a Chinese/Western technology battle. Hopefully the world will learn the truth soon.
The new CIA chief is also likely to make it possible for a corruption investigation in Japan, too, the Pentagon sources say. Here we have a political system that has degenerated to the point where almost all politicians in office are bribed and blackmailed stooges.
The White Dragon Society has asked the Abe government to nationalize the Bank of Japan and use its financial power to benefit the planet. If this offer is not accepted, mass arrests will begin in Japan. Nationalizing the BOJ might be the trigger that finally brings on the “event,” or the mass positive changes we are all yearning for.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States. A kinder way of putting it would be to say that the U.S. is revolting against an international system that has looted its people on behalf of globalist oligarchs. Yet another way of putting it is to say the world is negotiating a replacement for the petro-dollar system. In any case, we can now expect a lot more shouting and bluster, and possibly even the odd nuke or two, as these negotiations proceed.
In public, this dispute can be seen in the biggest open split between European powers and the United States since the end of World War 2. We have the leaders of France, Germany, and the EU openly calling for an end to the post-war European/American alliance. The U.S. side, for its part, has publicly threatened sanctions against European countries. Under the surface, a U.S. assassination campaign against disobedient EU leaders is also a good guess.
The immediate trigger was Trump’s decision to leave the Iranian nuclear accord. Of course, anybody who is following what is really going on knows that the Trump decision to leave the Iranian nuclear accord has nothing to do with nuclear weapons and is really about Iran’s announcement that it will sell oil to Europe priced in Euros, not petro-dollars.
Let us start by taking a look at how things will proceed on the superficial level. Here Trump is saying, “If you do not buy more from us, we will stop buying from you!” He is also saying, “If you stop using petro-dollars to buy Iranian oil, we will prevent any European country doing business with Iran from doing business with us.” The Europeans are saying, “You are a deadbeat who is not paying for what you buy, so who cares is you stop buying!” They are also saying, “We will punish any European companies who obey your sanctions against Iran.”
The most important threat seen in public has been the U.S. threat to impose sanctions against Germany if they proceed with the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. This pipeline would allow Germany to import more gas directly from Russia instead of having to go through the Khazarian puppet state of the Ukraine. In essence Trump is saying, “If you do not buy gas from us (at a 20% markup), we will stop buying your cars.”
The elephant in the living room of this EU/American domestic spat is China and its move to replace the Atlantic alliance with a Eurasian alliance that leaves the Anglo-Saxon powers on the periphery of world power. The way things are going now, the Chinese are winning because the EU/U.S. spat has given a big boost to Chinese yuan-denominated oil futures and thus strengthening the petro-yuan as a would-be replacement for the petro-dollar.
That is probably why Trump chose a NATO meeting to implicitly threaten a shooting war if his trade war with the EU, China, and the rest of the world does not succeed. Here are his comments:
“‘Will that be successful? I tend to doubt it,’ the president told reporters during an appearance with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. ‘The reason I doubt it is because China has become very spoiled. The European Union has become very spoiled. Other countries have become very spoiled, because they always got 100 percent of whatever they wanted from the United States.
‘But we can’t allow that to happen anymore,’ Trump added.”
However, Chinese secret society sources say they are actually playing a much bigger game and that they are pushing for…
a world government. This Chinese world view is shaped by their history. When China was divided into warring states, the inevitable result was population decline, poverty, and misery. They believe the world now needs to unify, like China once did, in order to end strife and poverty. The problem with this vision, from a Western perspective, of course, is that if the price of world peace is for everybody to become a Chinese slave, then no thanks.
However, unless the West can remove the Zionists with their apocalyptic visions from control of Western future planning, then the Chinese alternative becomes increasingly inevitable as time unfolds.
That is why the West needs to do something about monotheism and the families that control it. Let us make that clear, there are competing family groups that control what we view as the competing monotheistic religions. We have:
The Christians, who are controlled mainly by the P2 Freemasons and the Vatican or the descendants of the Caesars;
The Jews and the Christian Jewish slaves (evangelical Zionist Christians), who are controlled by the Rothschild etc. family dynasty (self-described descendants of King David);
The Orthodox Christians, who are ultimately heirs to the tradition of the Greeks and Alexander the Great;
The Sunni Muslims, who are controlled by a group of descendants of Mohammed, as well as by descendants of the pagan families who control Mecca; and
The Shia, who are controlled by a different branch of the descendants of Mohammed as well as by heirs of the Persian empire.
Outside of these groups we have the Gnostic Illuminati, who believe that whatever entity created this planet is evil and needs to be overthrown. The other group is the Satanists, who have an amoral vision that allows their members (many of whom have infiltrated the top levels of world power) to do whatever they want, including mass murder, child rape, cannibalism, etc.
While these groups have been fighting for world power for a very long time, what they have in common is a vision of an end time when the world will “end” and then be replaced by something else.
The trick now is to get these various groups to agree to some sort of vision of the future that does not involve Armageddon and the destruction of 90% of humanity. That is what the real fight is about. The financial war over such things as petro-dollars is thus really a war over control of the psychological process of deciding what humanity as a species will do in the future.
The White Dragon Society and its allies are pushing an alternative to all of these visions that envisions a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and set earth life on a path for exponential expansion into the universe.
For now, though, in the West what we are seeing is a grassroots movement, including at the middle ranks of the military-industrial-law-enforcement nexus to remove all criminals from power.
On this front, the biggest development last week was the resignation of 34 Chilean bishops, ostensibly because of a massive cover-up of child abuse. However, as is often the case, the story given out for public consumption is not the whole story. What we are seeing in Chile is the removal of the group that was ultimately responsible for the “dirty war.” This group, closely associated with the Nazis and the Bush family, is largely responsible for the Nazi coup in the U.S. that started with 9/11.
Pentagon and other sources are saying this mass resignation may lead to the removal of Pope Francis. However, P2 Freemason sources are saying what is really going on is a Christian Church revolt against the Roman families that have controlled Christianity since its creation. That is why the Pope last week installed 14 new cardinals who were not European. The Pope, they say, is planning for a massive campaign in Africa and South America to end poverty and be a counterpart to China’s massive One Belt One Road infrastructure project.
The Pope has also publicly declared war on the unregulated casino-type gambling that the Western financial system has degenerated into.
In any case, there is a related purge of corrupt actors still continuing inside the U.S. as well. On this front, according to Pentagon sources, there are now more than 30,000 sealed indictments ready to be acted upon soon. The trigger for these arrests may be the publication of emails, etc. that will “bust Hillary (Clinton) for underage sex and other crimes.”
The “cabal” is also “reeling with low-level attacks after Gina Haspel was confirmed as CIA Director and Trump signed an executive order to release unredacted documents to Congress,” the sources say. The Department of Justice Inspector General is also “about to lower the boom with his explosive report of cabal crimes,” the sources say.
There is also a lot going on in Asia now that a new CIA head has been named. The most dramatic issue is the ongoing probe of corruption in Malaysia. Here the new government of Mahathir Mohamad is leading raids on former government officials that are literally yielding truck loads of cash, jewelry, and other visible signs of corruption. Pentagon sources are saying that ousted Prime Minister Najib Razak “has flipped,” and that Trump may “visit Malaysia after his June 12 Singapore summit with fat boy (North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un).”
The Malaysian corruption investigations are likely to expose the real reasons for the vanishing Malaysian Air Flight 370/17. However, we know part of this operation was aimed at preventing China from gaining access to U.S. semiconductor manufacturing technology. What this means is that while part of this airplane disappearance was criminal, part of it was linked to a Chinese/Western technology battle. Hopefully the world will learn the truth soon.
The new CIA chief is also likely to make it possible for a corruption investigation in Japan, too, the Pentagon sources say. Here we have a political system that has degenerated to the point where almost all politicians in office are bribed and blackmailed stooges.
The White Dragon Society has asked the Abe government to nationalize the Bank of Japan and use its financial power to benefit the planet. If this offer is not accepted, mass arrests will begin in Japan. Nationalizing the BOJ might be the trigger that finally brings on the “event,” or the mass positive changes we are all yearning for.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2018-05-14: Trump Iran sanctions aimed at forcing Middle East peace, Pentagon sources say
The battle for the planet Earth has heated up again with major movements in the Middle East, Malaysia, Indonesia, Europe, the U.S., and elsewhere as a final showdown approaches between the Zionist fanatics who want World War 3 and the rest of humanity who want world peace and friendship.
On this front, the renunciation by U.S. President Donald Trump of the Iran nuclear accord is, on the surface, a major victory for the Zionists. However, Pentagon sources say, “The endgame is to force both Iran and Israel to de-nuke after North Korea, and then have permanent peace in the Middle East.”
The Trump move on the Iran nuclear agreement has certainly triggered open, public bickering between the regime of Donald Trump and various European governments. Thus we have EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker saying the EU had to “replace the United States” …
…while German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Europe could no longer count on U.S. military protection.
Of course, French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Theresa May also denounced the Trump move. This clear and obvious split between the U.S. and Europe is unprecedented in the post-war era.
However, Pentagon sources insist that, “Trump is pulling out of the Iran deal to take down corrupt EU and U.S. officials who may have been bribed, along with globalist French companies like Airbus, Total, Renault, and Peugeot, as well as German companies like Siemens.” Interestingly, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif backed up this Pentagon claim by threatening to reveal the names of Western politicians who had been bribed in relation to the nuclear deal.
Pentagon sources say that leading Western politicians who are implicated in bribery related to this deal include …
…former French President Francois Hollande, current French President Macron, Germany’s Merkel, former U.S. President Barack Obama, and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. (By the way, we were told by reliable sources that Kerry has not been of this earth since late 2016, and we suspect that recent videos of him in Tehran are recycled footage.)
In any case, what is especially interesting about this Iranian move is that it shows signs of deep-level coordination between the Trump regime and the Chinese government. If you adhere to the old adage “Follow the money,” or the even older saying “Qui bono” (Who benefits?), you will notice that Europeans will suffer the most and Chinese gain the most from the new sanctions. In particular, it looks like the Chinese state-owned oil company CNPC (China National Petroleum Company) is about to take over French Total’s massive gas operations in Iran.
This means the Chinese would join the Russians as major suppliers of European gas.
The timing also coincides with the opening of major new Chinese rail and transportation links with Iran, providing Iran with Chinese substitutes for any lost European business (the Americans have been minor players in Iran in recent years).
The Zionists, for their part, acted like Hitler did when he started World War 2 by attacking themselves and then blaming another country. To be exact, the satanic Nazi regime of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked Israeli positions in the Golan Heights so they could have an excuse to attack Iranian interests inside Syria, according to Pentagon sources. Needless to say, this latest criminal move failed (yet again) to start World War 3 as desired by the Zionist fanatics.
Of course, all the brouhaha about Iran drew world attention away from events in Malaysia that are likely to be even more devastating for the warmongering Zionists. Here, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad took power from Zionist pawn Najib Razak in an election upset last week. This means the still sleeping section of the world is about to learn what really happened to Malaysian Air Flight 370. In other words, we are going to have a world leader publicly state that the plane was taken to the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia, flown to Tel Aviv, then flown to Florida and repainted as Malaysian Air Flight 17, then flown to threaten world leaders in Holland before being blown up in the Ukraine in an attempt to smear Russia. This Malaysian-language website shows they know exactly what happened:
Then of course there is the multi-billion-dollar embezzlement scandal involving Malaysia’s 1MDB development fund. The complex scandal involves Goldman Sachs, UBS, Deutsche Bank, and the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street,” among many others. Mahathir has prevented ousted Prime Minister Razak from leaving the country as the investigation into this scandal is reopened. It is interesting how the Zionist corporate media suddenly dropped the story about the Malaysian change in government like a hot potato after accusing Mahathir of being “anti-Semitic.”
The Zionists have also been busy bombing Indonesia recently, according to CIA in Southeast Asia who sent the following via email:
“‘The terrorists have come to Indonesia. This is all another false-flag event created to cause a major clash/war between Christians and Muslims. We knew this would happen. It is tied to the Zionist cabal attempt to take control of Indonesia (divide and conquer).
“This is very serious, Ben. Indonesia is the most important country in Southeast Asia. The power that controls Indonesia controls the region.”
All of this tumult in the region has turned attention away from a major change in Japan, where the government has made what amounts to a 180-degree turn in its recent anti-China stance. Last week Chinese Premier Li Keqiang was taken on a tour of Japan by slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the two countries signed a slew of cooperation agreements. Most importantly, they agreed in principle to reopen a swap arrangement of Japanese yen for Chinese yuan. This of course deals yet another major blow to the petrodollar.
This renewal of friendship was made possible by a change in U.S. policy towards Northeast Asia, as seen in the upcoming reunification of Korea, Pentagon sources say. The truth that Fukushima was a Zionist war crime and not a natural disaster will also come out soon, the sources promise.
Meanwhile, back in the United States, Pentagon sources are saying the process of removing the Khazarian mafia continues. In particular, Pentagon source say, “Anti-Trump Hillary Clinton supporter New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman may be prosecuted for protecting the Clinton Foundation and the NXIVM child-trafficking sex cult along with Bronfman heiresses Clare and Sara.”
The Pentagon sources say the removal of Schneiderman has made it possible now for “FBI investigations to move forward to take down even more Cabal and Democrats.”
The sources also say that more military are being recalled to active duty to prepare for the continued clean-up of the U.S. As a part of this, they say, “Iran-Contra Marine Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North is now president of the NRA to defend gun rights.”
If the U.S. military is serious about cleaning up the U.S., though, they will have to take a closer look at Donald Trump. Arab sources forwarded us a link to the following video that presents comprehensive evidence showing Trump was financed throughout his career by the Rothschilds. Basically, it claims that when the Rothschilds tell Trump to jump, he answers “how high?”
We have been told the new head of the Rothschild’s London branch, Nathaniel Rothschild, is a reformer. However, unless we see more proof of this in his words and actions, we will provide the U.S. military with missile coordinates for the island where many members of this family are hiding out. Taking out this island, together with Zurich and Zug, Switzerland may be the key to freeing humanity. If the Rothschilds really do think they are now working for the good guys, we strongly suggest they contact the White Dragon Society directly, and not through proxies.
On a final note this week, Japanese police alerted us to a disturbing post by the activist known by the name of Cobra. Cobra is telling readers they may be contacted by members of the “Resistance,” who will give them 10-15 minutes to collect personal belongings. After that they will be escorted to a basement entrance in a commercial building where they will take stairs 30 meters underground to a “high-tech” entrance. There, “You will enter through the high-tech door by yourself. You will be asked to take off all your clothes and leave the bag with your personal belongings in a special tray. Then you will be asked to enter the ‘shower cabin.’” After being “accepted into the Resistance, you will not be able to go to the surface, contact the surface population, or even use the surface Internet/cell phone network.”
To a lot of us, this sounds like taking a ride on Comet Hale-Bopp or drinking Kool-Aid at Jonestown, but Cobra, when contacted about this by email, had the following to say:
“It is NOT Jonestown. It is NOT a mass recruitment, but a potential protocol for a very small and selected group of people. People are massively misunderstanding this and are overreacting.”
Maybe, but personally, the idea of entering a “shower room,” and then losing all contact with the outside world brings up associations with places like Auschwitz, Poland.
On this front, the renunciation by U.S. President Donald Trump of the Iran nuclear accord is, on the surface, a major victory for the Zionists. However, Pentagon sources say, “The endgame is to force both Iran and Israel to de-nuke after North Korea, and then have permanent peace in the Middle East.”
The Trump move on the Iran nuclear agreement has certainly triggered open, public bickering between the regime of Donald Trump and various European governments. Thus we have EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker saying the EU had to “replace the United States” …
…while German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Europe could no longer count on U.S. military protection.
Of course, French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Theresa May also denounced the Trump move. This clear and obvious split between the U.S. and Europe is unprecedented in the post-war era.
However, Pentagon sources insist that, “Trump is pulling out of the Iran deal to take down corrupt EU and U.S. officials who may have been bribed, along with globalist French companies like Airbus, Total, Renault, and Peugeot, as well as German companies like Siemens.” Interestingly, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif backed up this Pentagon claim by threatening to reveal the names of Western politicians who had been bribed in relation to the nuclear deal.
Pentagon sources say that leading Western politicians who are implicated in bribery related to this deal include …
…former French President Francois Hollande, current French President Macron, Germany’s Merkel, former U.S. President Barack Obama, and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. (By the way, we were told by reliable sources that Kerry has not been of this earth since late 2016, and we suspect that recent videos of him in Tehran are recycled footage.)
In any case, what is especially interesting about this Iranian move is that it shows signs of deep-level coordination between the Trump regime and the Chinese government. If you adhere to the old adage “Follow the money,” or the even older saying “Qui bono” (Who benefits?), you will notice that Europeans will suffer the most and Chinese gain the most from the new sanctions. In particular, it looks like the Chinese state-owned oil company CNPC (China National Petroleum Company) is about to take over French Total’s massive gas operations in Iran.
This means the Chinese would join the Russians as major suppliers of European gas.
The timing also coincides with the opening of major new Chinese rail and transportation links with Iran, providing Iran with Chinese substitutes for any lost European business (the Americans have been minor players in Iran in recent years).
The Zionists, for their part, acted like Hitler did when he started World War 2 by attacking themselves and then blaming another country. To be exact, the satanic Nazi regime of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked Israeli positions in the Golan Heights so they could have an excuse to attack Iranian interests inside Syria, according to Pentagon sources. Needless to say, this latest criminal move failed (yet again) to start World War 3 as desired by the Zionist fanatics.
Of course, all the brouhaha about Iran drew world attention away from events in Malaysia that are likely to be even more devastating for the warmongering Zionists. Here, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad took power from Zionist pawn Najib Razak in an election upset last week. This means the still sleeping section of the world is about to learn what really happened to Malaysian Air Flight 370. In other words, we are going to have a world leader publicly state that the plane was taken to the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia, flown to Tel Aviv, then flown to Florida and repainted as Malaysian Air Flight 17, then flown to threaten world leaders in Holland before being blown up in the Ukraine in an attempt to smear Russia. This Malaysian-language website shows they know exactly what happened:
Then of course there is the multi-billion-dollar embezzlement scandal involving Malaysia’s 1MDB development fund. The complex scandal involves Goldman Sachs, UBS, Deutsche Bank, and the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street,” among many others. Mahathir has prevented ousted Prime Minister Razak from leaving the country as the investigation into this scandal is reopened. It is interesting how the Zionist corporate media suddenly dropped the story about the Malaysian change in government like a hot potato after accusing Mahathir of being “anti-Semitic.”
The Zionists have also been busy bombing Indonesia recently, according to CIA in Southeast Asia who sent the following via email:
“‘The terrorists have come to Indonesia. This is all another false-flag event created to cause a major clash/war between Christians and Muslims. We knew this would happen. It is tied to the Zionist cabal attempt to take control of Indonesia (divide and conquer).
“This is very serious, Ben. Indonesia is the most important country in Southeast Asia. The power that controls Indonesia controls the region.”
All of this tumult in the region has turned attention away from a major change in Japan, where the government has made what amounts to a 180-degree turn in its recent anti-China stance. Last week Chinese Premier Li Keqiang was taken on a tour of Japan by slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the two countries signed a slew of cooperation agreements. Most importantly, they agreed in principle to reopen a swap arrangement of Japanese yen for Chinese yuan. This of course deals yet another major blow to the petrodollar.
This renewal of friendship was made possible by a change in U.S. policy towards Northeast Asia, as seen in the upcoming reunification of Korea, Pentagon sources say. The truth that Fukushima was a Zionist war crime and not a natural disaster will also come out soon, the sources promise.
Meanwhile, back in the United States, Pentagon sources are saying the process of removing the Khazarian mafia continues. In particular, Pentagon source say, “Anti-Trump Hillary Clinton supporter New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman may be prosecuted for protecting the Clinton Foundation and the NXIVM child-trafficking sex cult along with Bronfman heiresses Clare and Sara.”
The Pentagon sources say the removal of Schneiderman has made it possible now for “FBI investigations to move forward to take down even more Cabal and Democrats.”
The sources also say that more military are being recalled to active duty to prepare for the continued clean-up of the U.S. As a part of this, they say, “Iran-Contra Marine Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North is now president of the NRA to defend gun rights.”
If the U.S. military is serious about cleaning up the U.S., though, they will have to take a closer look at Donald Trump. Arab sources forwarded us a link to the following video that presents comprehensive evidence showing Trump was financed throughout his career by the Rothschilds. Basically, it claims that when the Rothschilds tell Trump to jump, he answers “how high?”
We have been told the new head of the Rothschild’s London branch, Nathaniel Rothschild, is a reformer. However, unless we see more proof of this in his words and actions, we will provide the U.S. military with missile coordinates for the island where many members of this family are hiding out. Taking out this island, together with Zurich and Zug, Switzerland may be the key to freeing humanity. If the Rothschilds really do think they are now working for the good guys, we strongly suggest they contact the White Dragon Society directly, and not through proxies.
On a final note this week, Japanese police alerted us to a disturbing post by the activist known by the name of Cobra. Cobra is telling readers they may be contacted by members of the “Resistance,” who will give them 10-15 minutes to collect personal belongings. After that they will be escorted to a basement entrance in a commercial building where they will take stairs 30 meters underground to a “high-tech” entrance. There, “You will enter through the high-tech door by yourself. You will be asked to take off all your clothes and leave the bag with your personal belongings in a special tray. Then you will be asked to enter the ‘shower cabin.’” After being “accepted into the Resistance, you will not be able to go to the surface, contact the surface population, or even use the surface Internet/cell phone network.”
To a lot of us, this sounds like taking a ride on Comet Hale-Bopp or drinking Kool-Aid at Jonestown, but Cobra, when contacted about this by email, had the following to say:
“It is NOT Jonestown. It is NOT a mass recruitment, but a potential protocol for a very small and selected group of people. People are massively misunderstanding this and are overreacting.”
Maybe, but personally, the idea of entering a “shower room,” and then losing all contact with the outside world brings up associations with places like Auschwitz, Poland.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2018-05-08: Purge at highest levels of secret government spells doom for the Satanists
A change of guard and a purge of secret power brokers is breaking the deadlock in the battle for the Earth, say Pentagon, Vatican, agency, and other sources. This is expected to result in the official disclosure of 9/11 and 3/11 truth as well as the removal of several G7 leaders, according to the sources. To kick off this process, Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA who “resigned” on May 4th, “will testify before Congress to deal death blow to the cabal,” Pentagon sources say.
A publicly visible sign of this change was the formal election of Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre as the 80th Grand Master of the Knights of Malta on May 2.
This is important because the Knights of Malta is not just a charity, but a military order whose members, the tip top of the Western elite, must obey orders. At one point MI6 sent me a list of the members of the order and I saw that it included enough senior U.S. military officers and agency officials to control the military-industrial complex. Unfortunately, somebody was so concerned about my having it that it was removed from my computer along with a removable backup hard drive I thought I had hidden away. Nonetheless, other public lists show the order includes people like George Bush Sr. and Jr., Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth, etc.
What is interesting about Dalla Torre is that he obeys Pope Francis, unlike his predecessor, Fra’ Robert Festing, who reported to Cardinal Raymond Burke. This is what self-described satanist Leo Zagami had to say about this move:
“Our worst fears became real when the last traditionalist Order that poses a threat to Francis, the Knights of Malta, still immensely powerful within the military and intelligence community worldwide (including the conservative side of the C.I.A), have seemingly lost their battle for the defense of tradition and Christianity.”
Zagami has told this writer he has eaten human fetuses and participated in occult ceremonies to “summon demons” and other entities. I suppose that it is this “tradition” that he is defending. He also said Christianity was “a religion for the slaves.” So the “Christianity” he is defending is the continued enslavement of humanity.
In any case, these changes are not just connected to religion, but are also intimately linked to the highest levels of world finance and power. This is because the Vatican secretly controls most world governments and leaders by giving them a choice between “lead or silver,” i.e. assassination or a large deposit in their name at the Vatican bank, confirmed by P2 Freemasons and other sources.
On this front, Vatican #3 and person in charge of Finance, Cardinal George Pell, has been removed from power ostensibly because he faces criminal charges for covering up sex abuse in the church. Coincidentally, his trial began on May 2, the same day the Knights of Malta elected their new leader.
This means that the apex of Western finance, the essence of the Deep State, is under new management.
These changes coincide with a huge move by Pope Francis to use high-level financial instruments to finance …
a massive campaign in South America and Africa to fight poverty and environmental destruction, P2 Freemason sources say. There is a lot we are being asked not to write at this time, but we can confirm this move has seemingly unlimited funding behind it.
Also, CIA sources in Asia and Rothschild family sources both say high-level intrigue involving gold and rights to historical assets is going on. A Rothschild source, for example, says that “Julia Divinagracia, aka Alpha & Omega, was kidnapped.” Alpha & Omega, according to both CIA and FSB sources, financed both the West and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The CIA sources, for their part, report new Rothschild-connected moves to take over the gold mines of Bougainville and other parts of Southeast Asia. Photographs of certain “individuals of interest” are being circulated by the CIA in relation to these intrigues, the sources say.
In any case, apart from this Byzantine-type intrigue, there is a clear unity inside the U.S. military-industrial complex and a determination on their part to permanently end cabal rule, Pentagon sources say.
To this end, the above-mentioned “White-hat Rogers (NSA) now joins former intelligence officials Mike Flynn (Defense Intelligence Agency), Buzzy Krongard (CIA), Louis Freeh, Bob Mueller (FBI), and military brass as Trump’s praetorian guard to deep six the Deep State,” the Pentagon sources promise.
The new head of the NSA, General Paul Nakasone, will also control the CIA and will report to the joint chiefs of staff, the sources note. Former CIA head Mike Pompeo, who now heads the State Department, has reported to active duty, meaning the U.S. State Department is also under control of the U.S. military government now, the sources note.
A visible sign this means real change, of course, is the move towards peace in the Korean Peninsula. Another sign has been the State Department’s decision to cut off funding to the fake “white helmets” propaganda outfit in Syria.
As the sources note, “the Deep State is reeling as sealed indictments exceed 29,000, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FBI, and the State Department are being purged, and Bush Sr. was kicked out of hospital.” Entering a hospital is a tried-and-true method used by Deep State operatives to avoid arrest.
It is interesting to note that John “Daesh” McCain has announced that he will invite George W. Bush and Barack Obama to speak at his upcoming “funeral” as he dies of “natural causes,” but will not invite Trump.
Of course, the elephant in the room that everybody avoids by using the euphemism “Deep State” is Israel and the Zionists who were McCain’s sponsors. For them, events are unraveling very quickly. Satan-worshipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been “summoned to Moscow on May 9 to watch a victory parade where Putin will deliver an ultimatum to end the final conflict that has been holding up the global currency reset,” the sources say.
“Zionism is in its death throes, as Israel is globally isolated in its quest to kill the Iran deal and will be soon exposed for 9/11 and 3/11,” the Pentagon sources add. In addition, top Zionist White House agent Jared Kushner has been sidelined, they note. Israel is now “surrounded by superior Russian weapons, targeted by global boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS), unable to force Congress to pass an anti-free-speech law that punishes BDS supporters, defeated in lawfare when it lost the U.S. Supreme Court case Jesner v. Arab Bank, and was denied a seat on the UN Security Council.”
The other thing the Pentagon sources said was that the U.S. Second Fleet was reactivated to “protect the East Coast and EU while keeping China and Israel away in a joint U.S.-Russian security architecture.”
The mention of EU in the context of a “joint U.S.-Russian security architecture,” implies that Russia and the U.S. have reached some sort of deal over the EU. It is intriguing because Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport was shut down all night on April 29th due to a “power failure.” Since modern airports have multiple redundant backup power supplies, it is a good guess the airport was shut down to allow special forces to deploy throughout Europe in order to remove top cabal targets.
Over the next week we need to keep an eye on visible remaining cabal leaders like Theresa May in the UK, Angela Merkel in Germany, and Emmanuel Macron in France.
Regarding Macron, sources in the French National Transition Council say he is so isolated from his own security forces that he uses foreign bodyguards to whom he speaks in English. Imagine what Americans would feel like if the U.S. President used non-American, Spanish-speaking bodyguards.
On May 5th, over 5,000 demonstrators, many of them military and other government officials, marched on a mental hospital in Paris to demand the release of Marc Granier, a member of France’s elite CRS VIP protection force. Granier was forcibly placed in an insane asylum after he exposed high-level government malfeasance (including multiple assassinations of government officials, police officers, journalists, etc.) in a YouTube video released on May 2nd, , the council notes. The video (in French) can be seen here:
Granier left detailed evidence with the Transition Council as well as with the Russian Embassy in Paris as insurance in case something happens to him. Well, it has happened, so we shall see how long the satan-worshipping Macron and his fake government remain in power.
On a final note, several Japanese right-wing leaders and members of mutual self-defense organizations (mislabeled as organized crime syndicates) have contacted this writer to inform him that Japan’s various underground organizations are uniting under a single banner. This means the Yamaguchi-gumi, the Inagawa-kai, and the Sumiyoshi-kai will be joining forces to make sure Japan becomes an independent country once again.
A change of guard and a purge of secret power brokers is breaking the deadlock in the battle for the Earth, say Pentagon, Vatican, agency, and other sources. This is expected to result in the official disclosure of 9/11 and 3/11 truth as well as the removal of several G7 leaders, according to the sources. To kick off this process, Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA who “resigned” on May 4th, “will testify before Congress to deal death blow to the cabal,” Pentagon sources say.
A publicly visible sign of this change was the formal election of Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre as the 80th Grand Master of the Knights of Malta on May 2.
This is important because the Knights of Malta is not just a charity, but a military order whose members, the tip top of the Western elite, must obey orders. At one point MI6 sent me a list of the members of the order and I saw that it included enough senior U.S. military officers and agency officials to control the military-industrial complex. Unfortunately, somebody was so concerned about my having it that it was removed from my computer along with a removable backup hard drive I thought I had hidden away. Nonetheless, other public lists show the order includes people like George Bush Sr. and Jr., Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth, etc.
What is interesting about Dalla Torre is that he obeys Pope Francis, unlike his predecessor, Fra’ Robert Festing, who reported to Cardinal Raymond Burke. This is what self-described satanist Leo Zagami had to say about this move:
“Our worst fears became real when the last traditionalist Order that poses a threat to Francis, the Knights of Malta, still immensely powerful within the military and intelligence community worldwide (including the conservative side of the C.I.A), have seemingly lost their battle for the defense of tradition and Christianity.”
Zagami has told this writer he has eaten human fetuses and participated in occult ceremonies to “summon demons” and other entities. I suppose that it is this “tradition” that he is defending. He also said Christianity was “a religion for the slaves.” So the “Christianity” he is defending is the continued enslavement of humanity.
In any case, these changes are not just connected to religion, but are also intimately linked to the highest levels of world finance and power. This is because the Vatican secretly controls most world governments and leaders by giving them a choice between “lead or silver,” i.e. assassination or a large deposit in their name at the Vatican bank, confirmed by P2 Freemasons and other sources.
On this front, Vatican #3 and person in charge of Finance, Cardinal George Pell, has been removed from power ostensibly because he faces criminal charges for covering up sex abuse in the church. Coincidentally, his trial began on May 2, the same day the Knights of Malta elected their new leader.
This means that the apex of Western finance, the essence of the Deep State, is under new management.
These changes coincide with a huge move by Pope Francis to use high-level financial instruments to finance …
a massive campaign in South America and Africa to fight poverty and environmental destruction, P2 Freemason sources say. There is a lot we are being asked not to write at this time, but we can confirm this move has seemingly unlimited funding behind it.
Also, CIA sources in Asia and Rothschild family sources both say high-level intrigue involving gold and rights to historical assets is going on. A Rothschild source, for example, says that “Julia Divinagracia, aka Alpha & Omega, was kidnapped.” Alpha & Omega, according to both CIA and FSB sources, financed both the West and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The CIA sources, for their part, report new Rothschild-connected moves to take over the gold mines of Bougainville and other parts of Southeast Asia. Photographs of certain “individuals of interest” are being circulated by the CIA in relation to these intrigues, the sources say.
In any case, apart from this Byzantine-type intrigue, there is a clear unity inside the U.S. military-industrial complex and a determination on their part to permanently end cabal rule, Pentagon sources say.
To this end, the above-mentioned “White-hat Rogers (NSA) now joins former intelligence officials Mike Flynn (Defense Intelligence Agency), Buzzy Krongard (CIA), Louis Freeh, Bob Mueller (FBI), and military brass as Trump’s praetorian guard to deep six the Deep State,” the Pentagon sources promise.
The new head of the NSA, General Paul Nakasone, will also control the CIA and will report to the joint chiefs of staff, the sources note. Former CIA head Mike Pompeo, who now heads the State Department, has reported to active duty, meaning the U.S. State Department is also under control of the U.S. military government now, the sources note.
A visible sign this means real change, of course, is the move towards peace in the Korean Peninsula. Another sign has been the State Department’s decision to cut off funding to the fake “white helmets” propaganda outfit in Syria.
As the sources note, “the Deep State is reeling as sealed indictments exceed 29,000, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FBI, and the State Department are being purged, and Bush Sr. was kicked out of hospital.” Entering a hospital is a tried-and-true method used by Deep State operatives to avoid arrest.
It is interesting to note that John “Daesh” McCain has announced that he will invite George W. Bush and Barack Obama to speak at his upcoming “funeral” as he dies of “natural causes,” but will not invite Trump.
Of course, the elephant in the room that everybody avoids by using the euphemism “Deep State” is Israel and the Zionists who were McCain’s sponsors. For them, events are unraveling very quickly. Satan-worshipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been “summoned to Moscow on May 9 to watch a victory parade where Putin will deliver an ultimatum to end the final conflict that has been holding up the global currency reset,” the sources say.
“Zionism is in its death throes, as Israel is globally isolated in its quest to kill the Iran deal and will be soon exposed for 9/11 and 3/11,” the Pentagon sources add. In addition, top Zionist White House agent Jared Kushner has been sidelined, they note. Israel is now “surrounded by superior Russian weapons, targeted by global boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS), unable to force Congress to pass an anti-free-speech law that punishes BDS supporters, defeated in lawfare when it lost the U.S. Supreme Court case Jesner v. Arab Bank, and was denied a seat on the UN Security Council.”
The other thing the Pentagon sources said was that the U.S. Second Fleet was reactivated to “protect the East Coast and EU while keeping China and Israel away in a joint U.S.-Russian security architecture.”
The mention of EU in the context of a “joint U.S.-Russian security architecture,” implies that Russia and the U.S. have reached some sort of deal over the EU. It is intriguing because Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport was shut down all night on April 29th due to a “power failure.” Since modern airports have multiple redundant backup power supplies, it is a good guess the airport was shut down to allow special forces to deploy throughout Europe in order to remove top cabal targets.
Over the next week we need to keep an eye on visible remaining cabal leaders like Theresa May in the UK, Angela Merkel in Germany, and Emmanuel Macron in France.
Regarding Macron, sources in the French National Transition Council say he is so isolated from his own security forces that he uses foreign bodyguards to whom he speaks in English. Imagine what Americans would feel like if the U.S. President used non-American, Spanish-speaking bodyguards.
On May 5th, over 5,000 demonstrators, many of them military and other government officials, marched on a mental hospital in Paris to demand the release of Marc Granier, a member of France’s elite CRS VIP protection force. Granier was forcibly placed in an insane asylum after he exposed high-level government malfeasance (including multiple assassinations of government officials, police officers, journalists, etc.) in a YouTube video released on May 2nd, , the council notes. The video (in French) can be seen here:
Granier left detailed evidence with the Transition Council as well as with the Russian Embassy in Paris as insurance in case something happens to him. Well, it has happened, so we shall see how long the satan-worshipping Macron and his fake government remain in power.
On a final note, several Japanese right-wing leaders and members of mutual self-defense organizations (mislabeled as organized crime syndicates) have contacted this writer to inform him that Japan’s various underground organizations are uniting under a single banner. This means the Yamaguchi-gumi, the Inagawa-kai, and the Sumiyoshi-kai will be joining forces to make sure Japan becomes an independent country once again.
Thursday, May 03, 2018
Play our own game, not theirs
The current situation on this planet can be described as a war (both physical and spiritual) between the Light Forces (who want to set us free for ascension) and the dark forces (who want to keep us under quarantine and prevent us from evolving spiritually).
For the sake of argument, it can be seen as a match between two teams (Cabal/Chimera/Archons vs. Lightworkers/Truther/Galactic Light Forces).
The game of control of the Cabal has been so successful because of their "disciplines". They are relatively united among their own factions, and they execute their game plan of "divide and conquer" so effectively in all key areas.
To win any team game of sport, regardless of the quality of each individual players, any coach would expect his/her team to:
Applying this to planetary liberation, the points above can be converted to the following "team talk" for Lightworkers:
Given our opponent is the expert in their game, it means doing only one of the above won't be enough. And there is no chance of beating them by luck.
Unfortunately, we are currently playing into the hands of the dark forces. And if we do not change the way we do things now, The Event may not come anytime soon or come as smoothly as we would like.
This article written by Untwine also provide some practical ideas on how we can "play" in this game together with harmony:
I would also recommend every Lightworkers to read "The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight" written by Thom Hartmann, in which he describes lessons of our ancient ancestors of why we get ourselves into the darkness by mimicking the way the dark forces act, rather than resolving the issue with a touch of Light.
Victory of the Light!
For the sake of argument, it can be seen as a match between two teams (Cabal/Chimera/Archons vs. Lightworkers/Truther/Galactic Light Forces).
The game of control of the Cabal has been so successful because of their "disciplines". They are relatively united among their own factions, and they execute their game plan of "divide and conquer" so effectively in all key areas.
To win any team game of sport, regardless of the quality of each individual players, any coach would expect his/her team to:
- execute the given game plan effectively
- try to stop your opponents from playing the game as they would like
Applying this to planetary liberation, the points above can be converted to the following "team talk" for Lightworkers:
- we need to stop the Cabal from "dividing and conquering" us, i.e. achieve unity in Lightworker community
- play our game, either participate in meditations or help strengthening the planetary light grids. This include the requirement that we need to work on our inner aspect and raise our vibrations with "discipline". Do not get provoke by situations and show empathy to our fellow lightworkers.
Given our opponent is the expert in their game, it means doing only one of the above won't be enough. And there is no chance of beating them by luck.
Unfortunately, we are currently playing into the hands of the dark forces. And if we do not change the way we do things now, The Event may not come anytime soon or come as smoothly as we would like.
This article written by Untwine also provide some practical ideas on how we can "play" in this game together with harmony:
I would also recommend every Lightworkers to read "The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight" written by Thom Hartmann, in which he describes lessons of our ancient ancestors of why we get ourselves into the darkness by mimicking the way the dark forces act, rather than resolving the issue with a touch of Light.
Victory of the Light!
FULL ARTICLE - 2018-04-30: Big showdown expected in Middle East as end game approaches for Saudi Israelia
Peace in the Korean Peninsula means the Khazarian mafia is now pulling out all stops in an effort to start World War 3 in the Middle East, multiple sources agree. The result is that there is now a huge battle going on there that is likely to determine the fate of Israel and its ally Saudi Arabia, a collective we will refer to as Saudi Israelia. The battle will also determine who rules the West—satanic bloodlines, or the people.
This is why Israel last week attacked Syria with nuclear weapons and thus left itself open to Russian retaliation, Pentagon sources say. Video of this nuclear attack is being systematically scrubbed from the Internet, but at the time of publication of this newsletter it could be seen here:
There are signs that the nuclear attack may have been Saudi Isrealian retaliation for the assassination of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia. Crown Prince Salman has not appeared in public since heavy gunfire was reported inside the royal palace last week. The only person trotted out for the press when U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited over the weekend was the fake king.
However, the fog of war is especially thick in the region now, so we will not know a lot of what is going on until the dust settles a bit more.
In any case, it is clear Saudi Israelia is increasingly isolated in the region, as Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, and other regional powers line up against them. Now, the U.S. decision to withdraw its troops from Syria into Iraq is a sign to the Russians and their allies that the U.S. military will not defend Saudi Israelia from any Russian attack as long as U.S. control of oil resources in the region is not threatened, Pentagon sources say.
This struggle is not limited to the Middle East, but is also raging under and above the surface in Europe, the U.S., and Russia as the old satanic bloodline families struggle to retain control of the planet Earth.
A visible sign of this epic battle was seen when French Rothschild slave President Emmanuel Macron visited U.S. President Donald Trump last week. This was captured in the photograph below, sent by Pentagon sources.

The Pentagon caption is as follows: “While Macron displays the satanic hand signs, Melania Trump on April 24 sends a message to the Rothschilds that white hats are in control.”
At his meetings with Trump, Macron pretended to support the Iranian nuclear accord that supposedly keeps Iran from having nuclear weapons, while in fact the Rothschilds have been providing Iran with…
both money and nuclear weapons as part of their fanatical efforts to start World War 3, according to members of the Iranian royal family. The Iranians still have neutron-bomb-tipped missiles that were sent to them by the Bush regime, because the Obama regime refused to accept their return, the sources say.
So the real battle is not about “preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons,” as is being constantly drummed into us by the Khazarian-controlled corporate media. The real battle is between people who want real peace in the Middle East and the religious fanatics trying to start Armageddon.
The nuclear attack on Syria is almost certain to be followed by retaliatory attack on either Israel or Saudi Arabia, as the fanatics, fearing for their very lives, try to save themselves by starting a world war. The White Dragon Society and their allies will try to prevent this from escalating into a nuclear inferno by continuing to systematically remove rulers in Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Russia, the U.S., and elsewhere who are plotting to make this happen.
The battle in the U.S. against the satanists is almost over, even though the 25,500 sealed indictments have yet to be acted on. Last week House Speaker Paul Ryan was the latest in a comprehensive list of powerful people who have been purged. Remember, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Barbara Bush, John McCain, etc. are now out of the picture.
The satanists have been trying to create the illusion that this purge is not happening by digitally reviving key people like Clinton, George Soros, and Bill Gates. Last week, for example, they recycled a veiled threat by Gates to kill millions of people with bioweapons.
This sort of digital trickery does not change the reality that these people are gone.
However, satanic leaders like Theresa May in the UK, Macron in France, Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, and Angela Merkel in Germany are still in place.
Removing Macron may be the next move. Here, “The National Transition Council’s Supreme Court, which is the only legitimate justice authority in France, has issued an arrest warrant for Macron and his illegitimate government,” and they hope to enforce it on or around May 5th, according to the Council.
The Council notes that apart from making the satanic hand sign in Washington last week, Macron has placed a satanic symbol in the presidential office and made his acceptance speech with his head posed just below an eye on the top of a pyramid.
It is interesting to note that the oak tree planted in Washington last week by Macron and Trump has gone missing, Council sources say.
In the UK, embattled Prime Minister May lost a major ally last week when Home Secretary Amber Rudd was forced to resign, ostensibly over the mistreatment of immigrants. The Home Secretary in the UK is in charge of the MI5 spy service, and she was really removed because of her involvement in fake gas attack stories in the UK and Syria aimed at provoking war, MI6 sources say. May will soon be removed and replaced with 9/11 and 3/11 truther Jeremy Corbyn, the MI6 sources say.
There is also a lot of high-level intrigue going on in Russia, which is being blamed hysterically by the Khazarians for stealing elections, gassing people, etc. The following intelligence was sent to us by a White Dragon Society (WDS) source inside the Russian intelligence apparatus:
“The FSB and the government Internet-controlling agency have started to block many websites and domains under the story of ‘fighting against terrorists,’ but actually they have been doing some experiments on closing the Internet from outside resources. I looked at the commercial side of this story and saw that the entire Russian side of the Internet-prominent portals, resources, media, etc. are owned exclusively by Jewish people. Moreover, they also have shares in Facebook (10%) and keep buying more shares of it. They are part of a criminal group that is buying shares using different people or organizations that look like they not connected, but they are. This group is linked to the Rockefellers and some government agencies.”
Remember, Facebook is controlled by Mark Zuckerberg, grandson of David Rockefeller.
The source also says this move to control the Russian Internet is also somehow connected to a push inside Russia to make owning cryptocurrency a crime punishable by four years in jail.
It is a good guess that the ongoing move to take control of Russia’s Internet is aimed at trying to manipulate Russian public opinion into supporting an end-times war. It may also be a strategy aimed at undermining the Christian revival in Russia.
In any case, for now, the focus on ending constant war will be to finish the peace process in Korea, Pentagon sources say. To this end, Admiral Harry Harris will be sent to Seoul as ambassador to be military governor of a unified Peninsula, the sources say.
Once the Korean issue is put to rest, the peacemaking focus will shift to Saudi Isrealia, according to WDS sources in Asia.
Peace in the Korean Peninsula means the Khazarian mafia is now pulling out all stops in an effort to start World War 3 in the Middle East, multiple sources agree. The result is that there is now a huge battle going on there that is likely to determine the fate of Israel and its ally Saudi Arabia, a collective we will refer to as Saudi Israelia. The battle will also determine who rules the West—satanic bloodlines, or the people.
This is why Israel last week attacked Syria with nuclear weapons and thus left itself open to Russian retaliation, Pentagon sources say. Video of this nuclear attack is being systematically scrubbed from the Internet, but at the time of publication of this newsletter it could be seen here:
There are signs that the nuclear attack may have been Saudi Isrealian retaliation for the assassination of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia. Crown Prince Salman has not appeared in public since heavy gunfire was reported inside the royal palace last week. The only person trotted out for the press when U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited over the weekend was the fake king.
However, the fog of war is especially thick in the region now, so we will not know a lot of what is going on until the dust settles a bit more.
In any case, it is clear Saudi Israelia is increasingly isolated in the region, as Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, and other regional powers line up against them. Now, the U.S. decision to withdraw its troops from Syria into Iraq is a sign to the Russians and their allies that the U.S. military will not defend Saudi Israelia from any Russian attack as long as U.S. control of oil resources in the region is not threatened, Pentagon sources say.
This struggle is not limited to the Middle East, but is also raging under and above the surface in Europe, the U.S., and Russia as the old satanic bloodline families struggle to retain control of the planet Earth.
A visible sign of this epic battle was seen when French Rothschild slave President Emmanuel Macron visited U.S. President Donald Trump last week. This was captured in the photograph below, sent by Pentagon sources.

The Pentagon caption is as follows: “While Macron displays the satanic hand signs, Melania Trump on April 24 sends a message to the Rothschilds that white hats are in control.”
At his meetings with Trump, Macron pretended to support the Iranian nuclear accord that supposedly keeps Iran from having nuclear weapons, while in fact the Rothschilds have been providing Iran with…
both money and nuclear weapons as part of their fanatical efforts to start World War 3, according to members of the Iranian royal family. The Iranians still have neutron-bomb-tipped missiles that were sent to them by the Bush regime, because the Obama regime refused to accept their return, the sources say.
So the real battle is not about “preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons,” as is being constantly drummed into us by the Khazarian-controlled corporate media. The real battle is between people who want real peace in the Middle East and the religious fanatics trying to start Armageddon.
The nuclear attack on Syria is almost certain to be followed by retaliatory attack on either Israel or Saudi Arabia, as the fanatics, fearing for their very lives, try to save themselves by starting a world war. The White Dragon Society and their allies will try to prevent this from escalating into a nuclear inferno by continuing to systematically remove rulers in Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Russia, the U.S., and elsewhere who are plotting to make this happen.
The battle in the U.S. against the satanists is almost over, even though the 25,500 sealed indictments have yet to be acted on. Last week House Speaker Paul Ryan was the latest in a comprehensive list of powerful people who have been purged. Remember, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Barbara Bush, John McCain, etc. are now out of the picture.
The satanists have been trying to create the illusion that this purge is not happening by digitally reviving key people like Clinton, George Soros, and Bill Gates. Last week, for example, they recycled a veiled threat by Gates to kill millions of people with bioweapons.
This sort of digital trickery does not change the reality that these people are gone.
However, satanic leaders like Theresa May in the UK, Macron in France, Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, and Angela Merkel in Germany are still in place.
Removing Macron may be the next move. Here, “The National Transition Council’s Supreme Court, which is the only legitimate justice authority in France, has issued an arrest warrant for Macron and his illegitimate government,” and they hope to enforce it on or around May 5th, according to the Council.
The Council notes that apart from making the satanic hand sign in Washington last week, Macron has placed a satanic symbol in the presidential office and made his acceptance speech with his head posed just below an eye on the top of a pyramid.
It is interesting to note that the oak tree planted in Washington last week by Macron and Trump has gone missing, Council sources say.
In the UK, embattled Prime Minister May lost a major ally last week when Home Secretary Amber Rudd was forced to resign, ostensibly over the mistreatment of immigrants. The Home Secretary in the UK is in charge of the MI5 spy service, and she was really removed because of her involvement in fake gas attack stories in the UK and Syria aimed at provoking war, MI6 sources say. May will soon be removed and replaced with 9/11 and 3/11 truther Jeremy Corbyn, the MI6 sources say.
There is also a lot of high-level intrigue going on in Russia, which is being blamed hysterically by the Khazarians for stealing elections, gassing people, etc. The following intelligence was sent to us by a White Dragon Society (WDS) source inside the Russian intelligence apparatus:
“The FSB and the government Internet-controlling agency have started to block many websites and domains under the story of ‘fighting against terrorists,’ but actually they have been doing some experiments on closing the Internet from outside resources. I looked at the commercial side of this story and saw that the entire Russian side of the Internet-prominent portals, resources, media, etc. are owned exclusively by Jewish people. Moreover, they also have shares in Facebook (10%) and keep buying more shares of it. They are part of a criminal group that is buying shares using different people or organizations that look like they not connected, but they are. This group is linked to the Rockefellers and some government agencies.”
Remember, Facebook is controlled by Mark Zuckerberg, grandson of David Rockefeller.
The source also says this move to control the Russian Internet is also somehow connected to a push inside Russia to make owning cryptocurrency a crime punishable by four years in jail.
It is a good guess that the ongoing move to take control of Russia’s Internet is aimed at trying to manipulate Russian public opinion into supporting an end-times war. It may also be a strategy aimed at undermining the Christian revival in Russia.
In any case, for now, the focus on ending constant war will be to finish the peace process in Korea, Pentagon sources say. To this end, Admiral Harry Harris will be sent to Seoul as ambassador to be military governor of a unified Peninsula, the sources say.
Once the Korean issue is put to rest, the peacemaking focus will shift to Saudi Isrealia, according to WDS sources in Asia.
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