Saturday, December 19, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-12-17: Article 300 - A List of Changes and Developments that We Can Expect WHEN We Reach Critical Mass on December 21st, 2020


 [Original article can be found here:]

I thought that I would provide a synopsis of what exactly we can expect to see if / when we reach critical mass of 144000 meditating simultaneously on December 21st. Most of this information is taken from the WLMM Interview with Cobra.

Before I go into the details of what the results will be from this meditation if we reach critical mass, one last reminder about the great importance of synchronised laser like focus simultaneously for the effect of this meditation to be counted on Dec. 21st. Here Cobra’s words about this.

“And when the main meditation happens on December 21st, it is very important to do the meditation exactly as it was instructed, exactly as it was published on the website to achieve the maximum level of coherence, at exact moment, the exact moment of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. So we have a very strong laser-like signal, which with all people completely harmonized can unify the goal.”

TZ here; In other words – no late starts – alarm clocks on for 10-15 minutes prior if necessary – no group meditation – on your own and focused – practise at least once before – either video in your language {or MP3} – have those written instructions ready IN CASE there are internet problems – some like to do it silently after studying the text beforehand – some using only background music which is also available.

Now for the changes that a successful meditation/activation will bring about.

  • Cobra: If we achieve the critical mass on December 21st, huge changes can begin to be initialized. First, the Light Forces can begin to finally start deconstructing the quarantine with all its exotic negative technologies, all that network of electromagnetic fence, of different scalar devices, of all nanotechnology, of implants, of biochips.
  • All that can begin deconstructing because the new Aquarius energies will be strong enough. And if we reach the critical mass, those energies will be channelled through a critical mass of the surface population. And then the big transformation can begin to happen.
  • The Primary Anomaly which is now gathered on the surface of the planet can really begin to be cleared directly after our meditation.
  • This cleansing of the primary anomaly after the meditation will speed up the process of the removal of implants in humans which has so far still not been possible due to the strong neg anomaly on the surface.
  • Originally the Light Forces believed that C virus would be over in December - that we would have achieved Herd Immunity by then {TZ here; In fact Russia claims that they have already ‘herd immunity’ and that 50% of Russians have antibodies to C Virus} The delay in reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ for the C virus has been delayed due to the nanotechnology war between the Light and Dark Forces. At some point in time after the meditation on Dec 21st and most likely prior to The Event there will however be an unexpected arrival of herd immunity proving all of the ‘experts ‘who have been spreading fear and have an agenda to control humans ... to be wrong. There will be some surprises re CV.  
  • We will be able to receive more information regarding the 3 waves of Ascension after Dec 21st if critical mass is reached as it will be!
  • Cobra: The Age Of Aquarius is the golden age that everybody's waiting for. The Age of Aquarius is actually our life after the Event. It Is a transition from the old society. And a new society where there will be equality; There'll be love; There will be understanding between people; There will be new advanced technologies introduced; There will be First Contact and abundance and healing for everybody. The energy of Aquarius will bring a much needed vision and higher perspective on the collective evolution of humanity and also towards more of a cosmic perspective, which involves the Event and higher level of evolvement of society, which is drastically needed right now.

Finally, I will leave you with a question that Hoshino posed to Cobra and his reply.

Hoshino: Okay, understood. And if we achieve a huge success on that day, how far are we from the planetary liberation from the Light Forces point of view?

Cobra: Their perspective is a little bit different from our perspective. What they are seeing is that we are in the final battle and they are proceeding closer to the surface of the planet. And if we achieve the critical mass on December 21st, they will start clearing the surface first energetically and at some point, also physically. So there is a potential for big changes after December 21st.

The Event before the End of the Covid Scandemic?

Jedi: Alright, next. Is it possible that the Event happens before the pandemic is over?

Cobra: Yes, it's possible…

Cobra: Yes. this final battle has been very intense. It has been cruel and brutal to some of us, but we are now... we have survived 2020. It was a very strange year of many, many, many unexpected things that have happened. And now we are just before the huge transformation where important astrological changes will happen, and they will bring many, many new energies which will bring Light Forces closer to the surface of the planet, and this will be felt. And then things can finally begin to change on the physical plane as well. So I would encourage everybody to participate in our meditation and to assist us in anchoring as much Light as possible on the December 21st at the moment of the great conjunction. And then in the next year, we can make big, big quantum leaps towards our final goal. So Victory of the Light!

Everything You Might Need to Know about December 21st 2020

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