The shutdown of the U.S. government over the weekend is likely to become permanent as top-level negotiations continue to discuss its replacement, multiple sources agree. The Western old-world-order leadership is gathering this week in Davos, Switzerland to debate this very issue, the sources say.
Pentagon sources, meanwhile, say “the shutdown was orchestrated so Congress can be arrested, as they lose immunity while not in session.” In addition, the sources say U.S. President Donald Trump “was summoned to meet top brass at the Pentagon on January 18th, as the Navy hunted for rogue submarines and the military uses the shutdown to arrest cabal, terminate the corporate government, and launch the Republic to usher in the global currency reset (GCR).”
Furthermore, the sources continued, “The House may release the FISA memo, which will take down criminals in Department of Justice, the FBI, the Democratic National Council, the CIA, plus the Obama and Hillary Clinton organizations.”
“Trump may even read the memo at the State of the Union address on January 30th,” the sources added.
The sources also say, “Zimbabwe opposition leader Roy Bennett was killed in New Mexico to solidify the Zimbabwe dollar and pave the way for the GCR.” A gold-backed Zimbabwe dollar is being pushed by many as a new African currency to replace the current mishmash of Rothschild-controlled currencies.
However, it is still far from certain that the GCR will take place as envisioned by the people in the Pentagon and agencies, since worldwide, the situation is extremely volatile and slipping out of U.S. control.
The most important factor to bear in mind is that the U.S. government is the most indebted government in the history of the planet and much of that debt is owed to China. If the U.S. unilaterally reneged on the debt, it would no longer be able to control the U.S. dollar system that allows the Pentagon to operate around the planet. The result would be that U.S. soldiers, who are already not receiving pay thanks to the government shutdown, being forced to beg on the streets or else rob people at gunpoint around the world. As if to underline this situation, the Chinese rating agency Dagong downgraded the U.S. sovereign and local government debt to BBB+ with a negative outlook, putting it below Peru or Morocco.
Here is what they had to say about the U.S. debt:
“The perennial negative impact of the superstructure on the economic base has continued to deteriorate the debt repayment sources of the federal government, and this trend will be further exacerbated by the government’s massive tax cuts. The increasing reliance on the debt-driven mode of economic development will continue to erode the solvency of the federal government.”
Dagong probably does not realize just how deep the problem runs. The Pentagon, in its first-ever audit using outside auditors, has already found that $21 trillion went missing between 1998 and 2015. That is more than 35 times the entire official U.S. military budget for 2016, multiple sources report.
CIA, MI6, and Pentagon sources say the missing money was spent on…
building up huge mercenary armies outside the control of official government structures. These are the people behind ISIS, the war on Yemen, Blackwater/Academi, etc. Also, the sources say, much of the money was spent on the “Secret Space Program.”
Since we try to focus on the here-and-now visible world, let us see what parts of the Secret Space Program are visible to us members of the “surface population.” One that pops to mind right away is Elon Musk, with his Tesla Motors and SpaceX programs. Tesla Motors’ market capitalization of $350 billion is 50 times its sales and 218 times its earnings. Traditionally, market cap was considered to be reasonable at around ten times earnings. Clearly Musk is a major money-laundering channel for all that privately-owned central-bank funny money that has been conjured up recently. It is also important to remember that sources in the Pentagon and the NSA both agree that SpaceX and Musk are the real suspects behind the recent North Korean missile “threat.”
Then of course there is Alphabet/Google, whose recently fired chairman Eric Schmidt visited North Korea in 2013 before the recent missile brouhaha started. Google has now been linked to missing Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 and the connected disappearance of microbiologists and computer engineers.
In any case, we have seen countless attempts by Khazarian mafia cabalists in recent years to set off nuclear weapons and start their “Armageddon,” only to have them stopped each time by often mysterious forces.
Our here-now Pentagon sources admit that “the Secret Space Program may have been used to down nuke missiles aimed at Hawaii and Japan and to stop the cabal from leaving earth.”
Meanwhile, back here on the sheeple-ranch surface of the planet earth, it is clear that the U.S. West Coast oligarchs are under attack in their California strongholds. The recent mysterious fires in California are now followed by equally mysterious earthquake swarms in Reno, Nevada last week. Remember, Reno is the last major unregulated “offshore banking” center on earth, where the Rothschild family have been gathering.
The underground base in Reno has been tied to anti-gravity disc technology and Nazi activity in Antarctica as well. A link with evidence of this was removed from the Internet just as this newsletter was being published.
Perhaps that is why a senior CIA official, who is a relative of Admiral Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame, has requested a meeting with representatives of the White Dragon Society before and during the January 31st Super Blue Blood Moon event to “discuss the future of the planet earth.” The meeting will take place next week at an undisclosed location in Southeast Asia. Hopefully, we will have a detailed report on that meeting available for our readers in the February 5th, 2018 edition of this newsletter.
There can be no doubt the U.S. secret government is under pressure like never before because of the ongoing collapse of the current U.S. social contract. This can be seen in the graph in the link below that shows the exponential—and unsustainable—increase in wealth of the top 1% of the population since 2014.
The situation in California may be the most critical of all now. Huge tent encampments for the homeless have appeared next to the houses of wealthy Californians. Furthermore, resentment has reached the point where buses transporting Apple and Google employees are being stoned and shot at.
With this tense background, rural California is moving to secede from the San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco coastal enclaves of the super-wealthy. As this happens, the California government and local mayors have come out in open revolt against the U.S. federal government. That’s why U.S. military forces have followed their arrests of East Coast Khazarian oligarchs with mass arrests in California, Pentagon sources say.
Internationally, the current U.S. corporate government is losing support around the planet. Here are some examples:
U.S. NATO ally Turkey has begun attacking U.S.-backed forces in Syria.
Long-time U.S. ally Pakistan has publicly ended its alliance with the U.S.
North and South Korea put together a joint Olympic team to send a message to the world that they do not want to be artificially divided as a people and used as an excuse to start World War 3.
Canada, India, Japan, Brazil, China, and the EU attack Trump’s protectionist trade policies.
EU central banks are switching their reserves from U.S. dollars to Chinese yuan.
It is these death throes of the U.S. corporate government that have given urgency to this week’s gathering of Western (Atlantic alliance) powers in Davos, Switzerland. There, one faction is pushing for a restoration of the Republic of the United States of America. Another faction is pushing to finance a friendly takeover by Canada and the creation of a competently governed United States of North America. What both factions share in common is a wish not to have U.S. hegemony merely be replaced by Chinese hegemony.
The Chinese, for their part, are saying they want to help create a world government that is friendly and fair to all peoples of the planet, according to senior members of Asian secret societies. They insist they do not want or seek Chinese hegemony. However, certain factions make it clear they think it is China’s turn to rule to take over ruling the planet from the West.
In any case, as things are now going, the more time that passes, the stronger China gets and the weaker the West gets. Western societies are now drowning in debt, have socially destabilizing wealth disparities, and have shrinking, aging populations. This is why the West needs to fundamentally reform its governmental, social, and economic architecture. The alternative to a reboot, including a jubilee and one-off asset redistribution, will be a steady decay that will end in widespread collapse of current structures. California is just a foretaste.
A hub for articles in the blogosphere relating to the planetary liberation and Victory of the Light.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Saturday, January 20, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2017-01-15: Tensions rise between bloodlines and Illuminati as final showdown looms for U.S. corporate government
Global tensions are rising visibly, as the petrodollar-funded U.S. corporate government faces a January 18th start of gold-backed yuan-denominated oil trading, even while its still-unfunded January 31st payment deadline looms.
One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,” Pentagon sources say. Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on their mobile phones: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” but later this was reported to be a false alarm. It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.
The attack was followed by an increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity which “may be an attack on potential submarine bases in Chile, Peru, Papua, New Guinea, or underwater,” the Pentagon sources continue. U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency official Paul Laine has previously told this writer that numerous underwater bases exist. These bases now appear to be under systematic attack.
Meanwhile, as this report was being written, a person claiming to be “His Excellency His Royal Highness (H.E. HRH) Ernest Rauthschild, Royal Prime Minister of The United States of North America” contacted this writer to claim, “The Federal U.S./USA comes under the USNA.” He went on to state that “the galactics” were now arriving to enforce his claim. He provided extensive documentation to back his claims, to which we have linked below without comment other than to note that the address provided is just a virtual office in Washington, DC.
In any case, “galactics” and “underwater bases” aside, there is plenty happening in the visible, here and now geopolitical sphere. Last week this was especially evident in the tension between the U.S. military government represented by Donald Trump and much of the rest of the world.
Pentagon sources say, “The war against cabal soldiers MS-13 [the Salvadoran gang] escalates as Trump arrested MS-13 leaders in the northeastern United States, ends temporary protective status for 200,000 Salvadorans, and may do the same for 60,000 Hondurans.”
In addition, “Trump seized all classified incriminating documents from the Obama Presidential Library to help the Department of Justice take down the entire Obama regime,” the sources continue.
“After the Saudi and U.S. purge, the EU purge begins with the death of globalist [Former EU Commissioner and Goldman Sachs Chairman] Peter Sutherland,” they continue.
The sources also say that “Trump is snubbing sh#thole London as he goes to Davos for a victory lap.”
However, it is clear that any “victory lap” would be highly premature. Both CIA sources in Asia as well as Rothschild family sources in the U.S. say that in March…
“is the beginning of the great financial unwind.”
The CIA source explained as follows: “The Dow Jones will most likely reach 30,000 by mid-March. This is the number needed to have totally drained all the remaining liquid assets of the people. An EVENT will occur, the plug will be pulled, and the collapse will be put in motion. This will be the ripple that turns into a global tsunami… this is their current plan.” The source added, “What comes after the plug is pulled sometime in March is that the gold-backed currency in which Russia, China, India, and Indonesia are involved together will come online.”
This CIA source also points out that the Trump regime’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation “opens a very big can of worms globally,” because so many foreign governments have donated to it.
There can be no doubt that the Clinton Foundation was guilty of mass embezzlement, especially concerning Haiti. We were informed by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency at the time of the Haiti earthquake and tsunami that it was caused by nuclear weapons placed on the seabed by a cabal submarine. The ongoing FBI investigation of the Foundation will ultimately lead to this fact, and from there it will lead to the similar attack on Fukushima on March 11, 2011.
However, to show how convoluted this all is, thoroughly documented evidence shows that the trail from Fukushima will lead to the P2 Freemason lodge and the very people at Davos where Trump will be taking his “victory lap.”
Also, our Pentagon source sent the following statements which we will convey to our readers verbatim: “The term ‘shithole’ may soon be used for sanctuary cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and countries like the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, and any white country that has been ‘shitholed’ by blacks and Muslims, and then on to Israel for its crimes and terrorism.”
Furthermore, the source continued, “Trump may censure the Queen and morally bankrupt royals for promoting black-white race mixing to genocide the white race with the nuptials of bastard Harry and half-Negro Meghan Markle, while Andrew, who has been flying with Jeff Epstein to Lolita Island, may top the list of EU pedophiles.”
This statement no doubt reflects widespread views among many Europeans and European Americans. This sort of view has festered in the background as a result of years of excessive political correctness that has stifled real debate about connections between things like race, ethnicity, crime, and social achievement. For example, it is a fact that crime rates are far higher in certain neighborhoods populated almost exclusively by African-Americans than in areas populated by European-Americans. To pretend this is not true, or to blame it on historical injustice is not going to solve the problem.
At the same time, blindly attacking Trump as being racist (according to some) for referring to African “shithole countries” ignores the fact that Africa remains overwhelmingly poor and underdeveloped compared to the rest of the world.
Furthermore, my African and African-American friends have reported that there is as much or more racism against them in Asia as they have ever experienced in European countries, so it would be over-simplifying to label this problem as “white supremacism.”
As Asian and Western countries negotiate a more inclusive world, the problem of Africa needs to be looked at honestly. Most likely, if the Africans were paid a fair price for their resources, they would, like the Saudis, experience extremely rapid development and modernization.
In any case, to reopen this debate in a more constructive manner, I would like to use the example of tomatoes. There are mini-tomatoes and giant tomatoes and orange-colored tomatoes, so clearly there are genetic differences. At the same time, if you take two genetically identical tomatoes and plant one in ideal conditions of sunlight, fertilizer, etc., you get a huge plant with hundreds of tomatoes on it. Take the same seed and put it in very poor conditions, and you get a stunted plant that produces a single tomato. So my view is that before people discuss genes and racism, they should make sure that each human on earth has an environment that allows them to flourish to the greatest extent possible.
In England in the past, there were prostitutes who bore many children from various fathers. These “bastards” would grow up in impoverished circumstances and become part of a self-perpetuating underclass of criminals and whores. In England, this underclass was largely abolished through many measures such as workhouses, bans on prostitution, etc. Perhaps Donald Trump, to avoid charges of racism, could ask hard-working middle-class African-Americans to deal in a similar manner with the similar ghetto underclass (many of whom are genetically 70% or more European in ancestry) that now is responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime in the U.S.
We realize we have opened a can of worms here with these preliminary ramblings, but sometimes putting a lid on controversial things will not lead to a solution, and this sort of debate has been stifled for too long.
In any case, getting back to the geopolitical situation, we can see our source in the U.S. military government calling out the UK, France, Germany, and Sweden as enemies. That makes us wonder exactly what friends they still have.
The answer may be provided by the U.S.’ closest friend and neighbor, Canada. Canada’s government has called a meeting of 20 or so countries in Vancouver this week to “discuss North Korea.” These include England, the U.S., France, Germany, India, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and other countries that fought against North Korea, China, and Russia during the Korean War. Nonetheless, North Korea is just a cover story. The countries gathering are really talking about China and their imminent plans for a gold-backed currency to replace the Western U.S. dollar, Euro, and Japanese yen system.
Canada, unlike the U.S., has been very successful in getting people from all over the world and all sorts of ethnic/cultural/racial backgrounds to live and work together successfully and in harmony. It may well be that the real discussion in Vancouver this week will be about who or what will replace the soon-to-be-bankrupt corporate U.S. government and what their negotiation stance will be with Chinese and their allies.
Global tensions are rising visibly, as the petrodollar-funded U.S. corporate government faces a January 18th start of gold-backed yuan-denominated oil trading, even while its still-unfunded January 31st payment deadline looms.
One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,” Pentagon sources say. Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on their mobile phones: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” but later this was reported to be a false alarm. It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.
The attack was followed by an increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity which “may be an attack on potential submarine bases in Chile, Peru, Papua, New Guinea, or underwater,” the Pentagon sources continue. U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency official Paul Laine has previously told this writer that numerous underwater bases exist. These bases now appear to be under systematic attack.
Meanwhile, as this report was being written, a person claiming to be “His Excellency His Royal Highness (H.E. HRH) Ernest Rauthschild, Royal Prime Minister of The United States of North America” contacted this writer to claim, “The Federal U.S./USA comes under the USNA.” He went on to state that “the galactics” were now arriving to enforce his claim. He provided extensive documentation to back his claims, to which we have linked below without comment other than to note that the address provided is just a virtual office in Washington, DC.
In any case, “galactics” and “underwater bases” aside, there is plenty happening in the visible, here and now geopolitical sphere. Last week this was especially evident in the tension between the U.S. military government represented by Donald Trump and much of the rest of the world.
Pentagon sources say, “The war against cabal soldiers MS-13 [the Salvadoran gang] escalates as Trump arrested MS-13 leaders in the northeastern United States, ends temporary protective status for 200,000 Salvadorans, and may do the same for 60,000 Hondurans.”
In addition, “Trump seized all classified incriminating documents from the Obama Presidential Library to help the Department of Justice take down the entire Obama regime,” the sources continue.
“After the Saudi and U.S. purge, the EU purge begins with the death of globalist [Former EU Commissioner and Goldman Sachs Chairman] Peter Sutherland,” they continue.
The sources also say that “Trump is snubbing sh#thole London as he goes to Davos for a victory lap.”
However, it is clear that any “victory lap” would be highly premature. Both CIA sources in Asia as well as Rothschild family sources in the U.S. say that in March…
“is the beginning of the great financial unwind.”
The CIA source explained as follows: “The Dow Jones will most likely reach 30,000 by mid-March. This is the number needed to have totally drained all the remaining liquid assets of the people. An EVENT will occur, the plug will be pulled, and the collapse will be put in motion. This will be the ripple that turns into a global tsunami… this is their current plan.” The source added, “What comes after the plug is pulled sometime in March is that the gold-backed currency in which Russia, China, India, and Indonesia are involved together will come online.”
This CIA source also points out that the Trump regime’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation “opens a very big can of worms globally,” because so many foreign governments have donated to it.
There can be no doubt that the Clinton Foundation was guilty of mass embezzlement, especially concerning Haiti. We were informed by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency at the time of the Haiti earthquake and tsunami that it was caused by nuclear weapons placed on the seabed by a cabal submarine. The ongoing FBI investigation of the Foundation will ultimately lead to this fact, and from there it will lead to the similar attack on Fukushima on March 11, 2011.
However, to show how convoluted this all is, thoroughly documented evidence shows that the trail from Fukushima will lead to the P2 Freemason lodge and the very people at Davos where Trump will be taking his “victory lap.”
Also, our Pentagon source sent the following statements which we will convey to our readers verbatim: “The term ‘shithole’ may soon be used for sanctuary cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and countries like the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, and any white country that has been ‘shitholed’ by blacks and Muslims, and then on to Israel for its crimes and terrorism.”
Furthermore, the source continued, “Trump may censure the Queen and morally bankrupt royals for promoting black-white race mixing to genocide the white race with the nuptials of bastard Harry and half-Negro Meghan Markle, while Andrew, who has been flying with Jeff Epstein to Lolita Island, may top the list of EU pedophiles.”
This statement no doubt reflects widespread views among many Europeans and European Americans. This sort of view has festered in the background as a result of years of excessive political correctness that has stifled real debate about connections between things like race, ethnicity, crime, and social achievement. For example, it is a fact that crime rates are far higher in certain neighborhoods populated almost exclusively by African-Americans than in areas populated by European-Americans. To pretend this is not true, or to blame it on historical injustice is not going to solve the problem.
At the same time, blindly attacking Trump as being racist (according to some) for referring to African “shithole countries” ignores the fact that Africa remains overwhelmingly poor and underdeveloped compared to the rest of the world.
Furthermore, my African and African-American friends have reported that there is as much or more racism against them in Asia as they have ever experienced in European countries, so it would be over-simplifying to label this problem as “white supremacism.”
As Asian and Western countries negotiate a more inclusive world, the problem of Africa needs to be looked at honestly. Most likely, if the Africans were paid a fair price for their resources, they would, like the Saudis, experience extremely rapid development and modernization.
In any case, to reopen this debate in a more constructive manner, I would like to use the example of tomatoes. There are mini-tomatoes and giant tomatoes and orange-colored tomatoes, so clearly there are genetic differences. At the same time, if you take two genetically identical tomatoes and plant one in ideal conditions of sunlight, fertilizer, etc., you get a huge plant with hundreds of tomatoes on it. Take the same seed and put it in very poor conditions, and you get a stunted plant that produces a single tomato. So my view is that before people discuss genes and racism, they should make sure that each human on earth has an environment that allows them to flourish to the greatest extent possible.
In England in the past, there were prostitutes who bore many children from various fathers. These “bastards” would grow up in impoverished circumstances and become part of a self-perpetuating underclass of criminals and whores. In England, this underclass was largely abolished through many measures such as workhouses, bans on prostitution, etc. Perhaps Donald Trump, to avoid charges of racism, could ask hard-working middle-class African-Americans to deal in a similar manner with the similar ghetto underclass (many of whom are genetically 70% or more European in ancestry) that now is responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime in the U.S.
We realize we have opened a can of worms here with these preliminary ramblings, but sometimes putting a lid on controversial things will not lead to a solution, and this sort of debate has been stifled for too long.
In any case, getting back to the geopolitical situation, we can see our source in the U.S. military government calling out the UK, France, Germany, and Sweden as enemies. That makes us wonder exactly what friends they still have.
The answer may be provided by the U.S.’ closest friend and neighbor, Canada. Canada’s government has called a meeting of 20 or so countries in Vancouver this week to “discuss North Korea.” These include England, the U.S., France, Germany, India, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and other countries that fought against North Korea, China, and Russia during the Korean War. Nonetheless, North Korea is just a cover story. The countries gathering are really talking about China and their imminent plans for a gold-backed currency to replace the Western U.S. dollar, Euro, and Japanese yen system.
Canada, unlike the U.S., has been very successful in getting people from all over the world and all sorts of ethnic/cultural/racial backgrounds to live and work together successfully and in harmony. It may well be that the real discussion in Vancouver this week will be about who or what will replace the soon-to-be-bankrupt corporate U.S. government and what their negotiation stance will be with Chinese and their allies.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2018-01-08: Financial war may escalate into massive EMP attacks as final showdown looms
Below is a full version of the update from Benjamin Fulford for this week
The ongoing war over the control of the financial system, and thus control over the future of the planet, is reaching a dangerous crescendo, multiple sources agree. Most significantly, the U.S. military distracted world attention last week with a fake feud between U.S. President Donald Trump and his former consiglieri Steve Bannon while they used SpaceX to launch their secret Zuma satellite, Pentagon sources say.
This ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) satellite was launched as the U.S. government’s January 31st payment deadline looms, and will be used against North Korea, the sources say. Since North Korea is a proxy and is really too analog to be affected by an EMP attack, this is clearly a veiled threat at the Swiss controllers who hollowed out the U.S. and built up China.
Please note that the Western secret government uses the movements of celestial bodies to time major geo-political events, and that January 31st is going to be the date of the first combination blue moon, supermoon, and lunar eclipse in 150 years.
Celestial events aside, the U.S. petrodollar system is in mortal danger these days now that major oil exporters Russia, Venezuela, and Iran are selling oil without going through the dollar system. U.S. agency attempts at regime change in Iran and Venezuela have failed so far; emboldening other major energy exporters like Qatar and Indonesia into thinking of bypassing the petrodollar as well. Furthermore, Russia just doubled its oil export capacity to China on January 1st with a new pipeline.
Pakistan has also dealt a serious blow to the old system by announcing it will use Chinese yuan in trade, while expelling 1.4 million Afghans and inviting China to build a military base there. This means that heroin income from Afghanistan could be threatened. Since the petrodollar is more accurately described as the petro-narco-dollar, this also a big blow to the old system.
With this background, China is considering January 18th as the starting date for oil futures trading denominated in Chinese yuan and gold.
This is why Pentagon sources are talking about an EMP attack, while CIA sources are saying, as reported last week, that a back door is going to be used to “shut down the financial system.”
In this context, it is also worth noting that an Iranian oil tanker caught fire off the coast of Shanghai last week. Most likely this was most likely a veiled warning to the Chinese by the U.S. military-industrial complex to let them know they can still cut off much of China’s energy. In other words, they are telling the Chinese to back off from unilaterally replacing the old financial system until a final agreement is reached on the new.
Meanwhile, now that the top ranks of the Satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia in the U.S. have been decimated, the white hats are grabbing top European pedophiles and Khazarian mobsters and taking them to the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia Island, Pentagon sources say.
Julian Assange is now in U.S. military custody and has provided actionable information to U.S. military and agency white hats. For example, they are now using Navy Seals to track “at least seven…
shipping containers to stop human trafficking,” Pentagon sources say.
In the campaign against the Khazarian human slavers, the second episode of the BBC mini-series “McMafia” showed Russian and Eastern European women being trafficked into Israel via Egypt, the sources note. Immediately after the show was broadcast, Egypt rounded up 75 people for human trafficking. Also, the Israeli criminal mastermind Moshe Harel was arrested last week for running a worldwide human organ trafficking network.
There is also a major attack going on against Khazarian hedge funds and their operators, the Pentagon sources note. They note that 10 Khazarians, including hedge fund Bridgewater Associates executive Bruce Steinberg, were “killed in a Costa Rican plane crash.” Former FBI chief James “Comey used to work for Bridgewater, but this may be a message to the shadow bankers and their investors,” they add.
“Attacks on hedge funds and Israeli dirty money continue as former Och Ziff executive Michael Cohen was indicted for fraud in Africa, and he is linked to sanctioned Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler,” the sources continue.
Meanwhile inside the U.S., President Donald Trump dissolved the voter fraud commission after its work resulted in over 10,000 sealed indictments that are now being acted upon, they say.
Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, and email scandals are being reported on in most major corporate propaganda media now that an official investigation has been formally announced by the FBI and the Justice Department. “After burning files and computers at her New York house, Hillary may be hanged for treason,” the Pentagon sources say.
In fact, Hillary and many others should be hanged for mass murder, and not just treason. If this investigation is real, it will lead to the underwater nuclear weapons that were used off the coast of Haiti to trigger a tsunami and earthquake there. That in turn will finally bring so-called mainstream attention to the Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan. This will inevitably lead to the long-awaited purge of Japan’s slave politicians and their Khazarian puppet masters.
As we have long reported, the Fukushima attack on Japan was part of a plan by the Rothschilds and their hidden Swiss masters to move their Asian headquarters from Tokyo to North Korea. Then Prime Minister Naoto Kan has publicly stated that he was pushed to evacuate 40 million people from Tokyo to the Korean Peninsula in the wake of that “disaster.”
In a sign of just how deep the rabbit hole runs, a recently published Japanese book claims that World War 2 Japanese Emperor Hirohito was in fact a Field Marshall in the British Army. Here are scanned pages from the book claiming to show copies of British military cables that back their claim. Members of the Rothschild family have told us in the past that the Japanese role in World War 2 was mainly to steal gold from Asia in order to ensure continued Khazarian control of the world financial system.
Meanwhile, a source claiming to represent “the good side of the Rothschild family” sent a diagram with the instruction “follow the white rabbit.” At the very top of this chart they claim that the Vatican and Catholicism are the key to understanding it all.
In any case, one Asian leader who is deeply in bed with the Khazarian mafia, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, is already preparing to flee, according to CIA and MI6 sources in Asia.
Here is the raw intel from CIA Asia:
“This is very important:
“And the last sentence is the punch line:
‘Najib has yet to publicly comment on Mahathir’s appointment. The prime minister is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia this week.’
“My MI-6 contact in Malaysia told me that ‘Najib is attempting to get asylum in Saudi Arabia. He may not come back to Malaysia. The heat is on him. He has siphoned off more than $5 billion from Malaysia and everyone in the know is aware of it.’”
Remember, Najib has been embroiled in a missing funds scandal involving Saudi Arabia and Goldman Sachs. He is also a key person of interest in the missing Malaysian Air Flights 370 and 17.
Najib is unlikely to find any real shelter in Saudi Arabia, though, because the regime there is no longer under the control of his former partners in crime, who have been purged. The U.S. military now de facto controls Saudi Arabia.
He could try to seek shelter in the Ukraine instead, but it is unlikely that the Khazarian criminal government there is viable for much longer, either. That is because most of the Eastern European countries it counted on to help it provoke Russia are moving away from the Khazarian fascist EU project. This can be seen in the rejection by 16 Eastern European countries of the plan to import millions of single young Muslim males. It can also be seen in their embrace of the Eastern-looking Eurasian one-belt, one-road infrastructure project.
In Germany, the former bastion of the EU project, nationalists are on the rise and demanding independence again after 70 years of occupation government. Angela Merkel, the most senior Khazarian bloodline person in power in the West, has been told to resign by the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati. Remember, the regime that Merkel represents has mismanaged Germany so badly that the German birth rate has plummeted and the long-term survival of the German volk in and of itself is in danger.
Now that renditions of senior European Khazarians has begun, she will not be able to cling to power much longer. Many people have already vanished from EU headquarters in Brussels. People are also dropping off the radar in Italy and Switzerland.
A revolution in the West is unfolding before our eyes. Let us see how long it will be before P2 Pope Francis negotiates surrender.
The ongoing war over the control of the financial system, and thus control over the future of the planet, is reaching a dangerous crescendo, multiple sources agree. Most significantly, the U.S. military distracted world attention last week with a fake feud between U.S. President Donald Trump and his former consiglieri Steve Bannon while they used SpaceX to launch their secret Zuma satellite, Pentagon sources say.
This ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) satellite was launched as the U.S. government’s January 31st payment deadline looms, and will be used against North Korea, the sources say. Since North Korea is a proxy and is really too analog to be affected by an EMP attack, this is clearly a veiled threat at the Swiss controllers who hollowed out the U.S. and built up China.
Please note that the Western secret government uses the movements of celestial bodies to time major geo-political events, and that January 31st is going to be the date of the first combination blue moon, supermoon, and lunar eclipse in 150 years.
Celestial events aside, the U.S. petrodollar system is in mortal danger these days now that major oil exporters Russia, Venezuela, and Iran are selling oil without going through the dollar system. U.S. agency attempts at regime change in Iran and Venezuela have failed so far; emboldening other major energy exporters like Qatar and Indonesia into thinking of bypassing the petrodollar as well. Furthermore, Russia just doubled its oil export capacity to China on January 1st with a new pipeline.
Pakistan has also dealt a serious blow to the old system by announcing it will use Chinese yuan in trade, while expelling 1.4 million Afghans and inviting China to build a military base there. This means that heroin income from Afghanistan could be threatened. Since the petrodollar is more accurately described as the petro-narco-dollar, this also a big blow to the old system.
With this background, China is considering January 18th as the starting date for oil futures trading denominated in Chinese yuan and gold.
This is why Pentagon sources are talking about an EMP attack, while CIA sources are saying, as reported last week, that a back door is going to be used to “shut down the financial system.”
In this context, it is also worth noting that an Iranian oil tanker caught fire off the coast of Shanghai last week. Most likely this was most likely a veiled warning to the Chinese by the U.S. military-industrial complex to let them know they can still cut off much of China’s energy. In other words, they are telling the Chinese to back off from unilaterally replacing the old financial system until a final agreement is reached on the new.
Meanwhile, now that the top ranks of the Satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia in the U.S. have been decimated, the white hats are grabbing top European pedophiles and Khazarian mobsters and taking them to the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia Island, Pentagon sources say.
Julian Assange is now in U.S. military custody and has provided actionable information to U.S. military and agency white hats. For example, they are now using Navy Seals to track “at least seven…
shipping containers to stop human trafficking,” Pentagon sources say.
In the campaign against the Khazarian human slavers, the second episode of the BBC mini-series “McMafia” showed Russian and Eastern European women being trafficked into Israel via Egypt, the sources note. Immediately after the show was broadcast, Egypt rounded up 75 people for human trafficking. Also, the Israeli criminal mastermind Moshe Harel was arrested last week for running a worldwide human organ trafficking network.
There is also a major attack going on against Khazarian hedge funds and their operators, the Pentagon sources note. They note that 10 Khazarians, including hedge fund Bridgewater Associates executive Bruce Steinberg, were “killed in a Costa Rican plane crash.” Former FBI chief James “Comey used to work for Bridgewater, but this may be a message to the shadow bankers and their investors,” they add.
“Attacks on hedge funds and Israeli dirty money continue as former Och Ziff executive Michael Cohen was indicted for fraud in Africa, and he is linked to sanctioned Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler,” the sources continue.
Meanwhile inside the U.S., President Donald Trump dissolved the voter fraud commission after its work resulted in over 10,000 sealed indictments that are now being acted upon, they say.
Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, and email scandals are being reported on in most major corporate propaganda media now that an official investigation has been formally announced by the FBI and the Justice Department. “After burning files and computers at her New York house, Hillary may be hanged for treason,” the Pentagon sources say.
In fact, Hillary and many others should be hanged for mass murder, and not just treason. If this investigation is real, it will lead to the underwater nuclear weapons that were used off the coast of Haiti to trigger a tsunami and earthquake there. That in turn will finally bring so-called mainstream attention to the Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan. This will inevitably lead to the long-awaited purge of Japan’s slave politicians and their Khazarian puppet masters.
As we have long reported, the Fukushima attack on Japan was part of a plan by the Rothschilds and their hidden Swiss masters to move their Asian headquarters from Tokyo to North Korea. Then Prime Minister Naoto Kan has publicly stated that he was pushed to evacuate 40 million people from Tokyo to the Korean Peninsula in the wake of that “disaster.”

In a sign of just how deep the rabbit hole runs, a recently published Japanese book claims that World War 2 Japanese Emperor Hirohito was in fact a Field Marshall in the British Army. Here are scanned pages from the book claiming to show copies of British military cables that back their claim. Members of the Rothschild family have told us in the past that the Japanese role in World War 2 was mainly to steal gold from Asia in order to ensure continued Khazarian control of the world financial system.
Meanwhile, a source claiming to represent “the good side of the Rothschild family” sent a diagram with the instruction “follow the white rabbit.” At the very top of this chart they claim that the Vatican and Catholicism are the key to understanding it all.
In any case, one Asian leader who is deeply in bed with the Khazarian mafia, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, is already preparing to flee, according to CIA and MI6 sources in Asia.
Here is the raw intel from CIA Asia:
“This is very important:
“And the last sentence is the punch line:
‘Najib has yet to publicly comment on Mahathir’s appointment. The prime minister is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia this week.’
“My MI-6 contact in Malaysia told me that ‘Najib is attempting to get asylum in Saudi Arabia. He may not come back to Malaysia. The heat is on him. He has siphoned off more than $5 billion from Malaysia and everyone in the know is aware of it.’”
Remember, Najib has been embroiled in a missing funds scandal involving Saudi Arabia and Goldman Sachs. He is also a key person of interest in the missing Malaysian Air Flights 370 and 17.
Najib is unlikely to find any real shelter in Saudi Arabia, though, because the regime there is no longer under the control of his former partners in crime, who have been purged. The U.S. military now de facto controls Saudi Arabia.
He could try to seek shelter in the Ukraine instead, but it is unlikely that the Khazarian criminal government there is viable for much longer, either. That is because most of the Eastern European countries it counted on to help it provoke Russia are moving away from the Khazarian fascist EU project. This can be seen in the rejection by 16 Eastern European countries of the plan to import millions of single young Muslim males. It can also be seen in their embrace of the Eastern-looking Eurasian one-belt, one-road infrastructure project.
In Germany, the former bastion of the EU project, nationalists are on the rise and demanding independence again after 70 years of occupation government. Angela Merkel, the most senior Khazarian bloodline person in power in the West, has been told to resign by the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati. Remember, the regime that Merkel represents has mismanaged Germany so badly that the German birth rate has plummeted and the long-term survival of the German volk in and of itself is in danger.
Now that renditions of senior European Khazarians has begun, she will not be able to cling to power much longer. Many people have already vanished from EU headquarters in Brussels. People are also dropping off the radar in Italy and Switzerland.
A revolution in the West is unfolding before our eyes. Let us see how long it will be before P2 Pope Francis negotiates surrender.
Thursday, January 04, 2018
FULL ARTICLE - Benjamin Fulford - 2017-01-01: Happy New Year: Hundreds of top Khazarian mobsters, including the Bush family, renditioned to Gitmo
In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say. “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Department of Defense spends $500M to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines,” the sources say.
In one of many signs of just how historic the new American revolution is, “30 congressmen will not be returning in the new year,” the Pentagon sources say. CIA sources also confirm that former U.S. President Bill Clinton, hoping for a plea bargain, is spilling the beans on people like former CIA head John Brennan, top U.S. Mossad agent Rahm Emmanuel, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and many others.
Furthemore, as U.S. President Donald Trump proclaims Janaury 2018 to be “Anti-Slavery Month,”
… human trafficking centers around the world are being raided and shut down. In Saudi Arabia, 3,000 child sex slaves have been freed, according to Russian FSB sources. In the U.S., “there was a power outage on December 27th at the “pedo heaven Disneyland,” as the place was raided by special forces fighting human slavers, the Pentagon sources say. In apparently connected events, Washington Post heir Bill Graham and Jordan Feldstein, the brother of the actor Jonah Hill, died last week, the sources point out.
Another move was that Julian Assange “was extracted from the Ecuadorian Embassy to take down the cabal, and he may be pardoned along with Mike Flynn,” the sources add.
Also, “On Christmas day, Delta Force raided a mansion owned by former President Barack Obama in …
Thailand filled with guns, explosives, gold, and tunnels, which may linked with [Former Thai Prime Minister] Thaksin Shinawatra, the Bushes, and human trafficking,” the Pentagon sources say.
We also received some raw intelligence over the weekend from two CIA sources operating in and Southeast Asia that reads like a Hollywood thriller about the high seas theft of 100 tons of gold.
“The majority of the gold to be used to assist in backing the new global gold-backed currency is stored in Jakarta. There is more than 100k metric tons. It is known as ‘off-ledger’ gold (Au) from the Soekarno era when he was M1 for the collateral accounts,” one of the sources said. “A portion of that gold, that is not part of the Japanese hoard taken during WW2 from all over China and Asia, was stolen last week,” the source says.
This is the cover story:
This is how the gold was moved to Jakarta:
Here is a partial translation:
“From the side of the sea, Satkamal Lantamal XII Kal-Lemukutan 11-12-15 participated in supporting the Marine security of President Joko Widodo’s work visit at the National Christmas Celebration in West Kalimantan, held in Pontianak on Thursday afternoon.”
In other words, the visit by Indonesia’s Muslim president to celebrate Christmas was the cover for a major naval operation to move 100 tons of gold.
However, three sources, including an Indonesian general, say the Navy ship carrying the gold bars was hijacked at sea in international waters.
Here is a CIA source’s version of the events:
“It was a very well-planned operation. The gold was offloaded into a submarine and went ‘off radar’ into Singapore. This was part of the overall play at the top of the Indonesian government along with a few of the top players in the Singapore government. The promise made during the secret meeting at the APEC Summit in Vietnam was used for personal gain. The very top players in this theater planned and made off with the Au.
“This was to be used as a small part of the new gold-backed currency with Russia, China, and India. It is currently 90% pure and easily re-smelted to 99.95 purity (the minimum purity allowed by the LBMA). Estimated between 80-100 metric tons, this will make a very few at the top of the Indonesia government extremely wealthy in the 3D matrix (for as long as it lasts). The problem is that they have stolen something of high importance.
“This was for the benefit of humanity. I was told that there will be repercussions, including severe penalties like imprisonment or worse. The movement of the Au is being monitored by special equipment under the control of the White Hats. The perpetrators have nowhere to hide. Their names are already known.
“These top corrupt politicians were under orders from their masters, the Zionist cabal, who still have a strong foothold in Indonesia.”
The movement and related hijacking of gold is linked to some sort of major financial event due sometime in the first half of this year, a separate CIA source says. This source, who has provided us with both big scoops and disinformation in the past, says the financial system will be completely shut down, the stock market will drop to zero, bank accounts will be emptied, and ATMs will shut down when this event happens. This will be followed by the launch of the new gold-backed system, this source says.
There is some supporting evidence out there for this scenario. India, Russia, China and many other countries have announced publicly they will be moving to a gold-backed currency. The Chinese have also said they will be trading oil for gold and yuan. Furthermore, the entire management of the Federal Reserve Board has been replaced.
We also see that world stock markets are becoming increasingly detached from reality. Even people who never studied even basic economics know that when more people sell than buy, then prices fall. Yet the U.S. stock market has been reaching record heights, even though sellers have vastly outnumbered buyers since 2013. Reality always has a way of catching up, and illusions never last forever.
There are also signs of another Lehman Brothers type of shock on the horizon:
In any case, it will be possible to completely end Khazarian mafia rule during this year, not just in the U.S. but worldwide, if the right action is taken. Early on in this battle, I was asked by Pentagon sources to “think like a military man” and come up with specific targets. Years of research and conversations with hundreds of sources, including Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Japanese royals, have forced me to the conclusion that the problem ultimately lies with the P2 Freemason lodge and their plan to create a one-world religion and a world fascist empire controlled by the descendants of the Caesars.
Recently, for example, I was told by an NSA source to watch the “Bourne Identity” TV miniseries from the late 1980’s. The story is about a hunt for Carlos the Jackal (Ramírez Sánchez), the notorious terrorist who was active for 30 years in the latter part of the past century. What intrigued me is that the show depicts Carlos being sheltered in monasteries and working out of churches. That is because Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemason lodge told me it was they who ran both Catholicism and Communism.
What really irks me is that Carlos, who was arrested in 1994, was allowed to publish a book promoting terrorism called Revolutionary Islam in 2003. At the same time, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security froze the bank accounts of publishers trying to publish my book about the secret battle for the planet earth that promotes world peace. You can see these people for who they are by the constant fear-mongering and war promotion (Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc.) in their controlled-media operations.
So, in conclusion, if the U.S. military and agency white hats want to finish this battle in 2018, and they want specific targets, I would recommend they target the Calabrian Peninsula, Rome, Milan, Tel Aviv, Zug, and Basel. Doing so would knock out the self-appointed social engineers who are behind terrorism, false flags, mass migration of young single Muslim men (not families) into Europe, etc. Pope Francis, with his promotion of the global warming fraud, is just a nice face for this demonic group.
In a final note, Japanese military intelligence is telling me that some sort of operation against the Bank of Japan is in the works for the new year.
Let us make it a happy and victorious new year for the people and the living creatures of this planet.
In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say. “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Department of Defense spends $500M to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines,” the sources say.
In one of many signs of just how historic the new American revolution is, “30 congressmen will not be returning in the new year,” the Pentagon sources say. CIA sources also confirm that former U.S. President Bill Clinton, hoping for a plea bargain, is spilling the beans on people like former CIA head John Brennan, top U.S. Mossad agent Rahm Emmanuel, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and many others.
Furthemore, as U.S. President Donald Trump proclaims Janaury 2018 to be “Anti-Slavery Month,”
… human trafficking centers around the world are being raided and shut down. In Saudi Arabia, 3,000 child sex slaves have been freed, according to Russian FSB sources. In the U.S., “there was a power outage on December 27th at the “pedo heaven Disneyland,” as the place was raided by special forces fighting human slavers, the Pentagon sources say. In apparently connected events, Washington Post heir Bill Graham and Jordan Feldstein, the brother of the actor Jonah Hill, died last week, the sources point out.
Another move was that Julian Assange “was extracted from the Ecuadorian Embassy to take down the cabal, and he may be pardoned along with Mike Flynn,” the sources add.
Also, “On Christmas day, Delta Force raided a mansion owned by former President Barack Obama in …
Thailand filled with guns, explosives, gold, and tunnels, which may linked with [Former Thai Prime Minister] Thaksin Shinawatra, the Bushes, and human trafficking,” the Pentagon sources say.
We also received some raw intelligence over the weekend from two CIA sources operating in and Southeast Asia that reads like a Hollywood thriller about the high seas theft of 100 tons of gold.
“The majority of the gold to be used to assist in backing the new global gold-backed currency is stored in Jakarta. There is more than 100k metric tons. It is known as ‘off-ledger’ gold (Au) from the Soekarno era when he was M1 for the collateral accounts,” one of the sources said. “A portion of that gold, that is not part of the Japanese hoard taken during WW2 from all over China and Asia, was stolen last week,” the source says.
This is the cover story:
This is how the gold was moved to Jakarta:
Here is a partial translation:
“From the side of the sea, Satkamal Lantamal XII Kal-Lemukutan 11-12-15 participated in supporting the Marine security of President Joko Widodo’s work visit at the National Christmas Celebration in West Kalimantan, held in Pontianak on Thursday afternoon.”
In other words, the visit by Indonesia’s Muslim president to celebrate Christmas was the cover for a major naval operation to move 100 tons of gold.
However, three sources, including an Indonesian general, say the Navy ship carrying the gold bars was hijacked at sea in international waters.
Here is a CIA source’s version of the events:
“It was a very well-planned operation. The gold was offloaded into a submarine and went ‘off radar’ into Singapore. This was part of the overall play at the top of the Indonesian government along with a few of the top players in the Singapore government. The promise made during the secret meeting at the APEC Summit in Vietnam was used for personal gain. The very top players in this theater planned and made off with the Au.
“This was to be used as a small part of the new gold-backed currency with Russia, China, and India. It is currently 90% pure and easily re-smelted to 99.95 purity (the minimum purity allowed by the LBMA). Estimated between 80-100 metric tons, this will make a very few at the top of the Indonesia government extremely wealthy in the 3D matrix (for as long as it lasts). The problem is that they have stolen something of high importance.
“This was for the benefit of humanity. I was told that there will be repercussions, including severe penalties like imprisonment or worse. The movement of the Au is being monitored by special equipment under the control of the White Hats. The perpetrators have nowhere to hide. Their names are already known.
“These top corrupt politicians were under orders from their masters, the Zionist cabal, who still have a strong foothold in Indonesia.”
The movement and related hijacking of gold is linked to some sort of major financial event due sometime in the first half of this year, a separate CIA source says. This source, who has provided us with both big scoops and disinformation in the past, says the financial system will be completely shut down, the stock market will drop to zero, bank accounts will be emptied, and ATMs will shut down when this event happens. This will be followed by the launch of the new gold-backed system, this source says.
There is some supporting evidence out there for this scenario. India, Russia, China and many other countries have announced publicly they will be moving to a gold-backed currency. The Chinese have also said they will be trading oil for gold and yuan. Furthermore, the entire management of the Federal Reserve Board has been replaced.
We also see that world stock markets are becoming increasingly detached from reality. Even people who never studied even basic economics know that when more people sell than buy, then prices fall. Yet the U.S. stock market has been reaching record heights, even though sellers have vastly outnumbered buyers since 2013. Reality always has a way of catching up, and illusions never last forever.
There are also signs of another Lehman Brothers type of shock on the horizon:
In any case, it will be possible to completely end Khazarian mafia rule during this year, not just in the U.S. but worldwide, if the right action is taken. Early on in this battle, I was asked by Pentagon sources to “think like a military man” and come up with specific targets. Years of research and conversations with hundreds of sources, including Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Japanese royals, have forced me to the conclusion that the problem ultimately lies with the P2 Freemason lodge and their plan to create a one-world religion and a world fascist empire controlled by the descendants of the Caesars.
Recently, for example, I was told by an NSA source to watch the “Bourne Identity” TV miniseries from the late 1980’s. The story is about a hunt for Carlos the Jackal (Ramírez Sánchez), the notorious terrorist who was active for 30 years in the latter part of the past century. What intrigued me is that the show depicts Carlos being sheltered in monasteries and working out of churches. That is because Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemason lodge told me it was they who ran both Catholicism and Communism.
What really irks me is that Carlos, who was arrested in 1994, was allowed to publish a book promoting terrorism called Revolutionary Islam in 2003. At the same time, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security froze the bank accounts of publishers trying to publish my book about the secret battle for the planet earth that promotes world peace. You can see these people for who they are by the constant fear-mongering and war promotion (Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc.) in their controlled-media operations.
So, in conclusion, if the U.S. military and agency white hats want to finish this battle in 2018, and they want specific targets, I would recommend they target the Calabrian Peninsula, Rome, Milan, Tel Aviv, Zug, and Basel. Doing so would knock out the self-appointed social engineers who are behind terrorism, false flags, mass migration of young single Muslim men (not families) into Europe, etc. Pope Francis, with his promotion of the global warming fraud, is just a nice face for this demonic group.
In a final note, Japanese military intelligence is telling me that some sort of operation against the Bank of Japan is in the works for the new year.
Let us make it a happy and victorious new year for the people and the living creatures of this planet.
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