Below is another GaiaPortal message published today, which is one day after the Summer Solstice.
Clarifiers come forth and refresh the planet.I would interpret the message as follows:
Storms of Light connect.
Devics multiply.
Gaia connections strengthen
- Both whistleblowers and lightworkers are working tirelessly to expose the truth about the Cabal and Deep State to clarify the planetary situation to confused general population.
- Lightworkers and lightwarriors from different areas began to make connection with each other to form a powerful network of light.
- The word 'Devic' in the third sentence means non-physical beings. I would say the whole sentence means that there are now a lot more angelic beings on the nn-physical planes to help human beings to go through this last stage of planetary liberation.
- Connection between the surface population and the Mother Earth has strengthened after the Summer Solstice.
Thank you, Hoshino.