Monday, February 08, 2021

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2021-02-08: Article 335 - Some Positive Signs


[Original article can be found here:]

Some years ago we were informed by the Resistance Movement that the Chimera group worshipped the Black Sun which is their name for the Galactic Central Sun. Other satanic and luciferian groups also worship the Black Sun. Yesterday I viewed a video recording made by Gina Maria the South African lady who has made people aware of the Plasma Beings now being discovered on these web cameras around the world.

What we have been seeing are Angelic Beings working {see details of their work below} upon the deconstruction of the structure of the Veil ~ the Matrix in places like The Hague Holland, Stockholm, Dublin etc. Indeed and of course worldwide.

Here is a quote from an update from The Portal that Cobra gave on December 28th, 2020 approximately five weeks ago.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Age of Aquarius Activation Report

“Our activation was a huge success; we have reached the critical mass many times over with about 400,000 people participating in the meditation.

…Many people meditating have felt this pulse, and it has brought instantaneous emotional and spiritual, and sometimes even physical healing to some people. Many traumatic events were erased from the energy fields of certain Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and huge healing of the heart took place.

From then on, clearing of the primary anomaly on the surface of this planet is taking place.

The Light Forces have also managed to anchor pure Light on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996. Many Light beings and goddesses were present in their energy bodies around people meditating, and they have managed to take a quite detailed sample of the Matrix structure. With greater understanding of the quantum structure of the Matrix, they are now removing exotic quantum dark technologies with full speed. They have also begun with gradual clearing of the implants of the surface humanity, and you can help them in this process with implant removal techniques mentioned here:

And here:"

TZ again; The latest recording that I saw yesterday is from a web camera in Russia recorded on February 4th. It shows a Black Sun moving across the sky simultaneously with our sun’s movements in the late afternoon.

So what is this? What’s happening? This is what I believe, and my Guides are suggesting is very close to the truth.

Press Image to Enlarge

About 20 years ago several huge motherships (15 I’m told) placed themselves into position close to our sun with the intention of protecting us from the strong activity of our sun at this time. Without the presence of these ships we would all of us have been fried to cinders long ago. I believe that one of these motherships has now ‘presented’ itself as a Black Sun by using black coloured shielding that makes it appear as a Black Sun. Sometime last summer I took several photographs of the sun with my telephone and low and behold I had managed to capture three of these enormous motherships on camera too. Here is one of those photographs!

So why is the Galactic Confederation doing this now? There will be much speculation. For one the subject of Nibiru returns {old fables die hard}. There is no such thing as Nibiru {a mathematical miscalculation by Zecharia Sitchin} and NOTHING is about to crash into earth. No doubt there will be other speculation of a kind that make claim that this is something that our dark controllers have created! No way!

They no longer have the capabilities to create anything of this kind!

So I am going to suggest that the most feasible reason for this Black Sun to be revealed right now is to send a message to the ‘controllers’ that their time is up.

On February 2019 – exactly 2 years ago we were informed the following on the ‘Bubbles of Heaven’ part two update.

“The purpose of this update is to provide clarifications of the Bubbles of Heaven article to the surface population.

First, the six phases of a phase transition will be explained in more detail. Each of those phases is a complete stage of a planetary Ascension process and is estimated to last somewhere between a few months to a few years. This is as close as you will ever get to an answer to your question “when will the Event happen?”, on this blog.”

TZ again; I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the fact that we are in the so called nucleation phase or phase three of the Bubbles of Heaven development of the Return of the Light to earth. This is the phase as you all know that culminates in The Event. We entered into this phase in January 2019.

The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation phase. This phase sees the thermal flux from the Galactic Central Sun rising exponentially, with more and more Bubbles of Heaven actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing, until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the Event.

The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter into the fourth phase.”

TZ again; We are moving very swiftly towards this peaking of the thermal flux now.

Other Interesting Phenomena Right Now

Construction at White House

There is some kind of construction taking place in close proximity to the White House. Here speculation runs wild too. I have seen a comment suggesting that this construction might be a place for executions!! It seems to be in the shape of some kind of podium like those built outdoors for rock concerts. I don’t think that they are planning on holding any rock concerts there in the near future. ;-). My guess is that it might be used at some point for some kind of information deliverance.

Trump on Air Force One

I saw an image the other day of Trump about to descend the steps of the Airforce One Jet upon arrival in Florida. One could clearly see the ‘President of the United States’ signum on the side. Biden continues to travel around on a private jet. I believe that this photograph of Trump was taken on January 31st and that it’s the real deal. This has to be a very clear indication of the truth of the situation.

A Dear Swedish Friends Discovery

Some days ago my friend was lying down relaxing after a long day’s work. She suddenly felt a strong indication that she should open an app to one of the major daily newspapers here in Sweden. Directly she notices an article giving an in depth report about the extensive work achieved by Donald Trump to rid the USA of paedophiles. She was interrupted and had to leave her study of this article after only seeing 50%. Later when she had the opportunity, she reopened the app and the article had been removed. It was not retriable! So some brave Swedish journalist attempted to bring forth some truth! No doubt he/she has been thoroughly warned!

PS: Please feel free to spread this information far and wide TZ.

Please provide a link to this page and the # 335 

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