Below is the Gaia Portal message published this morning, which is the 9th message for this month.
I would interpret the message as follow:
- Light Forces from different solar systems in the universe are gathering around the Earth for the service of each human being.
- Messengers who are spreading the truth are sent to everyone.
- It is now clearer than ever to the general public that the conspiracies about the Cabal is actually true.
- Dark Forces who were trying to cause troubles are removed.
- Angelic beings, such as angels, fairies, dolphins and unicorns, are returning to the non-physical planes of this planet.
Update: Here is the link to the French translation of the interpretation by Irina Myers.
Celestial Guides gather in Oneness for each hu-being.
Messengers of Light are sent to all.
Recognition from the masses is at hand.
Fomenters are extinguished.
Heavenlys arise.
Thank you