We are looking for more people in the UK and Spain to expand the Cintamani Light Grid in these two countries.
Two Facebook groups have been created for this purpose:
Cobra Liberación Etérica España
Cobra Etheric Liberation UK
Please contact me at theeventhub2015@gmail.com if you want to contribute to this project.
Victory of the Light!
A hub for articles in the blogosphere relating to the planetary liberation and Victory of the Light.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Two new videos from Benjamin Fulford and Robert David Steele
Here are two very good interviews of Robert David Steele by Benjamin Fulford in Japan, which I highly recommended.
This is the Wikipedia page that they were talking about in the second interview.
Here is the link to Robert David Steele website.
This is the Wikipedia page that they were talking about in the second interview.
Here is the link to Robert David Steele website.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2018-02-19: Financial mega-battle to escalate in late February, early March
Below is the full version of Benjamin Fulford's update for this week.
The secret battle for the planet earth is entering a critical phase over the coming weeks, especially in the realm of finance, where an epic three-way battle is raging, multiple sources agree. In this battle, cryptocurrencies and the Chinese yuan are fighting each other, as well as fighting to replace the current privately-owned Western central bank petrodollar, Euro, and Japanese yen-based system.
In the biggest move, the gauntlet has been cast by the Chinese as they challenge the U.S. petrodollar, with the formal announcement of a March 26th start for gold-backed-yuan oil futures trading. Asian secret society sources say the Year of the Dog, which is just starting, usually brings volatility (in this case presumably in the financial markets) before things settle down into a new normal as the year progresses. This means the Chinese are ready for financial war once they return from their lunar new year’s holiday this week and next.
This Chinese move against the petrodollar coincides with a Russian threat to withdraw from the Western-controlled SWIFT international payments system. A CIA source in Asia says he was informed by his Russian counterparts that if Russia starts trade without using the international SWIFT trading accounts and completely switches over to the Chinese Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS), “there will be at least a dozen other nations that make this switch within days.”
Meanwhile, a Canadian Secret Intelligence Service agent notes that “Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of Russia is also the CEO of the Russian Federation, licensed to operate out of London. So if the order is given to move away from the SWIFT system, the U.S. dollar simply dies and we will see huge inflation.” What he means by this is that the London financial district, and by implication the 2.4 billion-member British Commonwealth, will join the Russians and Chinese in ditching the U.S. dollar.
There is also a big push to replace the petrodollar with a gold-backed cryptocurrency that could rival the Chinese yuan for influence, according to Russian, CIA, Pentagon, Japanese government, and other sources involved in this project, which we discuss in further detail below.
These developments are probably why senior members of the P2 Freemason lodge, the controllers of the existing dollar/euro/yen system, contacted the White Dragon Society (WDS) last week to sue for peace. There will be more about these discussions with the P2 below.
Also last week, former CIA officer and co-founder of the Marine Intelligence Activity (the folks who recently buzzed CIA Headquarters) Robert David Steele showed up in Japan last week to meet with WDS members. Here is a YouTube video of my live interview with Robert David Steele:
Remember, the top generals in the Trump regime, including Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, were all Marine generals, so the timing of Steele’s arrival in Japan can be no coincidence.
In Japan, Steele met with members of Asian secret societies, senior right-wing power brokers, members of the Japanese royal family, and others. The discussions focused on…
ideas for an alternative to the existing Western economic paradigm. Mr. Steele’s view is that the real cost of producing items must be included in the cost of a product. The example he gave was how the use of dangerous carcinogens in the production of smartphones would lead to cancer among the phone factory workers, and that the cost of this cancer should be included in the price of the phone. It was agreed by the various parties that certainly the cost of pollution, for example, should be paid in full by the polluters.
There was also a general agreement that the current system of privately-owned central banks is destroying the planet and needs to be ended. An Asian-based CIA source involved in the discussions said the ASEAN nations (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar) are preparing to start the process by nationalizing their central banks.
There was, however, disagreement about cryptocurrencies. The Asian secret society representative said the Chinese had made a decision in February 2017 to stop supporting cryptocurrencies because they feared that a “rogue AI” would be able to “take control of them and thus take control of human society.”
However, the Asian secret society representative said they were willing to support the WDS idea for a gold-backed cryptocurrency, but only if they were given proof the gold actually existed. The WDS promised to provide detailed evidence to the Asians in the form of a statistically valid amount of core samples. The gold deposits are in Bougainville, Indonesia and elsewhere, and are not related to the legendary caves full of already-mined “global collateral accounts” gold. They will be mined using ecologically friendly technology.
In any case, even the current cryptocurrencies, backed only by computers and human psychology, are spooking the owners of the existing financial system. For example, Arizona, Florida, and Wyoming are now allowing taxes to be paid via cryptocurrencies despite their volatility. It won’t be long before other states follow.
This may be why Agustin Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank for central banks, said in his first-ever public speech on February 6 that, “If authorities do not act pre-emptively, cryptocurrencies could become more interconnected with the main financial system and become a threat. Most importantly, the meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies should not make us forget the important role central banks play as stewards of public trust. Private digital tokens masquerading as currencies must not subvert this trust.”
The BIS, by the way, is where conspiracy theory meets so-called mainstream news. Publications like The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times are full of articles about arcane BIS pronouncements affecting the entire planet, yet the BIS is not accountable to any government on earth and nobody elected them (you can confirm this by calling the BIS at +41 61 280 8080).
The other point is that with the rigged stock markets, the Libor scandal, the Lehman shock, etc., they have already subverted any trust anybody ever had in them.
In any case, Pentagon sources say, “The new global financial system is coming, as cabal DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), laboratories, satellites, underwater bases, and other military assets have been destroyed.”
Also, preparations for a new pan-African currency are moving ahead now that “Zimbabwe is politically stable for its dollar to become the reserve currency for Africa, as longtime opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is dead,” the sources say.
Developments like all those mentioned above, especially the start of gold-backed-yuan oil trading, are why the P2 Freemason lodge, rulers of the old petrodollar system, are negotiating peace with the White Dragon Society. The P2 were advised they must announce a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all debt worldwide, as well as a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets, as a starting point for a new financial paradigm.
They were also asked to instruct their UN, G7, World Bank, and other subsidiaries to announce a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to save the planet. As a part of this, a newly created, meritocratically and transparently run future planning agency would be created to carry out these plans in consultation with the people of the planet earth.
As of this writing, no positive response has been received from the P2, so the process of removing them permanently from all positions of power will continue until completed.
The removal from power of arch-Satanist and mass-murderer Benyamin Netanyahu, now that he has been indicted by Israeli police, is going to be the next step in that process. Netanyahu is trying to hold the Jewish citizens of Israel hostage by threatening a suicidal war with Iran. However, Jewish CIA sources are saying it is inevitable that Netanyahu will go to jail and, “If Khazarian mafia Netanyahu goes to jail, he will not come out alive.” It appears the Jews are finally waking up to the fact they are still in their Babylonian captivity after thousands of years and are about to finally free themselves.
In this context, the latest “shooting incident” in Florida appears to have been an attempt to scare the Jews into continued submission. Here is what Pentagon sources had to say about it: “This was no ordinary school shooting, but a message to the Jewish mafia, as the Parkland, Florida high school is 40% Jewish and 5 of the 17 dead are Jewish.”
It says a lot about the state of the U.S. that there is such a thing as an “ordinary school shooting.” In any case, this source says, “Parkland is also the Texas hospital that handled John F. Kennedy when he was shot, so this was also a message for the Bushes and Israel.”
This source also informs us that “the anti-Trump actor Robert De Niro may be exposed for being a client of an international underage prostitution ring.”
Also, the Pentagon source says the NSA has now confirmed that U.S. President Donald Trump won the popular vote with 70 million votes, versus 57 million for Hillary Clinton.
We wish Trump the best, but it is still hard to see how Washington, D.C. is going to be able to avoid a formal declaration of bankruptcy.
The secret battle for the planet earth is entering a critical phase over the coming weeks, especially in the realm of finance, where an epic three-way battle is raging, multiple sources agree. In this battle, cryptocurrencies and the Chinese yuan are fighting each other, as well as fighting to replace the current privately-owned Western central bank petrodollar, Euro, and Japanese yen-based system.
In the biggest move, the gauntlet has been cast by the Chinese as they challenge the U.S. petrodollar, with the formal announcement of a March 26th start for gold-backed-yuan oil futures trading. Asian secret society sources say the Year of the Dog, which is just starting, usually brings volatility (in this case presumably in the financial markets) before things settle down into a new normal as the year progresses. This means the Chinese are ready for financial war once they return from their lunar new year’s holiday this week and next.
This Chinese move against the petrodollar coincides with a Russian threat to withdraw from the Western-controlled SWIFT international payments system. A CIA source in Asia says he was informed by his Russian counterparts that if Russia starts trade without using the international SWIFT trading accounts and completely switches over to the Chinese Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS), “there will be at least a dozen other nations that make this switch within days.”
Meanwhile, a Canadian Secret Intelligence Service agent notes that “Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of Russia is also the CEO of the Russian Federation, licensed to operate out of London. So if the order is given to move away from the SWIFT system, the U.S. dollar simply dies and we will see huge inflation.” What he means by this is that the London financial district, and by implication the 2.4 billion-member British Commonwealth, will join the Russians and Chinese in ditching the U.S. dollar.
There is also a big push to replace the petrodollar with a gold-backed cryptocurrency that could rival the Chinese yuan for influence, according to Russian, CIA, Pentagon, Japanese government, and other sources involved in this project, which we discuss in further detail below.
These developments are probably why senior members of the P2 Freemason lodge, the controllers of the existing dollar/euro/yen system, contacted the White Dragon Society (WDS) last week to sue for peace. There will be more about these discussions with the P2 below.
Also last week, former CIA officer and co-founder of the Marine Intelligence Activity (the folks who recently buzzed CIA Headquarters) Robert David Steele showed up in Japan last week to meet with WDS members. Here is a YouTube video of my live interview with Robert David Steele:
Remember, the top generals in the Trump regime, including Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, were all Marine generals, so the timing of Steele’s arrival in Japan can be no coincidence.
In Japan, Steele met with members of Asian secret societies, senior right-wing power brokers, members of the Japanese royal family, and others. The discussions focused on…
ideas for an alternative to the existing Western economic paradigm. Mr. Steele’s view is that the real cost of producing items must be included in the cost of a product. The example he gave was how the use of dangerous carcinogens in the production of smartphones would lead to cancer among the phone factory workers, and that the cost of this cancer should be included in the price of the phone. It was agreed by the various parties that certainly the cost of pollution, for example, should be paid in full by the polluters.
There was also a general agreement that the current system of privately-owned central banks is destroying the planet and needs to be ended. An Asian-based CIA source involved in the discussions said the ASEAN nations (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar) are preparing to start the process by nationalizing their central banks.
There was, however, disagreement about cryptocurrencies. The Asian secret society representative said the Chinese had made a decision in February 2017 to stop supporting cryptocurrencies because they feared that a “rogue AI” would be able to “take control of them and thus take control of human society.”
However, the Asian secret society representative said they were willing to support the WDS idea for a gold-backed cryptocurrency, but only if they were given proof the gold actually existed. The WDS promised to provide detailed evidence to the Asians in the form of a statistically valid amount of core samples. The gold deposits are in Bougainville, Indonesia and elsewhere, and are not related to the legendary caves full of already-mined “global collateral accounts” gold. They will be mined using ecologically friendly technology.
In any case, even the current cryptocurrencies, backed only by computers and human psychology, are spooking the owners of the existing financial system. For example, Arizona, Florida, and Wyoming are now allowing taxes to be paid via cryptocurrencies despite their volatility. It won’t be long before other states follow.
This may be why Agustin Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank for central banks, said in his first-ever public speech on February 6 that, “If authorities do not act pre-emptively, cryptocurrencies could become more interconnected with the main financial system and become a threat. Most importantly, the meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies should not make us forget the important role central banks play as stewards of public trust. Private digital tokens masquerading as currencies must not subvert this trust.”
The BIS, by the way, is where conspiracy theory meets so-called mainstream news. Publications like The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times are full of articles about arcane BIS pronouncements affecting the entire planet, yet the BIS is not accountable to any government on earth and nobody elected them (you can confirm this by calling the BIS at +41 61 280 8080).
The other point is that with the rigged stock markets, the Libor scandal, the Lehman shock, etc., they have already subverted any trust anybody ever had in them.
In any case, Pentagon sources say, “The new global financial system is coming, as cabal DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), laboratories, satellites, underwater bases, and other military assets have been destroyed.”
Also, preparations for a new pan-African currency are moving ahead now that “Zimbabwe is politically stable for its dollar to become the reserve currency for Africa, as longtime opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is dead,” the sources say.
Developments like all those mentioned above, especially the start of gold-backed-yuan oil trading, are why the P2 Freemason lodge, rulers of the old petrodollar system, are negotiating peace with the White Dragon Society. The P2 were advised they must announce a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all debt worldwide, as well as a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets, as a starting point for a new financial paradigm.
They were also asked to instruct their UN, G7, World Bank, and other subsidiaries to announce a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to save the planet. As a part of this, a newly created, meritocratically and transparently run future planning agency would be created to carry out these plans in consultation with the people of the planet earth.
As of this writing, no positive response has been received from the P2, so the process of removing them permanently from all positions of power will continue until completed.
The removal from power of arch-Satanist and mass-murderer Benyamin Netanyahu, now that he has been indicted by Israeli police, is going to be the next step in that process. Netanyahu is trying to hold the Jewish citizens of Israel hostage by threatening a suicidal war with Iran. However, Jewish CIA sources are saying it is inevitable that Netanyahu will go to jail and, “If Khazarian mafia Netanyahu goes to jail, he will not come out alive.” It appears the Jews are finally waking up to the fact they are still in their Babylonian captivity after thousands of years and are about to finally free themselves.
In this context, the latest “shooting incident” in Florida appears to have been an attempt to scare the Jews into continued submission. Here is what Pentagon sources had to say about it: “This was no ordinary school shooting, but a message to the Jewish mafia, as the Parkland, Florida high school is 40% Jewish and 5 of the 17 dead are Jewish.”
It says a lot about the state of the U.S. that there is such a thing as an “ordinary school shooting.” In any case, this source says, “Parkland is also the Texas hospital that handled John F. Kennedy when he was shot, so this was also a message for the Bushes and Israel.”
This source also informs us that “the anti-Trump actor Robert De Niro may be exposed for being a client of an international underage prostitution ring.”
Also, the Pentagon source says the NSA has now confirmed that U.S. President Donald Trump won the popular vote with 70 million votes, versus 57 million for Hillary Clinton.
We wish Trump the best, but it is still hard to see how Washington, D.C. is going to be able to avoid a formal declaration of bankruptcy.
Friday, February 16, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2018-02-12: The Vatican, Chinese Communist Party, British Empire, and Pentagon plan world government
Growing evidence signals that the Vatican, the Chinese Communist Party, the British Empire, and the Pentagon are negotiating the creation of a world government.
The latest sign came in an agreement reached between the Vatican and the Chinese government to jointly select bishops for the Catholic Church in China. While this may seem like a minor issue pertaining only to the 9 million or so Chinese Catholics, it is actually an agreement for joint world power-sharing, according to Asian Secret Society and P2 Freemason sources.
The agreement means each side has veto power over who gets selected as bishop—meaning both have to agree—and this is a blueprint for a future East/West process of selecting world government leaders, the sources explain. Remember that most so-called world leaders are given large deposits in bank accounts with the Vatican Bank when they assume power and are told they have a choice between silver or lead (bribe or bullet). Most take the silver. In other words, most of the “world leaders” on display at the UN take orders from the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge. Thus, an agreement between the Vatican and the Chinese means this agreement is between the Western-dominated old world order and the Asian-dominated New Age movement.
According to a member of the British royal family, the Chinese may also announce they will use “Christianity with Chinese characteristics,” as their national religion as a part of this deal. In a hint that this may be true, the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Argentinean Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, insisted in a Spanish-language interview with the Vatican Insider that, “At this moment, the Chinese are the ones implementing Catholic social teaching best.”
The British Empire has already publicly sided with the Asian plans for world government by merging its financial markets with those of China, by supporting the AIIB and the One Belt One Road (OBOR) infrastructure campaign, and by secretly supporting a gold-backed yuan to replace the so-called U.S. dollar.
The British Commonwealth, the Catholic Church, and the Chinese are responsible for the destinies of 5 billion people out of a world population of 7.6 billion. Add in countries like Germany, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, and Iran, whose governments also support this plan, and it becomes clear the world is headed for a new age.
Former cabal bagman Henry Kissinger has been secretly shuttling around the world negotiating the creation of this government, multiple sources confirm. After his previous meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in October, Kissinger said, “The Trump administration is overseeing a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive, peaceful world order is very great.” Last week after he met Trump, he said, “something new and remarkable,” will emerge out of the Trump administration.
One remarkable thing Kissinger told Trump last week was that “North and South Korea were going to announce…
the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, maybe on March 24th,” according to a Japanese royal family source who recently met with Kissinger. “North Korea was controlled by the Rothschilds and South Korea by David Rockefeller, but now that David has died there is no reason to keep the peninsula divided,” this source says.
In the event of Korean unification, North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un would have a ceremonial role similar to that of the Japanese Emperor, while day-to-day management of the government would be left to politicians and technocrats, the source says. U.S. troops would stay where they are now—south of the 38th parallel—to ensure continued Korean independence from China, the source says.
The other issue Kissinger brought up with Trump was the Middle East and the fate of Khazarian oligarchs, Pentagon sources said. “The cabal is in full panic mode after getting no deal from Trump,” so Kissinger was quick to distance himself from them, the sources said.
For example, a Jewish CIA source and others are saying that satanist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will resign and subsequently go to jail for six months. “If Khazarian mafia Netanyahu goes to jail, he will not come out alive,” the source says. Netanyahu is being removed because he was deeply involved in the Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan and because he opposes a two-state solution with the Palestinians, according to this and other sources.
Netanyahu tried and failed yet again last week to get out of this situation by attempting to start a war with Iran as well as one between the U.S. and Russia. Instead, he lost military support after Israeli armed forces and their proxies got their noses bloodied on several fronts.
The cabal is also fighting hard to cover its tracks and get rid of witnesses, as a legal dragnet closes in on them from all sides.
On this front, Pentagon sources say, “It appears a Russian plane crashed on February 11 with 71 dead to remove just one target who was linked to Uranium One and the dossier—Rosatom executive Vyacheslav Ivanov.”

“Ivanov could have been terminated quietly, so the crash may have been cabal retaliation for enhanced Russian/U.S. intelligence cooperation after the unprecedented trip to Washington, D.C. of SVR, FSB, and GRU bosses,” the sources say.
The sources say the Rothschild family in particular seems to be trying to cover up its tracks. The sources noted that “the Rothschild’s 13,000-acre Langau hunting estate in Austria they have owned since 1875 was sold at a fire sale price to avoid being seized by the Trump Executive Order of 12/21/17, since it may have been used to hunt humans.”
“Royals are scared shitless because they hunt and kill children, chop up babies, and have been seen doing child sacrifices,” they continued. “The hunters have now become the hunted, as a Carlyle executive was arrested in Shanghai, while the Schiff has hit the fan for [California Congressman] Adam Schiff, guilty of treason in his 42-minute call with [former U.S. President Barack] Obama handler Valerie Jarrett,” they said.
In addition, the Rothschilds “may be dumping stocks in Apache, Chevron, Cisco, and other assets, but their criminal culpability remains,” the Pentagon sources say.
“A military parade may be used to bring the National Guard to D.C. after mass arrests, as a show of force to protect Trump and the military tribunals,” they say, adding that “in a twist of poetic justice, officers fired by Obama may convict him of treason.”
Of course, for the military tribunals to take place, military salaries will have to continue to be paid. That is why the ongoing financial war is just as important as the arrests and assassinations that are occurring in this epic power struggle. A sign of the intensity of this battle was seen when stock prices began a record fall just as Jerome Powell became Trump’s appointed head of the Federal Reserve Board on February 5th.
The stock plunge, and the preceding plunge in cryptocurrencies, were all part of a plan to first loot and then shut down the financial system before rebooting it, according to Rothschild-linked CIA sources in Asia.
To ensure that the bursting of the stock bubble does not cause problems for the real economy and for the U.S. military and agency white hats, the White Dragon Society and their allies have been working on their own alternative financial system for the West.
To this end, enough gold has been secured to finance a G7 answer to China’s multi-trillion-dollar OBOR project. This will include building a tunnel linking Alaska to the Eurasian landmass, and tunnels linking Japan to Korea and Russia. The decaying U.S. infrastructure will be totally modernized. Other projects include plans to turn deserts and arctic regions green, replenish the oceans with fish, and colonize other planets. There will also be a multi-trillion-dollar project to find a cure for all diseases and ailments, including death itself.
Of course, the people of the planet will have the biggest choice as to what sort of future we will be building. Now that we are being freed from the invisible bonds of privately owned central-bank debt slavery, we can all start envisioning what sort of future we want to build together. So we ask our readers to start imagining an ideal world and come up with plans to get from here to there.
At last, the fighters of the planet are doing their job and making sure the good guys win. The meek are about to inherit the earth.
Growing evidence signals that the Vatican, the Chinese Communist Party, the British Empire, and the Pentagon are negotiating the creation of a world government.
The latest sign came in an agreement reached between the Vatican and the Chinese government to jointly select bishops for the Catholic Church in China. While this may seem like a minor issue pertaining only to the 9 million or so Chinese Catholics, it is actually an agreement for joint world power-sharing, according to Asian Secret Society and P2 Freemason sources.
The agreement means each side has veto power over who gets selected as bishop—meaning both have to agree—and this is a blueprint for a future East/West process of selecting world government leaders, the sources explain. Remember that most so-called world leaders are given large deposits in bank accounts with the Vatican Bank when they assume power and are told they have a choice between silver or lead (bribe or bullet). Most take the silver. In other words, most of the “world leaders” on display at the UN take orders from the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge. Thus, an agreement between the Vatican and the Chinese means this agreement is between the Western-dominated old world order and the Asian-dominated New Age movement.
According to a member of the British royal family, the Chinese may also announce they will use “Christianity with Chinese characteristics,” as their national religion as a part of this deal. In a hint that this may be true, the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Argentinean Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, insisted in a Spanish-language interview with the Vatican Insider that, “At this moment, the Chinese are the ones implementing Catholic social teaching best.”
The British Empire has already publicly sided with the Asian plans for world government by merging its financial markets with those of China, by supporting the AIIB and the One Belt One Road (OBOR) infrastructure campaign, and by secretly supporting a gold-backed yuan to replace the so-called U.S. dollar.
The British Commonwealth, the Catholic Church, and the Chinese are responsible for the destinies of 5 billion people out of a world population of 7.6 billion. Add in countries like Germany, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, and Iran, whose governments also support this plan, and it becomes clear the world is headed for a new age.
Former cabal bagman Henry Kissinger has been secretly shuttling around the world negotiating the creation of this government, multiple sources confirm. After his previous meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in October, Kissinger said, “The Trump administration is overseeing a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive, peaceful world order is very great.” Last week after he met Trump, he said, “something new and remarkable,” will emerge out of the Trump administration.
One remarkable thing Kissinger told Trump last week was that “North and South Korea were going to announce…
the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, maybe on March 24th,” according to a Japanese royal family source who recently met with Kissinger. “North Korea was controlled by the Rothschilds and South Korea by David Rockefeller, but now that David has died there is no reason to keep the peninsula divided,” this source says.
In the event of Korean unification, North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un would have a ceremonial role similar to that of the Japanese Emperor, while day-to-day management of the government would be left to politicians and technocrats, the source says. U.S. troops would stay where they are now—south of the 38th parallel—to ensure continued Korean independence from China, the source says.
The other issue Kissinger brought up with Trump was the Middle East and the fate of Khazarian oligarchs, Pentagon sources said. “The cabal is in full panic mode after getting no deal from Trump,” so Kissinger was quick to distance himself from them, the sources said.
For example, a Jewish CIA source and others are saying that satanist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will resign and subsequently go to jail for six months. “If Khazarian mafia Netanyahu goes to jail, he will not come out alive,” the source says. Netanyahu is being removed because he was deeply involved in the Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan and because he opposes a two-state solution with the Palestinians, according to this and other sources.
Netanyahu tried and failed yet again last week to get out of this situation by attempting to start a war with Iran as well as one between the U.S. and Russia. Instead, he lost military support after Israeli armed forces and their proxies got their noses bloodied on several fronts.
The cabal is also fighting hard to cover its tracks and get rid of witnesses, as a legal dragnet closes in on them from all sides.
On this front, Pentagon sources say, “It appears a Russian plane crashed on February 11 with 71 dead to remove just one target who was linked to Uranium One and the dossier—Rosatom executive Vyacheslav Ivanov.”

“Ivanov could have been terminated quietly, so the crash may have been cabal retaliation for enhanced Russian/U.S. intelligence cooperation after the unprecedented trip to Washington, D.C. of SVR, FSB, and GRU bosses,” the sources say.
The sources say the Rothschild family in particular seems to be trying to cover up its tracks. The sources noted that “the Rothschild’s 13,000-acre Langau hunting estate in Austria they have owned since 1875 was sold at a fire sale price to avoid being seized by the Trump Executive Order of 12/21/17, since it may have been used to hunt humans.”
“Royals are scared shitless because they hunt and kill children, chop up babies, and have been seen doing child sacrifices,” they continued. “The hunters have now become the hunted, as a Carlyle executive was arrested in Shanghai, while the Schiff has hit the fan for [California Congressman] Adam Schiff, guilty of treason in his 42-minute call with [former U.S. President Barack] Obama handler Valerie Jarrett,” they said.
In addition, the Rothschilds “may be dumping stocks in Apache, Chevron, Cisco, and other assets, but their criminal culpability remains,” the Pentagon sources say.
“A military parade may be used to bring the National Guard to D.C. after mass arrests, as a show of force to protect Trump and the military tribunals,” they say, adding that “in a twist of poetic justice, officers fired by Obama may convict him of treason.”
Of course, for the military tribunals to take place, military salaries will have to continue to be paid. That is why the ongoing financial war is just as important as the arrests and assassinations that are occurring in this epic power struggle. A sign of the intensity of this battle was seen when stock prices began a record fall just as Jerome Powell became Trump’s appointed head of the Federal Reserve Board on February 5th.
The stock plunge, and the preceding plunge in cryptocurrencies, were all part of a plan to first loot and then shut down the financial system before rebooting it, according to Rothschild-linked CIA sources in Asia.
To ensure that the bursting of the stock bubble does not cause problems for the real economy and for the U.S. military and agency white hats, the White Dragon Society and their allies have been working on their own alternative financial system for the West.
To this end, enough gold has been secured to finance a G7 answer to China’s multi-trillion-dollar OBOR project. This will include building a tunnel linking Alaska to the Eurasian landmass, and tunnels linking Japan to Korea and Russia. The decaying U.S. infrastructure will be totally modernized. Other projects include plans to turn deserts and arctic regions green, replenish the oceans with fish, and colonize other planets. There will also be a multi-trillion-dollar project to find a cure for all diseases and ailments, including death itself.
Of course, the people of the planet will have the biggest choice as to what sort of future we will be building. Now that we are being freed from the invisible bonds of privately owned central-bank debt slavery, we can all start envisioning what sort of future we want to build together. So we ask our readers to start imagining an ideal world and come up with plans to get from here to there.
At last, the fighters of the planet are doing their job and making sure the good guys win. The meek are about to inherit the earth.
Thursday, February 08, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2015-02-05: Nazis align with White Dragon as isolated Satanists continue their death throes
Below is the full version of Benjamin Fulford's update for this week.
Excellent information overall, but discernment is still needed.
A major peace deal was reached last week in negotiations that took place literally under the light of the blue-blood super moon in a certain Asian country last week, according to sources who were present. As are result of this, the Nazi faction of the world military-industrial complex has agreed to align itself with the light side of the force. Thus in the near future, Nazi technology, notably anti-gravity and hypersonic (Mach 20+) air travel, will be made available to the “surface population,” of the planet, the sources say. One of the participants in the negotiations was a close relative of Admiral Richard Byrd, of Antarctic exploration fame, who has frequently visited Nazi Antarctic bases, so this is the real deal, folks. We will have more details toward the end of this report.
In addition, a deal was reached between hitherto opposing parties in Asia that will allow for the development and use by the white hats of large gold deposits in Bougaineville, Indonesia and elsewhere, the sources say. In the case of Bougaineville, it means both King David Pei II and his opponents are now on board. The gold will be used to back a soon-to-be-announced cryptocurrency that will be used to finance a Western development project similar in scale or larger than China’s ongoing trillion-dollar One Belt One Road project, they say.
Meanwhile, back in the U.S., the purge of Khazarian Satanists from all levels of government is accelerating. According to Pentagon sources, “Trump’s State of the Union speech gave the green light for the purge of deep state from the U.S. government with the activation code: ‘I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.’”
The huge media fuss in the U.S. about the release of a FISA memo about the FBI carrying out a politically motivated surveillance operation on Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign was hysterical, because the “official” release makes it possible to actually start arresting people in the deep state. The article in the link below, even though it is from the satirical site, The Onion, is actually pretty much true.
The fuss over the memo has distracted attention from the much more important ongoing disclosures about the mass-murdering medical/pharmaceutical complex. Here Dr. Robert Gallo, one of the so-called co-discoverers of the HIV virus, has now come out and admitted he was forced to create it in order to “wipe out the African race,” according to CIA and other sources.
In reaction, U.S. military and agency white hats have destroyed cabal bio-labs and shot down cabal satellites last week in the ongoing undeclared U.S. civil war, Pentagon sources confirm.
One Pentagon source who was involved in a raid on a cabal underground base, says they discovered “people in …
cages, all sorts of human/animal genetic hybrids, people deliberately contaminated with pathogens, and many other horrors.” The base entrance has been shut to prevent cabal leadership from fleeing, the source said.
More and more credible reports of mass sterilizations using vaccines are also now coming out, with the latest about 500,000 women in Kenya being forcibly sterilized by what they were told was a “tetanus vaccine.”
The cancer industry is also under attack for its deliberate spreading of carcinogenic substances into daily-use products to cause cancer, and then using radiation poisoning and toxic chemicals to murder its victims.
A member of the White Dragon Society (WDS) was stabbed with a poison needle and given a cancer-causing virus recently. When he went to consult with doctors, was told he would have to start chemotherapy and radiation immediately by Canadian doctors who were probably unwitting stooges. Instead, he used nutritional therapy and Rife machines to completely eliminate the cancer, much to the surprise of the doctors who thought they would be “buying time” for him with radiation and chemicals.
Raids on the American Medical Association and the Rockefeller family archives are recommended before they have a chance to destroy evidence of this mass murder by cancer.
In any case, mass arrests of these murderers are now under way. The memo at the link below shows that the U.S. military is looking for contractors to build facilities for 13,000 prisoners and 5,000 guards in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The U.S. military has also convened a 12-member military tribunal, under Marine guard, that is working behind the scenes to “send many to the gallows for sedition and treason,” Pentagon sources say. That is why Trump put out the unredacted FISA memo and signed an executive order keeping Guantanamo Bay open, the sources say.
“More memos will be released unredacted, along with a Department of Justice Inspector General Report that will crush the deep state,” the sources continue. “Congress has one million documents, and Trump may declassify and release all of them unredacted to nuke the Democrats and the deep state,” they add.
Attempts to kill Congressmen involved in the document release with an engineered train derailment caused no deaths, thanks to what Pentagon sources admit “appears to be divine intervention.”
In any case, the fight against the cabal is not yet over. Notice how they responded to the release of the FISA memo with yet another 666-point drop in the Dow Jones Average. They are going to use their control of banking-system computers to try to shut down the financial system over the coming months, CIA sources say. This means contingency plans need to be made to keep the America people supplied with food, fuel, and basic necessities in the event the financial computers and ATMs are shut down. Puerto Rico was just a foretaste.
Also, there is going to be yet another concerted attempt to start World War 3, say Russian FSB sources. The Mossad-linked site DEBKA and multiple Middle Eastern news outlets say there is a very real possibility of war involving Israel breaking out over the coming days. This is expected to start in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, the sources say. However, WDS sources confirm that any attempts to trigger nuclear weapons will be neutralized.
Also, according to documents and articles sent by Nina Sidorova of the Southern California Tenants Association, the Rothschilds have already made a decision to shut down their “Project Israel.” Instead, they have been moving key personnel, money, and weapons to the Ukraine, where they hope to establish a “New Khazaria.”
At this point the WDS would like to assure all of the citizens of Israel that their safety will be guaranteed no matter what happens over the coming days, weeks, and months.
In any case, now that the Nazis have agreed to come out of hiding and rejoin the human family, there is simply no military power left that will support any more Khazarian genocidal projects. The Nazis are now run by a generation that is in their 30’s and who have no experience with or involvement in the horrors of World War II. For that reason, they have no reason to hide.
In any case, according to the source mentioned above, the Nazis have not really been hiding at all. In the real world, most Nazi leaders who were not arrested at the end of World War 2 did not go to Antarctica or even South America. Instead, they went to Spain, which was still run by a Fascist government after the war ended. Many stayed in Spain, but others moved on to Cuba and Nevada, among other places. The infamous Area 51 and other bases in Nevada are mainly bases for testing advanced Nazi aerospace technology, according to this source. This technology will now be shared with the general population, the source says.
The Nazi bases in Antarctica, this source says, are far smaller and less significant than many believe. He says disinformation about giant Nazi bases in Antarctica was deliberately put out by the Nazis in order to keep Nazi hunters off their trail. The reality is that they did find warm hollows under the ice created by volcanic hot springs, but that that the water was undrinkable.
This source, who is senior CIA in Asia, also confirms Chinese government allegations that North Korea is a secret U.S. colony. “The North Korean leadership speaks better English than most Americans,” he says. North Korea was used as a justification to sell arms in East Asia and as a plausible excuse to start a war, he says. Unification of the Korean Peninsula is now possible, he adds, confirming what Japanese Three Legged Crow secret society sources say.
Various sources confirm there will be no single announcement that a new age has started, but rather a flood of events, as we see unfolding before our eyes, that will result in a totally different, and much healthier and happier planet. This process has undeniably begun.
Excellent information overall, but discernment is still needed.
A major peace deal was reached last week in negotiations that took place literally under the light of the blue-blood super moon in a certain Asian country last week, according to sources who were present. As are result of this, the Nazi faction of the world military-industrial complex has agreed to align itself with the light side of the force. Thus in the near future, Nazi technology, notably anti-gravity and hypersonic (Mach 20+) air travel, will be made available to the “surface population,” of the planet, the sources say. One of the participants in the negotiations was a close relative of Admiral Richard Byrd, of Antarctic exploration fame, who has frequently visited Nazi Antarctic bases, so this is the real deal, folks. We will have more details toward the end of this report.
In addition, a deal was reached between hitherto opposing parties in Asia that will allow for the development and use by the white hats of large gold deposits in Bougaineville, Indonesia and elsewhere, the sources say. In the case of Bougaineville, it means both King David Pei II and his opponents are now on board. The gold will be used to back a soon-to-be-announced cryptocurrency that will be used to finance a Western development project similar in scale or larger than China’s ongoing trillion-dollar One Belt One Road project, they say.
Meanwhile, back in the U.S., the purge of Khazarian Satanists from all levels of government is accelerating. According to Pentagon sources, “Trump’s State of the Union speech gave the green light for the purge of deep state from the U.S. government with the activation code: ‘I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.’”
The huge media fuss in the U.S. about the release of a FISA memo about the FBI carrying out a politically motivated surveillance operation on Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign was hysterical, because the “official” release makes it possible to actually start arresting people in the deep state. The article in the link below, even though it is from the satirical site, The Onion, is actually pretty much true.
The fuss over the memo has distracted attention from the much more important ongoing disclosures about the mass-murdering medical/pharmaceutical complex. Here Dr. Robert Gallo, one of the so-called co-discoverers of the HIV virus, has now come out and admitted he was forced to create it in order to “wipe out the African race,” according to CIA and other sources.
In reaction, U.S. military and agency white hats have destroyed cabal bio-labs and shot down cabal satellites last week in the ongoing undeclared U.S. civil war, Pentagon sources confirm.
One Pentagon source who was involved in a raid on a cabal underground base, says they discovered “people in …
cages, all sorts of human/animal genetic hybrids, people deliberately contaminated with pathogens, and many other horrors.” The base entrance has been shut to prevent cabal leadership from fleeing, the source said.
More and more credible reports of mass sterilizations using vaccines are also now coming out, with the latest about 500,000 women in Kenya being forcibly sterilized by what they were told was a “tetanus vaccine.”
The cancer industry is also under attack for its deliberate spreading of carcinogenic substances into daily-use products to cause cancer, and then using radiation poisoning and toxic chemicals to murder its victims.
A member of the White Dragon Society (WDS) was stabbed with a poison needle and given a cancer-causing virus recently. When he went to consult with doctors, was told he would have to start chemotherapy and radiation immediately by Canadian doctors who were probably unwitting stooges. Instead, he used nutritional therapy and Rife machines to completely eliminate the cancer, much to the surprise of the doctors who thought they would be “buying time” for him with radiation and chemicals.
Raids on the American Medical Association and the Rockefeller family archives are recommended before they have a chance to destroy evidence of this mass murder by cancer.
In any case, mass arrests of these murderers are now under way. The memo at the link below shows that the U.S. military is looking for contractors to build facilities for 13,000 prisoners and 5,000 guards in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The U.S. military has also convened a 12-member military tribunal, under Marine guard, that is working behind the scenes to “send many to the gallows for sedition and treason,” Pentagon sources say. That is why Trump put out the unredacted FISA memo and signed an executive order keeping Guantanamo Bay open, the sources say.
“More memos will be released unredacted, along with a Department of Justice Inspector General Report that will crush the deep state,” the sources continue. “Congress has one million documents, and Trump may declassify and release all of them unredacted to nuke the Democrats and the deep state,” they add.
Attempts to kill Congressmen involved in the document release with an engineered train derailment caused no deaths, thanks to what Pentagon sources admit “appears to be divine intervention.”
In any case, the fight against the cabal is not yet over. Notice how they responded to the release of the FISA memo with yet another 666-point drop in the Dow Jones Average. They are going to use their control of banking-system computers to try to shut down the financial system over the coming months, CIA sources say. This means contingency plans need to be made to keep the America people supplied with food, fuel, and basic necessities in the event the financial computers and ATMs are shut down. Puerto Rico was just a foretaste.
Also, there is going to be yet another concerted attempt to start World War 3, say Russian FSB sources. The Mossad-linked site DEBKA and multiple Middle Eastern news outlets say there is a very real possibility of war involving Israel breaking out over the coming days. This is expected to start in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, the sources say. However, WDS sources confirm that any attempts to trigger nuclear weapons will be neutralized.
Also, according to documents and articles sent by Nina Sidorova of the Southern California Tenants Association, the Rothschilds have already made a decision to shut down their “Project Israel.” Instead, they have been moving key personnel, money, and weapons to the Ukraine, where they hope to establish a “New Khazaria.”
At this point the WDS would like to assure all of the citizens of Israel that their safety will be guaranteed no matter what happens over the coming days, weeks, and months.
In any case, now that the Nazis have agreed to come out of hiding and rejoin the human family, there is simply no military power left that will support any more Khazarian genocidal projects. The Nazis are now run by a generation that is in their 30’s and who have no experience with or involvement in the horrors of World War II. For that reason, they have no reason to hide.
In any case, according to the source mentioned above, the Nazis have not really been hiding at all. In the real world, most Nazi leaders who were not arrested at the end of World War 2 did not go to Antarctica or even South America. Instead, they went to Spain, which was still run by a Fascist government after the war ended. Many stayed in Spain, but others moved on to Cuba and Nevada, among other places. The infamous Area 51 and other bases in Nevada are mainly bases for testing advanced Nazi aerospace technology, according to this source. This technology will now be shared with the general population, the source says.
The Nazi bases in Antarctica, this source says, are far smaller and less significant than many believe. He says disinformation about giant Nazi bases in Antarctica was deliberately put out by the Nazis in order to keep Nazi hunters off their trail. The reality is that they did find warm hollows under the ice created by volcanic hot springs, but that that the water was undrinkable.
This source, who is senior CIA in Asia, also confirms Chinese government allegations that North Korea is a secret U.S. colony. “The North Korean leadership speaks better English than most Americans,” he says. North Korea was used as a justification to sell arms in East Asia and as a plausible excuse to start a war, he says. Unification of the Korean Peninsula is now possible, he adds, confirming what Japanese Three Legged Crow secret society sources say.
Various sources confirm there will be no single announcement that a new age has started, but rather a flood of events, as we see unfolding before our eyes, that will result in a totally different, and much healthier and happier planet. This process has undeniably begun.
Thursday, February 01, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2018-01-29: East-West lines drawn—will it be make love instead of make war?
Below is the full version of update from Benjamin Fulford for this week.
It is looking more likely now that we will see a world government rather than a world war in the coming months and years based on what is happening around the world.
First of all, a year after the World Forum at Davos featured Chinese President Xi Jinping as its star, this year Western leaders gathered at Davos in force with U.S. President Donald Trump as the top attraction. What’s interesting is that this year’s Western-dominated Davos theme, “Creating a shared future in a fractured world,” is very similar to China’s theme of “Building a community with a shared future for mankind.”
Of course, the Chinese and Americans are still duking it out over who will be in charge of this “shared future.”
Pentagon sources this week were gushing over the top about Trump and his Davos performance, noting, “Trump rocked Davos, with globalist CEOs from EU multinationals promising to invest and create jobs in America.” They added that “With the cabal defeated and unable to stage any more false-flags or start World War 3, Davos established the Trump world order and may have launched the global currency reset.”
Even more alarming, though, was the Pentagon source’s assessment that “a cabal underwater base off Alaska may have been nuked as the military rally behind Trump, who has been promoted from POTUS to GEOTUS (God Emperor of the U.S.).”
The Chinese, for their part, had the following to say about Trump at Davos via their official Xinhua News Agency: “The United States is like the boxer who vows to obey the rules when dominating the fight, but claims the rules must be changed when he is losing.”
The U.S. military government under Trump was able to buy time for itself last week by threatening “immediate arrests” of Democratic Party politicians, who “caved in to end the U.S. government shutdown in less than 72 hours,” Pentagon sources note. The sinking of an Iranian oil tanker off the shore of Shanghai also postponed the start of the gold-backed petro-yuan as a replacement for the U.S. petro-dollar. However, as things stand, the still-bankrupt current U.S. regime has only bought time until February 8th.
It is clear that the United States, the most indebted nation in world history, is untenable and needs a complete reboot of the current world system in order to survive. The Chinese, for their part, are the biggest beneficiaries of the current system and would like it to continue to evolve in their favour, as it has been doing for years.
What to do about this situation will be the topic of high-level talks this in Asia this week on the day of the January 31st Super Blue Blood Moon between representatives of the White Dragon Society (WDS) and representatives of the 13 bloodline families who control the current system.
The WDS will be proposing a…
genuine jubilee, or one-time writeoff of all world debts, public and private, as an initial step, according to a WDS member who will be attending the talks. The talks will also discuss how to harmonize China’s trillion-dollar One Belt, One Road (OBOR) infrastructure initiative with the Western military-industrial complex. The fact that the Chinese are already paying U.S. military contractors to take charge of security for the OBOR project shows there is more harmony than strife in the real world between the two great power centers. The fact that the U.S. military has invited the Chinese to join their RIMPAC naval exercises in Hawaii this year shows that, at a working level, relations with the Chinese are already good. Overall, the WDS will be promoting a strategy of “make love, not war.”
In any case, the old world order, as represented by the P2 Freemason Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos) lodge and their Vatican subsidiary has failed in their pledge to make 2016 a jubilee year as dictated by their calendar. Instead, what has happened since then has been an unprecedented money grab by the Western super-wealthy.
The result has been a dangerous destabilization of Western civilization. Clearly they need to step aside.
The U.S. military white hats are helping make this happen, noting that, “The storm made landfall with 90,000 pedos arrested worldwide, 45,000 arrest warrants pending, and the amount of sealed indictments approaching 14,000.”
Furthermore, Trump got MI6 and GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters, the British intelligence agency) to hand over incriminating intelligence on Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the cabal before his meeting with [UK Prime Minister Theresa] May at Davos,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are also on the trail of the Clinton mafia, now that they have officially recognized the deaths of Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife Honey as murders. They have seized computers and will be following money trails to find the suspects.
Our sources in the CIA say the trail will almost certainly lead to the Clinton Foundation and Haiti, where Sherman’s cheap generic drugs were sold at high prices to the International Red Cross to generate off-the-books funds for various operations.
A video of Red Cross Cash in Haiti was sent to us as evidence. The video was sent with the following comment: “Notice that no people were shown in the video, which to me means that this was recorded by someone who knows way more than what is being said—which is nothing. Someone/government is about to get a very large cash injection. There are potentially billions of dollars in these cases.” The source added, “This is off-the-books money for sure. We both know that the International Committee of the Red Cross, based in Geneva, Switzerland, has always been a front for the Khazarian mafia. A perfect way to move off-ledger cash around the world—from neutral Switzerland, of course. (The current hiding place of the Rothschilds and their top agents).”
As we have mentioned before, the trail from the Haiti earthquake and its aftermath will lead to Fukushima and the P2 Freemason lodge, as well as the Rothschilds in Switzerland.
The cabal is also under heavy attack for their recent murder attempt against Trump in Las Vegas. The latest casualty is casino mogul Steve Wynn (aka Weinberg), who was forced to resign as finance chair of the Republican National Committee. Officially, he is resigning because he was exposed “as a serial sex predator and may lose his gaming licenses and be fired from his publicly listed company Wynn Resorts and from his own board, just like fellow Jew Harvey Weinstein,” the Pentagon sources noted.
U.S. military intelligence has been given a trail to follow that will connect Wynn with a Macau front for the Dutch branch of the Rothschild Saxe Gotha family. This in turn will lead to the downed Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 and the ongoing anti-Russian hysteria campaign in the Western corporate media, WDS sources say.
Also, the cabal is clearly aware that its fiat financial system is headed for collapse and thus there has been a lot of skullduggery going on, as usual involving gold. A source close to an Asian royal family has said the Japanese government is looking for a mining company to launder dragon family gold that is stored under the parking lot of a temple in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
There has also been a lot of intrigue going on concerning the gigantic gold deposits in Bougaineville, with the French Rothschilds, the Russians, and the U.S. military all vying for influence over this geopolitically significant gold. The WDS believes the gold should be used to benefit the people of Bougaineville as well as the poorest people on the rest of the planet.
On a final note, last week a flurry of articles appeared in the corporate media claiming to report on George Soros. The articles claimed he was speaking at Davos, yet once again, if he was speaking at a public forum in Davos as reported, dozens of news outlets would have put out independent footage of this. That has not happened, and our sources continue to tell us George Soros is no longer active and probably no longer on this earth.
Right now, video technology allows disinformation operatives at various intelligence agencies to put out fake videos that purport to show people like Hillary Clinton, Stephen Hawking, etc. talking. To understand how far this technology has advanced, please take a look at the first few seconds or minutes of the clip below.
In a sense, the Gnostic Illuminati may be right when they say the real enemy is an artificial intelligence. As things now, most of the information we get, as well as our financial system, are based on computer networks that have shown multiple signs of autonomous intelligence. That is why it is very important for us analogue humans living in the original creation to place most of our trust in things we actually experience first-hand.
It is looking more likely now that we will see a world government rather than a world war in the coming months and years based on what is happening around the world.
First of all, a year after the World Forum at Davos featured Chinese President Xi Jinping as its star, this year Western leaders gathered at Davos in force with U.S. President Donald Trump as the top attraction. What’s interesting is that this year’s Western-dominated Davos theme, “Creating a shared future in a fractured world,” is very similar to China’s theme of “Building a community with a shared future for mankind.”
Of course, the Chinese and Americans are still duking it out over who will be in charge of this “shared future.”
Pentagon sources this week were gushing over the top about Trump and his Davos performance, noting, “Trump rocked Davos, with globalist CEOs from EU multinationals promising to invest and create jobs in America.” They added that “With the cabal defeated and unable to stage any more false-flags or start World War 3, Davos established the Trump world order and may have launched the global currency reset.”
Even more alarming, though, was the Pentagon source’s assessment that “a cabal underwater base off Alaska may have been nuked as the military rally behind Trump, who has been promoted from POTUS to GEOTUS (God Emperor of the U.S.).”
The Chinese, for their part, had the following to say about Trump at Davos via their official Xinhua News Agency: “The United States is like the boxer who vows to obey the rules when dominating the fight, but claims the rules must be changed when he is losing.”
The U.S. military government under Trump was able to buy time for itself last week by threatening “immediate arrests” of Democratic Party politicians, who “caved in to end the U.S. government shutdown in less than 72 hours,” Pentagon sources note. The sinking of an Iranian oil tanker off the shore of Shanghai also postponed the start of the gold-backed petro-yuan as a replacement for the U.S. petro-dollar. However, as things stand, the still-bankrupt current U.S. regime has only bought time until February 8th.
It is clear that the United States, the most indebted nation in world history, is untenable and needs a complete reboot of the current world system in order to survive. The Chinese, for their part, are the biggest beneficiaries of the current system and would like it to continue to evolve in their favour, as it has been doing for years.
What to do about this situation will be the topic of high-level talks this in Asia this week on the day of the January 31st Super Blue Blood Moon between representatives of the White Dragon Society (WDS) and representatives of the 13 bloodline families who control the current system.
The WDS will be proposing a…
genuine jubilee, or one-time writeoff of all world debts, public and private, as an initial step, according to a WDS member who will be attending the talks. The talks will also discuss how to harmonize China’s trillion-dollar One Belt, One Road (OBOR) infrastructure initiative with the Western military-industrial complex. The fact that the Chinese are already paying U.S. military contractors to take charge of security for the OBOR project shows there is more harmony than strife in the real world between the two great power centers. The fact that the U.S. military has invited the Chinese to join their RIMPAC naval exercises in Hawaii this year shows that, at a working level, relations with the Chinese are already good. Overall, the WDS will be promoting a strategy of “make love, not war.”
In any case, the old world order, as represented by the P2 Freemason Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos) lodge and their Vatican subsidiary has failed in their pledge to make 2016 a jubilee year as dictated by their calendar. Instead, what has happened since then has been an unprecedented money grab by the Western super-wealthy.
The result has been a dangerous destabilization of Western civilization. Clearly they need to step aside.
The U.S. military white hats are helping make this happen, noting that, “The storm made landfall with 90,000 pedos arrested worldwide, 45,000 arrest warrants pending, and the amount of sealed indictments approaching 14,000.”
Furthermore, Trump got MI6 and GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters, the British intelligence agency) to hand over incriminating intelligence on Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the cabal before his meeting with [UK Prime Minister Theresa] May at Davos,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are also on the trail of the Clinton mafia, now that they have officially recognized the deaths of Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife Honey as murders. They have seized computers and will be following money trails to find the suspects.
Our sources in the CIA say the trail will almost certainly lead to the Clinton Foundation and Haiti, where Sherman’s cheap generic drugs were sold at high prices to the International Red Cross to generate off-the-books funds for various operations.
A video of Red Cross Cash in Haiti was sent to us as evidence. The video was sent with the following comment: “Notice that no people were shown in the video, which to me means that this was recorded by someone who knows way more than what is being said—which is nothing. Someone/government is about to get a very large cash injection. There are potentially billions of dollars in these cases.” The source added, “This is off-the-books money for sure. We both know that the International Committee of the Red Cross, based in Geneva, Switzerland, has always been a front for the Khazarian mafia. A perfect way to move off-ledger cash around the world—from neutral Switzerland, of course. (The current hiding place of the Rothschilds and their top agents).”
As we have mentioned before, the trail from the Haiti earthquake and its aftermath will lead to Fukushima and the P2 Freemason lodge, as well as the Rothschilds in Switzerland.
The cabal is also under heavy attack for their recent murder attempt against Trump in Las Vegas. The latest casualty is casino mogul Steve Wynn (aka Weinberg), who was forced to resign as finance chair of the Republican National Committee. Officially, he is resigning because he was exposed “as a serial sex predator and may lose his gaming licenses and be fired from his publicly listed company Wynn Resorts and from his own board, just like fellow Jew Harvey Weinstein,” the Pentagon sources noted.
U.S. military intelligence has been given a trail to follow that will connect Wynn with a Macau front for the Dutch branch of the Rothschild Saxe Gotha family. This in turn will lead to the downed Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 and the ongoing anti-Russian hysteria campaign in the Western corporate media, WDS sources say.
Also, the cabal is clearly aware that its fiat financial system is headed for collapse and thus there has been a lot of skullduggery going on, as usual involving gold. A source close to an Asian royal family has said the Japanese government is looking for a mining company to launder dragon family gold that is stored under the parking lot of a temple in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
There has also been a lot of intrigue going on concerning the gigantic gold deposits in Bougaineville, with the French Rothschilds, the Russians, and the U.S. military all vying for influence over this geopolitically significant gold. The WDS believes the gold should be used to benefit the people of Bougaineville as well as the poorest people on the rest of the planet.
On a final note, last week a flurry of articles appeared in the corporate media claiming to report on George Soros. The articles claimed he was speaking at Davos, yet once again, if he was speaking at a public forum in Davos as reported, dozens of news outlets would have put out independent footage of this. That has not happened, and our sources continue to tell us George Soros is no longer active and probably no longer on this earth.
Right now, video technology allows disinformation operatives at various intelligence agencies to put out fake videos that purport to show people like Hillary Clinton, Stephen Hawking, etc. talking. To understand how far this technology has advanced, please take a look at the first few seconds or minutes of the clip below.
In a sense, the Gnostic Illuminati may be right when they say the real enemy is an artificial intelligence. As things now, most of the information we get, as well as our financial system, are based on computer networks that have shown multiple signs of autonomous intelligence. That is why it is very important for us analogue humans living in the original creation to place most of our trust in things we actually experience first-hand.
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