[Original article can be found here:
Many spiritual seekers are
beginning to experience a greater sense of Oneness with All that is.
Each one of us have had some earlier experiences in our lives that we
have had to go through, so that we could have some knowledge of what we
are about to experience now.
Much as we may have earlier
desired, we have learned that this experience of Oneness cannot be
brought into being through some magical formula. Nor can it be desired
into being. In no way can it be forced into being.
It can be described in some way
as being in a truly remarkable flow of experience with all that is.
During this experience we can carry out our daily ‘must do’s’ like
shopping, driving a car, interacting with people etc. Yet, we are also
at the same time fully aware that we are experiencing a kind of magical
flow. Our conversations are normal and yet we wonder if the person that
we are communicating with, is also in this magical flow and has also
discovered this magical experience of being in complete harmony and
oneness with their I Am Heart Presence.
When we have entered into this magical flow, we can be assured that we are completely at one with our I AM Source.
When we find ourselves
experiencing this flow, we can also be assured that our Guides are
always present and ready to give us advice. We should allow ourselves to
be innocently accepting of receiving ~ of being in a receptive mode to
this advice. When we take advice given to us, we will clearly see the
rewards that this will bring.
I will give a simple example.
Let’s say I’m walking down a street and I see a familiar face
approaching. My Guides say, ‘you do not have time to stop and chat’.
That is absolutely necessary advice and I must be receptive to it. When I
come into contact with that person I say, “sorry I can’t stop and talk
now someone is waiting on me”.
When we exist in a space of
Oneness and are flowing with all of life, we are deeply in touch with
our Higher Self and also with the many Guides within the Council of
Love. They are ready at this special time on our planet to help us to
adjust to our new roles as the new leaders on Gaia.
Think of it like this. In my pictorial I Ching book there is an image used to describe what is called Collective Force.
The image shows a dragon boat
regatta with people on the side of the water cheering on the oarsmen in
the boat race. It is the oarsmen in the picture that symbolise
collective force. They can only win the race when they work in complete
tandem with one another. It is their synchronized movement in rowing the
boat that creates the collective force and helps them to win.
When we are ‘in the flow’ with our I AM Presence and with our Guides then we are part of the Collective Force.
If we have a desire to be an
integral part of a synchronized Collective Force of Light and Love, then
it is paramount that we maintain correct persistence in everything that
we do.
We need to be receptive to the advice that our Guides are giving us at all times.
If we insist upon forging ahead
with our own ideas of what we ought to do, should do etc. If we do not
take a few moments of our time to listen to what our Heart ♥️ Space and Guidance is conveying to us, then we will find ourselves defeated by no end of annoyances.
When we are in the flow that I
am describing here we will have magical experiences. Our senses will be
heightened. This can give us an awareness of colours being stronger and
more vibrant. An inherent knowingness about people’s levels of heart
consciousness awareness. A stronger connection with the divinity in
nature. Greater clarity on many levels.