Here is the link to a new interview of Cobra by Untwine and Patrick from PFC Taiwan.
There are a lot of good information embedded in Cobra's responses.
A hub for articles in the blogosphere relating to the planetary liberation and Victory of the Light.
Friday, September 30, 2016
[Prepare for the Event Series] Ascension – Preparing For What’s Yet To Come: The Event.
I am going to start a new series which collects some important articles on the Internet on how we can get ourselves ready for The Event.
The first article in this series is from In5D, which gives us a number practical ways on how we can prepare our mind and body for The Event.

by Parinya Champ,
Guest writer,
It’s coming and it’s coming fast, are your mind and body ready for the event?
Ascension—we’ve been hearing and studying this most mysterious event for years now (almost a decade now for me). Many of us believe it is coming and then there are those who also believe it has already happened—is happening. Regardless of whether anyone is right or wrong about when ascension should and will happen, we can all rest assured that learning to prepare our bodies and minds for this once in a lifetime opportunity is just as good as experiencing the real thing.
As we cross through the Galactic Plane,
our sun is about to make its next leap into a higher state of
consciousness, and it does so every 25,900 years. Our light bodies are
like open sails and the coming burst of energy said to be released by
our sun will lift us into a higher dimensional realm of consciousness.
It will leave behind all those who chose to remain in lower, negative
states of consciousness that are not in harmony with the new
frequencies. These people will quietly disappear from our lives like
long lost friends we haven’t seen for many years.
As the days fly by, and I literally mean fly by, as all time and
space seem to be shooting hard through a bottleneck at these last
moments, we are all experiencing ascension symptoms
that range from severe depression to extreme states of euphoria. Think
of it as hitting all the musical keys on the emotional scale of life…for
the last time. Enjoy those ups and downs and treat them like how an
artful connoisseur of life would, with detachment, wonder, and
compassion. Extraterrestrial beings
from many groups believe our sun is about to go through an evolutionary
jump into a higher frequency or octave, and that it will give off a
mysterious burst of light that will transform everything in its
path—this transformation is a spiritual consciousness upgrade that will
be felt by all and missed by none. Since back in the day, I’ve
frequented in5d on countless occasions throughout my awakening, always
looking for ways to alleviate my ascension symptoms and find others who
are experiencing similar struggles on the path before the event. I’ve
been helped so many times and now I want to give back to the community
of Lightworkers.
Here are some TOP 10 TIPS we can all do to prepare ourselves and each other for the event:
1. Eat Lighter
What you eat is what you get. Keep your foods light and raw and you will become light and raw. Organic food is important, meaning, foods that are not sprayed with chemical pesticides. Non-GMO is equally important, eat whole foods that have not been genetically modified or engineered. Try to eat local vegetables and fruit grown with love and care, not pushed through a corporate machine and shipped from who knows where to your local grocers. Raw foods contain supreme life force as can be seen through Kirlian photography. Dolores Cannon teaches that liquid diets are super beneficial for Lightworkers during these times—get on those Kale smoothies!2. Meditate
Close your eyes, shut out all sound, find a place of darkness, sit, be still, and let the universe sing. Meditation is known to be the most healing thing that anyone can do regardless of who, what, when, wherever they are. No excuses. Find the time to return to zero point, to the centeredness of the heart, back to oneness with ourselves and the universe. Meditation will allow our bodies to match the new frequencies coming in. How can you know what the frequencies are if you are discombobulated and rushing through the pace of modern life? Throw your TV out the window. Sit still and quiet and adjust to the new earth frequencies. Meditate on wisdom and compassion for all. Imagine the world going through the perfect timeline of your choice, avoid the negative timelines and focus on dreaming into reality the positive events that you would like to see. Thoughts create reality, and now more than ever is the most important time to stay on your A-game, keep your thoughts, ALL thoughts, positive, loving, and forgive all those who have wronged you, no matter what. Let it go.3. Radiate
It is said that Lightworkers, Wanderers, and Starseeds have come into our lives during this time to answer a galactic call. That call was answered but many of us are still unsure of what we’re supposed to be doing. Well, you’re doing it perfectly. Radiate your love and compassion throughout all locations of the world. Just being you and only you is enough to tip the energy grid of the planet to higher positive vibrations. It’s already been tipped, I feel it, so let’s tip it further. We are literally antennae that are broadcasting a positive timeline for humanity. Get out and spread your seeds! It is said that just by walking into a room, we can change the entire energy of all those inside. Imagine that times infinity.4. Water
In addition to eating lighter, water is key. Hydrate yourselves more than you ever needed now because our body, mind, and chakras really need her flowing energy at this time. Water is an intellectual flowing feminine energy and being one with her can help our new DNA to integrate beautifully into all its spirals of galactic code downloading constantly into our cells. Drink non-fluoridated water and Natural Spring Water. Crystal Geyser is the only company that is selling honest Natural Spring Water although they come in plastic bottles, try pouring it into glass bottles after purchasing them. Leave the glass bottles in the sun to absorb as much golden light as possible. You can even place your favorite crystal and gemstones into the bottles to further charge the water for a heavenly crystal cocktail basked under healing sun.5. Sungaze
This may be too extreme for some but nothing is more cool to the extreme than eating the sun. There are yogis and saints who have lived off the energy of the sun for years, possibly lifetimes, without ever needing to consume solid foods. This is a spiritual practice and commitment but can be practiced on occasion to really connect one-on-one with the most powerful life-giving force in our lives. Stand grounded to earth with bare feet and stare into the sun during sunrise and sunset. Only for a few seconds for those just beginning, you will begin to realize that it is not painful, in fact, it is tremendously transformative. You will feel like you’ve been plugged into the universal engine of life. It’s nice to do a silent prayer into the sun while meditating and imagine all its healing golden rays pouring into your eyes, into your pineal gland, down through your body, mixing into your blood, fed through all your organs, clearing out all toxins. Remember, we were all once a sun in a past life or will be one in a future life. You are potentially looking into yourself during this practice. It is a sacred and personal connection beyond words. Like all spiritual practices, study more first and see what works for you.6. Get Wise
Wisdom is peace. Besides researching in5d articles, I’d like to share some of the best places to learn about Ascension, what to expect, and how to prepare yourself. is a metaphysical database containing many of the best researchers in the metaphysical field of consciousness sciences and healing. The films and videos on alone can keep you busy for a lifetime. There’s enough data and teaching points to help anyone on their spiritual path find the way to achieving Rainbow Body Ascension or other esoteric means of transfiguration into light. Enlightenment is real, and it can be learned. It doesn’t have to take a lifetime of being a monk, enlightenment is happening now to all of us. Also important to note is that new information on contains stories about the Secret Space Program. Members of an alliance that have formed from these secret space programs have all confirmed that an ascension event is going to occur and that hundreds of extraterrestrial groups from all over our galaxy and within our earth are all waiting for this moment to happen, watching and waiting to see what happens to our planet and all that are on it at this time. It’s not just us humans going to surf the wave, we have help from our galactic families that will be right by our side.7. Psychedelia
Many on the spiritual path have had the fortunate opportunity to experience what it is like to travel into the higher dimensional realms of existence through the successful use of psychedelics. Unbeknownst to billions of people on this planet, there is an entire mystical world surrounding us at all times, it is invisible, but it is also accessible. Psychedelics such as Psilocybins, Ayahuasca and DMT are natural entheogenic lenses that focus consciousness into receiving higher frequencies, allowing us to glimpse into an otherwise, otherworldly realm, a timeless realm of fractal decadence coexisting in an intricate synchrony of blistering sacred light. Tibetian Monks have confirmed that experiencing DMT in a human body is as close to crossing over into the realm of the Bardo as one can boldly go. Those who have bravely ventured into the deepest, darkest levels of consciousness through psychedelics all know how extraordinarily healing and transformative this life changing experience can be. There is nothing more powerful that will shake and test your spiritual foundation as a human being and turn you out stronger and more enlightened than a journey through your consciousness with psychedelics. Tread with great care and respect when using these holy teachers, as they have the power to show us what God really is, and it will forever change your views on life and yourself. The experience is an ineffable discovery for a soul inhabiting a body—it is everyone’s birthright—it is the most holiest of places you will ever travel in this lifetime.8. Live In The Present
Make every moment a perfect moment—live your life in total mindfulness and you will be living in heaven on earth. What I mean is that by being aware, in the moment, and focused entirely on the present, you will be accessing what is referred to as the singularity, the Great Tao, a place in time and space that is timeless and still, and if you want, it can last forever. Time is but an illusion and no better way to test that premise than to be centered. Let go of the past for it doesn’t exist. Let go of the future for it will never come. Be still in the present, for it is the only thing that exists, it is the most valuable gift we shall ever see.9. Move On To Better Things
Now is the time to let go of the past, forgive all those who have hurt you, and be light and free once again in your own power. Nothing is more powerful than forgiving everything that has wronged you and cut those cords that have been holding you down and holding you back your entire lives. Our bodies are made of light and we should let it be light and rid of all negative heavy thoughts and energy that no longer serve us. This is the New Earth, and we are ascending into the light, into a lighter, more peaceful place. Leave everything behind that no longer serves you, throw out that junk and clutter around the home, find a daily routine you know and love, be that new person you always dreamed of. Do it now, no more time to waste, this is the perfect moment to make the change.10. Give Thanks
Give thanks for everything wonderful in your life. Give thanks for all the things you have, and all the things that you WILL have. Give thanks for all the things you want in the future as if it has already happened. That is the Great Secret. When you keep your thoughts in the vibration of gratitude, it is said to be the most transformative way to manifesting your reality. If you want a perfect healthy body, constantly be giving thanks that you DO already have a perfect healthy body, the universe will just match your frequency through the Law of Attraction and give you exactly what you asked. Be careful what you wish for, and be sure to send gratitude for service-to-others and compassion for all.Hang on and have a wonderful jump to light.
About the author: Parinya Champ is a Los Angeles based artist and consciousness researcher attempting to map the Hyperspace—a higher dimensional level of reality where timelessness and fractal decadence coexist in an intricate synchrony of blistering sacred light. Through research into transcendental meditations combined with shamanic entheogens, he has discovered that psychoactive lenses can focus consciousness toward receiving higher frequencies—journeying to see a glimpse into the deepest, darkest levels of reality where singularity and its allure are encountered.
Champ is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, Studio Arts Dept. His artworks have been recognized by VSCO, LACMA, Photo LA, and ArtSlant. His continual research is a discourse in Cosmic Disclosure—an unveiling of suppressed knowledge that can inform and assist humankind into an unprecedented era of galactic membership among spacefaring and extraterrestrial races—to explore, travel, and understand the higher dimensional realms of existence. Visit
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2016-09-26: Major world power struggles and changes due in October
Below is the full version of Benjamin Fulford update for this week.
Ben has made an announcement that he will be speaking at a live event in Montreal Canada on October 15-16. For information, please click on this link:
Ben has made an announcement that he will be speaking at a live event in Montreal Canada on October 15-16. For information, please click on this link:
Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its military industrial complex, the sources agree.
CIA and Pentagon sources are now both saying neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States. However, they disagree on who will become president, showing that the issue is still up for grabs.
US based CIA sources are still insisting Vice President Joe Biden will become President only to be quickly replaced by VP candidate Tim Kaine. These sources are also saying there is a faction pushing to have Michelle Obama become President thus de-facto prolonging the Obama Presidency.
However, Pentagon sources say a Biden Presidency “would be a disaster.” They are saying that instead “The October surprise may have the Republic restored and new candidates for President like speaker Paul Ryan (R) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem), who gained national profile for publically flogging Wells Fargo CEO.”
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is recommending that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau head a North American Union. When the US and Canada parted ways in 1776, the Americans opted for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” while the Canadians promoted the more prosaic “good government.”
The institutions of the United States are now so corrupted it may well take friendly outsiders like the Canadians to clean them up. It is also worth noting that Scotland only became part of England because a Scottish king ended up ruling both, so having a Canadian rule the US would have a similar result in the long term. Also a United States of North America would have a population of 475 million and would thus be a much stronger entity. Absorbing the 122 million relatively poor Mexicans would be the main drawback to this proposal but at the same time, these Mexicans would help North American industry compete with the Asians.
These topics came up during negotiations between WDS representatives, CIA white hats and Asian secret society plus Chinese government representatives last weekend. The talks went very well.
It was agreed between the Chinese government and the CIA that massive funding would be made available for
setting up a future planning agency. The agency’s initial job would be to oversee the continued clean-up of the Khazarian gangster filth who have ruined the United States and caused so much misery in places like the Middle East and the Ukraine.
It was agreed the agency would eventually have an annual budget worth trillions of dollars to finance massive projects to replenish the oceans with fish, turn the deserts green, upgrade world infrastructure, explore the universe and more. The agency would not be a Stalinist style central planning agency because most of the actual work would be put out to the private sector through competitive bids.
It was agreed the agency would eventually have an annual budget worth trillions of dollars to finance massive projects to replenish the oceans with fish, turn the deserts green, upgrade world infrastructure, explore the universe and more. The agency would not be a Stalinist style central planning agency because most of the actual work would be put out to the private sector through competitive bids.
The Chinese military are offering vast sums of gold to back up this agency, while certain Asian royals are offering usable cash dollars to go with this gold. The problem now being worked on is figuring out is if these dollars are being laundered through the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia or not.
CIA and Mossad sources are saying the US dollar will continue after September 30th but that the dollar will be divided into a domestic US dollar that will be devalued by 50% and an international dollar that will remain unchanged.
However, Pentagon and other CIA sources say the Federal Reserve Board will cease to exist on September 30th raising the question of who exactly will control the dollar.
This is what the Pentagon reports on the issue:
“The IMF accepts the gold-backed yuan into the SDR basket on Oct 1, as the FRB ceases sept 30.” It adds: “The Paris agreement which secretly activates a global gold standard is at near 48%, India will ratify Oct 2 (4.5%) so when Russia (7.35%) ratifies it will cross the 55% threshold but holds off until military issues are resolved and the cabal surrenders.”
CIA sources, for their part, say that China now secretly controls the SDR and the IMF. The SDR or Special Drawing Rights, is a currency proposed by the IMF as an alternative to the US dollar.
Chinese government sources, for their part, say China will be watching what the West will do over the coming months before making its own move. However, they say the “US dollar is backed by nothing.”
Mossad and CIA sources in Asia, as do the Rothschild family, insist there are vast hoards of gold in Asia that back the dollar. However, this writer, despite investigating this issue for 10 years, has yet to see any proof the gold really exists. A WDS representative will be travelling to Indonesia in the near future to investigate if there actually is any gold at the Equator monument in Indonesia that has now become a walled construction site. CIA and Mossad sources in Asia say there are 4000 tons in that location.
Recall that in 2012 Baron James Blackheath presented evidence to the British Parliament that in 2008 the US Federal Reserve board used rights to 700 tons of gold to create gold backed certificates worth 15 trillion dollars implying that it was backed by 700,000 tons. This was how they got out of the Lehman crisis.
Here is the original testimony by Lord Blackheath:
So the Feds are on the record lying about gold in the past. As Nazi Propaganda Chief Joseph Goebbels once said:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
If the buried Asian gold story is just a big lie used to maintain corporate control, then clearly an alternative solution will have to be found to prevent a collapse of the financial system and civilization.
Pentagon sources say “30 Mossad/CIA controllers of ISIS were killed by Russian missile strikes, so the new financial system can come online when ISIS is defeated in Syria and the Ukraine.”
The WDS has advised the Pentagon that the oil companies pushing energy projects in Syria and the Ukraine are Chevron and Exxon Mobil. So, they were told, the best way to stop ISIS and the Nazis in the Ukraine would be to round up the executives of these companies. These executives for sure would then sing like canaries about their Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller bosses.
Since we know Joe Biden’s son is involved in the Ukraine energy business, it is a good guess that the Biden for President proposal is just another attempt by the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia to keep a proxy of theirs in charge of the United States since they know Hillary is too toxic (or dead) to become President.
Hopefully the round-up of oil company executives will finally finish off these Khazarian gangsters and their ISIS private mercenary army.
In any case, their financial fronts like Goldman Sachs are under heavy attack in three continents.
In Asia, a boycott of deals has forced Goldman to lay off 30% of its bankers there. There is also a move to force the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia to hand back the shares of Japanese listed companies they extorted from Japan. Japan is going to get Russian backing for this move, CIA sources in Asia say. According to them a peace deal has already been finalized with Russia over 4 disputed Islands. In this deal, Japan will get the two Southernmost Islands returned. After that, a strong Japanese, Russian military and commercial alliance is expected to emerge, the sources say.
This will be officially announced when Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Japan on December 15th, they say.
In Europe, meanwhile, ex-Goldman economist Jim O’Neill was forced to resign from his job as UK Treasury minister. In the EU former EU commission chief Jose Barroso is under investigation for suddenly quitting his job and joining Goldman Sachs.
The Goldman backed firm Uber and the Bush drug money launderer Bank of America are also being hit by revelations their adviser, former EU Commissioner Neelie Croes, was involved in shady Bahamas deals while in office.
In the US too ex-Goldman employee billionaires running hedge funds like Leon Cooperman of Omega advisors and Dan Och from Och-Ziff Capital Management are under investigation.
These disclosures are part of a systematic attack on the Khazarian mafia financial parasites world-wide. The former investigator of the Saving and Loan Scandal in the US, William Black, who put thousands in jail, has come out to say the big banks’ main business model is fraud.
The take down of the Khazarian mafia will continue and intensify until they surrender completely, multiple sources agree. To this end, Top Khazarian mafia boss Benyamin Netanyahu is being given ultimatums at the UN, Pentagon sources say. That is why top Jewish leaders are meeting with Turkish President Recep Erdogan in New York to get real Middle East peace.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
[Gaia Portal] 2016-09-25: Partisans are completed as unifieds arise
With some delays, below is a new message from Gaia Portal on Sunday morning.
I would interpret the message as follow:
- Agreements are reached between various light forces to work together as tensions between these parties are resolved.
- As the Galactic Wave of Love is getting more intense, helps from Star seeds are becoming more apparent and are much needed.
- At the same time, the Galactic Wave is helping the general population to raise their vibrations.
- The Light Forces are about to make their move towards the surface of the planet.
Partisans are completed as unifieds arise.
Star seeds come to the fore.
Elements of Higher Light illuminate the hu-being.
Marchers arise.
I would interpret the message as follow:
- Agreements are reached between various light forces to work together as tensions between these parties are resolved.
- As the Galactic Wave of Love is getting more intense, helps from Star seeds are becoming more apparent and are much needed.
- At the same time, the Galactic Wave is helping the general population to raise their vibrations.
- The Light Forces are about to make their move towards the surface of the planet.
Partisans are completed as unifieds arise.
Star seeds come to the fore.
Elements of Higher Light illuminate the hu-being.
Marchers arise.
Monday, September 26, 2016
[Cobra] 2016-09-26: Dragon Portal Initiation
Here is the second post from Cobra today about Dragon Portal Initiation with a number of photos that seems to be showing the Blue Dragons.
[Cobra] 2016-09-26: EXMOSS clear matter sequence in progress
Here is one of the two new posts from Cobra today. This one is a new message for the Resistance Movement.
Explanation of some of the codes based on Cobra's previous blog posts:
EXMOSS clear matter sequence in progress
Explanation of some of the codes based on Cobra's previous blog posts:
EXMOSS clear matter sequence in progress
[Benjamin Fulford] 2016-09-26: Major world power struggles and changes due in October
Here is the update from Benjamin Fulford for this week.
A full version of this update will be published here on Thursday.
A full version of this update will be published here on Thursday.
Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its military industrial complex, the sources agree.
CIA and Pentagon sources are now both saying neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States. However, they disagree on who will become president, showing that the issue is still up for grabs.
US based CIA sources are still insisting Vice President Joe Biden will become President only to be quickly replaced by VP candidate Tim Kaine. These sources are also saying there is a faction pushing to have Michelle Obama become President thus de-facto prolonging the Obama Presidency.
However, Pentagon sources say a Biden Presidency “would be a disaster.” They are saying that instead “The October surprise may have the Republic restored and new candidates for President like speaker Paul Ryan (R) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem), who gained national profile for publically flogging Wells Fargo CEO.”
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is recommending that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau head a North American Union. When the US and Canada parted ways in 1776, the Americans opted for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” while the Canadians promoted the more prosaic “good government.”
The institutions of the United States are now so corrupted it may well take friendly outsiders like the Canadians to clean them up. It is also worth noting that Scotland only became part of England because a Scottish king ended up ruling both, so having a Canadian rule the US would have a similar result in the long term. Also a United States of North America would have a population of 475 million and would thus be a much stronger entity. Absorbing the 122 million relatively poor Mexicans would be the main drawback to this proposal but at the same time, these Mexicans would help North American industry compete with the Asians.
These topics came up during negotiations between WDS representatives, CIA white hats and Asian secret society plus Chinese government representatives last weekend. The talks went very well.
It was agreed between the Chinese government and the CIA that massive funding would be made available for
Saturday, September 24, 2016
[Prepare for Change] 2016-09-21: The Taking Down of the Chimera the Root of All Evil ~ Part 2
Here is the text-only version of a new article from Therese Zumi on Prepare for Change, which is a collection of key points from defeating the Chimera group by Cobra and how we can help the process by doing meditation.
I agree with her that we need as many people as possible to do the new weekly ascension meditation in order to speed up the process.
I agree with her that we need as many people as possible to do the new weekly ascension meditation in order to speed up the process.
On July 30th 2016 in the ‘Terms of Surrender Update’ we were given some more details about the various factions of the cabal and their background / origin. Among other things we learned that “The Jesuits, the Archons and the Chimera all come from negative races from the Andromeda galaxy. They are all fallen angels meaning that they have descended from spirit into matter by implantation process, and quite many will be able to ascend when the duality is over”.We also learned that “the Chimera group is not involved in the surrender negotiations because no surface group is strong enough to be able to deal with them. The Resistance is dealing with them directly.”
We can trust that the Resistance Movement or more clearly the united allied Forces of Light which include the below surface Resistance freedom fighters and the various united galactic family groups currently in and around our solar system are working non-stop to remove the power of the Chimera for all time.
For a safe transition for mankind at the time of The Event it is of paramount importance that the ongoing process of decreasing both the strength of and numbers of toplet bombs continues until they are entirely eliminated. This has proven to be a very difficult task but even if the process takes time we are fast approaching a moment in time when we will find ourselves parting ways once and for all with these beings. Recently they have also made several attacks on the surface like the prevention of the positive military coup d’état in Turkey and again on September 1st ” the Chimera group has used a scalar beam weapon from one of their UAV craft to destroy Elon Musk’s Falcon 9 in order to create a delay in the surface space programs that attempt to break the quarantine status for planet Earth:” (link further down in this post to more information)
And we now know that a full scale war is taking place right this moment within our solar system.
With each victory of the United Light Forces in this final war in our solar system more and more cracks are appearing in the veil. These victories {that we most likely will not learn very much about for strategic purposes} will continue and there will be more evidence as we move forward that clearly shows us how the cabal’s power on the surface is disintegrating. We will start to see more and more evidence in our skies that something beautiful and amazing is taking place as more and more cracks in the veil appear.
We cannot deny and Cobra will no doubt agree that the flow of information regarding the ongoing war between the Resistance Movement (above and below surface) and the Chimera group has been scanty now for many months. Many people are disappointed that the earlier regular updates from Cobra about this war have in recent months been few and far between. As he has repeated in many interviews he is not allowed at this point in time to divulge information that could harm the liberation process. I believe that anyone can understand that the enemy would also benefit by knowing too much about the ongoing RM activities and plans. This article aims to gather the information that we do have about this war with the Chimera to provide as much clarity as possible at this time regarding our situation.
For newer readers I have to recommend first reading Part One of this article that I posted here in May 2016
where you will find a longer introduction as to who exactly these Chimera beings are and an overview of the war so far (August 2014 – May 2016) on the way to our liberation from slavery to these beings so that mankind can and will finally become fully awake to the fact that they are sovereign beings free to live in peace and harmony and abundance.
The day when that liberation is actually a fact – the Day of Compression Breakthrough – the Day of The Event is looming fast. It is approaching at the speed of Love and when that Galactic Wave of Love reaches our shores after the signal has gone out from The One mankind will no longer have to fear negativity of any kind and the healing process can begin.
I will begin this compilation of information from earlier updates on June 22nd of this year.
The news on that day was disheartening because although we had already learned that the dangerous strangelet bombs had been dealt with on March 25th of this year “The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach;”we now discover that “Removal of the remaining plasma toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, —–“ Here we were given quite a bit of detail about the ‘quantum potential chambers’ (weapons) and the technology being used by the Light Forces to annihilate the remaining toplet bombs throughout the solar system once and for all.
It was on this date that we also learned from Cobra that “The Rothschilds have contacted a certain Dragon group and began to negotiate:”.
Then on July 14th Cobra provided us with the following information:
There are Cabal surrender negotiations taking place behind the scenes, and the general population has a right to know what is going on and to communicate their perspective. So here I am putting the terms of surrender for public review and discussion.
The Rockefeller faction will most likely fight until their bitter end, but the rest of the Cabal will surrender when it gets unsafe enough for them. Many positive factions are getting increasingly impatient and increasingly capable of removing the Cabal from the planet.
Whatever is negotiated with Rothschilds must be negotiated with Jesuits and Black nobility families as well. Chimera group is not involved in these negotiations.
To read about the terms of surrender go here;
On July 24th we were given some good news about the Taiwan Ascension Conference.
I am adding this info here because although it does not mention the Chimera by name the information shows us some of the great progress being made towards our liberation.
“Our Ascension conference was taking place in Taipei, the home base of many positive Dragon groups. The Blue, the White and the Black were together with us at the conference and the Plum were aware of our presence.
Our group was strong and focused and our physical and non-physical support team was more effective than ever and a certain breakthrough happened on the non-physical planes which indicates that the Veil will disintegrate „soon “.
The opening in the Veil can be seen energetically on this picture of pink sky in Taipei which was taken a few days after the conference:
A certain cycle was completed and we are entering the next phase of the Breakthrough process where things will escalate towards the Compression Breakthrough. More intel about this will be released in the near future, as will intel about surrender negotiations.
Just a few hours before the beginning of the conference, a military coup happened in Turkey. The coup was carried out by the Positive Military in Turkey against Erdogan and was crushed by the US negative military faction as instructed by their Khazarian / Jesuit commanders. To continue reading this update go here;
Because of the information provided in the ‘Terms of Surrender’ update many people reacted and expressed great dislike of the fact that these negotiations were actually taking place with certain cabal groups at all. To clarify this Cobra provided the following update on
July 30th 2016
Terms of Surrender Update
There are some clarifications that need to be made about the terms of surrender.
First, the mass arrest plan is still valid and in full force. The Light forces will not wait for any dark individual or Cabal faction to surrender, they will arrest them as soon as they can do that in a way that is safe for humanity to go through the transition. Those members of the Cabal that surrender before the mass arrests will have more favorable conditions. It is very unlikely that many individual members of the Cabal will surrender before the Event because they fear the revenge from other Cabal members, as they will be perceived as „traitors “.
There is a certain possibility that the Rothschild faction as a whole will surrender and start cooperating before the Event. The Rothschilds are fallen angels from the Rigel star system in the Orion constellation. In the past, many members of the Cabal originating from Rigel have surrendered to the Light when they were shown that Light is stronger than darkness. The Rigelians have a tendency to side with the one that is stronger and many of them, when arrested or faced with strong enough opposition, will actually show signs of relief that finally someone was powerful enough to stop their negative actions. This will be a proof to them that Light is stronger that darkness and will begin to cooperate. The Rigelian race descended from spirit into mater by implantation process, their connection with spirit is still there to a certain extent and many of them will be able to ascend when this duality nightmare is over.
The Jesuits, the Archons and the Chimera all come from negative races from Andromeda Galaxy. They are all fallen angels, meaning that they have descended from spirit into matter by implantation process, and quite many will be able to ascend when the duality is over.
The Chimera group is not involved in the surrender negotiations because no surface positive faction is strong enough to be able to deal with them. The Resistance is dealing with them directly.
The Rockefeller faction is Draconian by its origin and will never surrender, they will fight back with their false flags until they are removed into the Galactic Central Sun. The Draconian race has evolved from dense matter and the more negative members of that race do not have sufficient contact with the spirit to be redeemed.
Second, the Cabal members that surrender willingly will go through a psychological transition to become part of the Light forces and will be treated fairly. They will all be stardusted so if any of them tries something funny before they fully accept the Light, they will be paralyzed immediately and then removed from the planet. During the reconciliation process they will need to fully disclose their past actions and come face to face with people’s anger, but will not be allowed to be treated violently and will not be punished. The biggest punishment for them will be their conscience after they wake up and fully realize what they have done. They will go through a psychological healing process and will live the rest of their lives in service to humanity and Light.
Third, the bounty for the capture of the Cabal members will most likely not work because the other side has put even bigger bounty on some Lightwarriors on the surface of the planet. This reflects a centuries old treaty with the Chimera that says „we will not touch your leaders and you will not touch ours. “It is expected that this deadlock will continue until the Event when finally, the breakthrough will happen and the Chimera will be check-mated.
Victory of the Light!
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Clearing of the Chimera group continues with moderate success. After mid-August, more intel will be gradually released to the general population. Victory of the Light!
Finally, on August 17th we had positive news of a breakthrough again.
Situation Update
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Since mid-July, the concentration of toplet plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the Veil to appear. This means that plasma free of primary anomaly began to appear on the surface of the planet. This allows clearer vertical energetic communication with non-physical spiritual guides that will begin to contact the awakened part of humanity more and more.
Also, as the new cycle began in July, various positive Agartha groups have begun preparations for physical contact with the surface population. These preparations include some exact protocols which I will gradually release through my blog to the surface population.
Regarding the negotiation process with the Rothschilds we learn;
Complexity wave analysis made by the Resistance Movement estimates about 20% probability that the Rothschilds will surrender before the Event. The Light forces are proceeding with their plans for the planetary liberation and are never waiting for the outcome of the surrender negotiations, those negotiations not being their primary focus.
Here are a few more details from this Aug 17th update:
Those who are interested in genuine images of secret space program vehicles can find them here:
As the plasma anomaly around the Earth is clearing fast, the negative military wants to reinforce it with plasma bombs:
The Light forces are gaining victories towards the final liberation of the Syria vortex:
TZ here; Since September 1st we are in the midst of a full scale final galactic war on the surface of Gaia and within our Solar System.
Maybe we need to remind ourselves of this as we go about our business. The Light Forces are truly in appreciation of any support that we can give by taking part in regular meditations at this time! Here is the introduction on my blog to Cobra’s latest update;
This is an important update from Cobra and we learn that there is a full scale war ongoing right now in and around our solar system since September 1st!! “This is the last escalation of the Galactic Wars before the final liberation of our Solar System and the final removal of darkness from the Universe.”
Also ongoing attempts by a positive SSP group attempting to break the Earth quarantine through the development of spacecraft here on the surface have now also been attacked by the Chimera to delay those attempts.
Because of attacks on Lightworkers Cobra is calling for two extra meditations this month to strengthen the Light Grid here on the surface – these will take place on the 16th and 22nd of September at exact times of the lunar eclipse and equinox – see details below and please spread this info about the extra meditations to everyone you know.
Here is some of that update from Cobra on
September 12th 2016
A Short Situation Update
The Chimera group has used the September 1st annular solar eclipse as a trigger to reopen a negative plasma portal through the Congo energy vortex. You can see that the path of totality for the eclipse goes through Congo:
Exactly 67 minutes after the eclipse was over, the Chimera group has used a scalar beam weapon from one of their UAV craft to destroy Elon Musk’s Falcon 9 in order to create a delay in the surface space programs that attempt to break the quarantine status for planet Earth:
To continue reading go here;
Have we really had any choice but to accept existing in this false veil reality that we have believed to be real for so long? Can we even imagine what reality will be like when the veil – net – web is removed? There is no doubt that mistakes have been made along the way. I don’t know if enough people have truly understood the power of our ‘free will intention’ to actually affect a change. Do you? We all truly need to understand the power of our focused unified attention and just what it can achieve when we join forces with one another. We can change anything. Do you really believe that we would have come this far without the ongoing participation of Lightworkers all around this planet regularly focused on liberating this planet for many years and especially since the arrival of Cobra’s blog in April of 2012?
Tomorrow is the date requested for the second of the two extra meditations at this time to reverse the effect of the Chimera attack on September 1st. WE NEED YOUR HELP – WE NEED YOUR FOCUS – WE NEED YOUR BEING THERE WITH US NOW TOMORROW and then every single Sunday at 4PM UTC until the day of liberation is upon us.
“The second one, at the exact moment of the equinox on September 22th at 2:21 pm UTC:
The instructions for the meditation are here:
You can convert time for meditation from UTC to your local time zone here:
When this war in space is over – when the Chimera fleet is destroyed – (they know no other way than to fight to the bitter end, nothing else makes sense to them, they would much prefer to go like this than any other way, going any other way than in battle would no doubt be the greatest shame for them) nothing will be able to hold back the moment of Compression Breakthrough any longer. The power in the Love Energy of our unified free will intention – focused upon seeing their complete demise – is stronger than any continued conflict on their part. Love will prevail in the end. Join us.
To read the first part of this article with more background information go to this link here:
For those who would like a complete overview of all of our victories so far in our liberation process + an overview of the many varied Light Forces cooperating with us go to this newly updated page ‘Victory Now’ link on Veritas Galactic Sweden;
Therese Zumi
21st September 2016 at 1044 AM CEST
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