Monday, August 31, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-30: Article 253 - Huge Numbers ~ Millions ~ Demonstrated Yesterday in Berlin for Freedom

I wrote the main part of this article yesterday evening after viewing multiple videos showing the people moving into the main demonstration square from ALL roads leading into Berlin. At the main meeting point there is a stage where speakers are addressing the crowds which are huge. On August 1st there was also a huge demonstration in Berlin and the media all over Europe are telling us that 20,000 people were demonstrating then, when the facts show that there were closer to one million 1,000,000 people.

Yesterday the expectations were even higher with several million people planning to come to Berlin. As I write this now it is Sunday morning and we do not have exact details of numbers but definitely there were even more people gathered than the 1 million on August 1st. My guess is that there were at least 1.5 million people demonstrating in Berlin yesterday!

Robert F Kennedy is in Berlin to be part of this and I am providing the best video here of him speaking yesterday! A MUST see of 12 minutes.

Written yesterday evening…

It will be very interesting to see if the media in Europe tell us anything at all this evening about these demonstrations. There might be up to 2 MILLION PEOPLE demonstrating in Berlin today! I have a strong feeling that the cabal also have their plans and will be using this situation to their benefit in some way.

It’s as if the whole world is erupting in demonstrations right now. The importance of our ongoing meditation and visualization of the Flower of Life and Pink Loving energy flooding the surface of the planet is truly necessary to prevent over violent reactions at this time.

I have to say that while watching the videos of the German people gathering and walking to these demonstrations it all seems to be perfectly calm and people seem to be generally in a good mood and enjoying the feeling of uniting in this way... I have not seen a single angry looking person on the footage that I have seen.

Here first a video showing people on the way towards the demonstration ~ some of the signs on the placards read like “RKI is the institute for the corona laws, and paid by Gates foundation” … “They can’t count!” … “Do they call this Freedom” …  “Let the masks fall” …  “Where your freedom ends” … “We ae the 2. Wave” … This first video is only a minute long

This next one which is over an hour clearly lets you see that there are huge numbers of people everywhere in the streets that this girl Carolin Matthie is showing us on her walk all over the city…

*Ein historischer Tag in Berlin?!// Wir sind dabei! Großdemonstration für unser aller Freiheit! 🍀’

Yet another hour long video here, showing how the demonstrators are calm, collected, relaxed and unified in this peaceful demonstration.

This 4 hour old video {8 mins long} already viewed by close to 250,000 people show clearly that the numbers gathering are enormous!

It seems that the mainstream media is saying that the demonstration is over but that makes no sense when the livestream is viewed {and there are many live stream videos}.

The police have been blocking some movement of people using cars and trucks.  The government has said that this is not allowed, because it seems that the highest court has allowed this demonstration.

So, the police are breaking the law.


Here are some of the reasons that the German people are gathering in Berlin.

1} The reasons are many and that’s why so many people are united. Different groups ~ the majority of people ~ are demonstrating for the following;

The Consequences of the Virus Restrictions, Lockdowns, Loss of work, Economy, Stupid Laws about the wearing of masks etc. like Children wearing masks in schools, 

2} Then there are groups demonstrating in front of the US and Russian Embassies ~ they were already demonstrating there on Friday 28th August.

They demonstrate there to demand that Trump and Putin finally give Germany peace after WW2.

It would seem that the Peace Contract that was promised then is still missing!!

3} Also I am informed that there have been NO VALID LAWS since 1871.

This is because there has never been an official Peace Contract and thus Germany is not a state but an enterprise and the gov is the CEO BRD Gmbh, which is listed in a Luxembourg register!!! 

This means that everything in Germany is a lie, no court, Justice, has the right to decide, rule, or speak about rights.

The consequences of this mean that paying tax is not allowed, but if you do not pay tax the government will take you down! 

Another consequence of this is that the entire German government and administration are workers in an enterprise, and all of this must end now!

4} Yet again others are demonstrating because Merkel has installed a dictatorship… just like it was in the old DDR – Eastern Germany.

It would seem that this is also true regarding the EU and many politicians are paid by the Soros foundation! 

Besides all of the above, Ministries and people are paid by the Gates foundation.

People in the demonstration have been seen carrying placards demanding the arrest of these guilty people.

The Truth and The Lies that MSM Report about this Demonstration

It’s 6:30 pm {Sat} and I’m watching a livestream sending by RT of the demonstration, where the people have gathered to listen to various speakers and the place is absolutely jam packed although people are moving in and out all the time. Every age group is represented in this demonstration. It’s Completely peaceful and wonderfully inspiring to see that the German people have truly united in saying exactly what they think about the corona restrictions and are desiring real change in their society.

Berlin 29th August 2020 ~ Press Image to Enlarge

Swedish 7pm News

I will shortly watch the 7pm Tv 4 Swedish channel news to see if this demonstration is taken up. Remember that Germany is one of Sweden’s next door neighbours.

This is what TV 4 reported.

“This is what it looked like on Saturday {a short video view from one street} when about 18,000 people demonstrated in Berlin against corona restrictions. The placards read “stop corona lies” and “freedom and health”. The demonstrators were a mixture of “extremists” from both right and left sides + vaccine opponents + conspiracy theorists!!!

The demonstration was allowed if people kept a 1:5 meter distance from one another. When this was not followed the police demanded that people put on masks and when people did not listen the police had to break up the demonstration at 1pm. However pictures from Brandenburger Square later this afternoon show that large numbers of people are still there.”

{OK they just HAD to tell about this demonstration having taken place. So the official German Msm report is what Sweden is telling us. NOT THE TRUTH - No surprise!!!}

7:30 pm Public Service Swedish Official channel.

This is what our official news channel reported. One sentence!

“About 20,000 people demonstrated in Berlin today against corona restrictions, but the police had to break up the demonstration because the people were not following restrictions of wearing masks etc.”

So there you have it that’s European EU Mainstream Media for you... all lies, lies and more lies...

The German people have not had an easy time in the aftermath of WW2. I have memories from the seventies of Swedish people traveling on sun holidays in Southern Europe and hearing complaints about the German tourists going down to the beach early morning and placing out their belongings, to get good places to sunbath, claiming large areas of the beach. My feelings at that time was that these were attempts made to keep their distance from others. They had to ‘take the blame’ for the holocaust for at least 5 decades. The majority of people in the rest of Europe couldn’t understand how the Germans had allowed themselves to be duped by Hitler. Hitler managed to control the German people through fear tactics.

The whole world has now been duped by fear tactics.

The German people are the most awake in Europe ~ indeed maybe the most awake in the world. They are not going to be fooled by Nazi fear tactics one more time.

Mainstream Media Control of Information Worldwide


When I this morning August 30th, 2020 seek images from yesterday’s demonstration in Berlin ...I see images from Belarus, Hong Kong, China, Catalonia etc...

Here are the numbers of demonstrators given by various MSM sources today August 30th

BBC News says... 38,000 and a lot more lies and propaganda

New York Times... “Thousands” gather to protest in Berlin about corona restrictions, but police shut down demonstration after one hour”

Washington Post... far right extremists try to storm German parliament.

Reuter’s... US News... In berlin the police arrested 300 and disbanded a protest... the number of 38,000 people is mentioned in the article with other propaganda.


Please share this information with anyone that might be awakened by it! Please make it viral on your blogs and websites… Namaste

Saturday, August 29, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-27: Article 252 - There is Nothing ~ Absolutely Nothing ~ More Important than Love (Part Two of Three)

27th August 2020

By Therese Zumi Sumner

Importance of Keeping Dreams Alive

Never Give Up Your Dream

We should not allow anything to hold us back any longer from doing what we need to do to lay the ground for the realisation of our dreams.

The more time that we spend actually fine tuning the vision of how things will be when our dream is a reality, the quicker that we are bringing ourselves and everyone else into the reality we desire to see.

Exactly one year ago from now the RM reminded us that we could push forward into our new existence on Nova Gaia by BEING THERE in our THOUGHTS, MIND AND EMOTIONS through taking a short while regularly to DAYDREAM about the most important goals that we wished to attain.

This is key and do not forget it.

Do not let any circumstances hold you back from keeping your dream alive.

Some Dreams Died?

This process has taken such a long time that many Lightworkers did not reach their dreams before the cabal interfered in their lives and ended them prematurely. So, what happens to those dreams that were not realised? We know that death as such does not exist. There is no end... dreams will somehow be realised eventually - even if we do not have a clue as to how that will take place. Believe me for the Mother there is no such thing as the impossible.

The Necessary Exchange of Sacred Love for a Planets Survival

On Nova Gaia many people will once again become acquainted with the knowledge, of just how important... no ~ how necessary... loving sexual intercourse between a man and a woman is ~ as the key to literally bringing Heaven to Earth.

How do you destroy the power for peace and balance and harmony? How do you destroy the most powerful force in the universe... namely the power of Divine Love being present on a planet? You need to know about and understand the answer to this question.

This is what you do...

The archons and their minions the draconian reptilians along with the Jesuits and the black nobility families have focused 80% of their energetic efforts in controlling humanity by creating every possible hinder imaginable that could prevent the success of loving sexual relationships on this planet.

If you would like to understand the depths that they have gone to... things that are not visible to the naked eye, then go to Dark Cabal Rulers and see in the ‘Archon’ information articles what types of invisible methods they have used.

There are many more interesting facts to be found about this subject that have also been provided to us via Cobra. You can find a lot of this information on the page The New Atlantis. A large part of this information can be found in the articles gathered below the New Atlantis video which is clearly visible when you roll down the page.

Besides these unseen forces being used to destroy loving relationships between soulmates and twin souls, there is so much that has been visibly, purposefully created to make human love relationships as difficult as possible.

1} Approximately 65% of Hollywood films have been purposefully created to have a negative effect on people’s beliefs and opinions about relationships in general

2} At least 30% of these films have created character pictures of women aimed at making men suspicious of women in general.

3} Religions were created for this very purpose!!! Here I am referring mainly to the Roman Catholic Church. If you were raised a Catholic like I was in the Republic of Ireland, you would have an understanding for the hypocrisies created by the church in this area of relationships.

4} You have all heard the appeal ‘make love not war’. Well just look at this planet. Just look at our entertainment business. If I for example take a look at the 16 channels that are available in my apartment block then a quick look at the programs available show clearly that violence, war, terror and fear compose a huge part of what’s available.

5} The pornographic industry. The evidence is overwhelming that regular consumption of pornography most definitely harms relationships. This article provides facts from research in this area.

After The Event

Societies values will change dramatically and quickly. Clear evidence will be provided to show how the ideal of loving relationships has been purposely attacked in every possible way.

Maybe your mission in the future might be connected to bringing a much greater balance and harmony to young people’s understanding of the importance of love and respect between the sexes which will be a very necessary part of the basis for our New Renaissance Society ~ a basis for The New Atlantis.

To read Part One of this aricle go to Article # 249 below.

[GaiaPortal] 2020-08-29: Pessimistics dissolve

Pessimistics dissolve.

Higher Energies come in to the midst.

Petrifications are crumbled.

Awakenings accelerate.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-25: Article 251 - We Could Never Be Ready for The Event


25th August 2020

by Therese Zumi Sumner

Soon, in an utterly unexpected fashion the signal will go out from Source and the many unknown factors of what The Event entails will begin. The omnipotent effect of the final Flash from Source will travel to our shores at the speed of Love i.e. in no time at all, and the last remnants of the Net-Veil-Matrix will be dissolved. This will come as an absolute surprise to everyone with very little if any warning.

Cobra agreed to take on the role of preparing us for these moments in time. As you are no doubt aware if you have been following his work, there are no other blogs that provide the type of information that he does.

Many other amazing lightworkers have worked tirelessly for decades to awaken the many from the sleeping state that our world has existed in. Millions have been awakened to a greater understanding about the various factions controlling us from behind the scenes. Yet the truth of the matter is, that there is only one blog that has provided us with the entire picture of the truth in all of its myriad details and that blog is The Portal.

But I ask you, how many people actually know about the information provided on The Portal? This website here has aimed to support Cobra’s work and provide an overview of that information to help provide a bigger picture that is easily accessible. There are a number of other websites that have provided their readers with every update from Cobra. But how many people have been ready and able to assimilate this huge amount of information? In the greater scheme of things ~ not many at all.

When The Event Has Taken Place

How many people do you believe will literally wake up from their sleep when the first steps of The Event have taken place and actually know for a fact what has happened?

The number of people who will wake up and have a complete understanding of the fact that “we have just been liberated from thousands of years of imprisonment”, will be very few and far between. I am informed that the number here would be approximately 350,000 people. The rest of the 7:8 billion will not have a clue as to what is taking place.

Traveling in a Different World

We might try to consider how things could feel. Different is a word that we can guarantee. Let’s make a comparison.

Let’s imagine that someone you trust takes you on a surprise trip to another part of the world that you know absolutely nothing about. Everything seems different. The people act differently. These people seem to have lost all sense of boundaries regarding expressing their true feelings. People everywhere are openly discussing their concerns about something big that has taken place. People are supporting one another both practically and emotionally.

Time Will Standstill

This pandemic situation has in fact been a really good time of preparation for a time when nothing will be ‘business as usual’ on our planet.

People all over the globe have been faced with changes to their normal lives one way or another.

So despite the evil plans behind this **pandemic  and despite the worldwide restrictions put in place through the united power of the worldwide Cabal, we have had the opportunity to become more prepared for a change, that indeed cannot be described in words until it is a fact.

**The pandemic has been effective to a degree of 5% from what was planned.

The restrictions that they have succeeded in placing on people are based upon much higher figures of infected and casualties. The figures we are informed about are all tampered with. Proof of this tampering with figures has been seen worldwide.

This past week one county {Östergötland} in Sweden did a complete check on the numbers of deaths in that county that were recorded as being due to COVID-19. The conclusion that they reached was that 85% !!! of the elderly people {the death count in Sweden includes the deaths among elderly in geriatric homes, unlike many other countries} had NOT died from corona as reported!... but because of their age - over 88 years - and other bodily weaknesses and diseases that they would have soon died from anyway... with the sudden effects from the slightest little cold or infection.

This is the truth about this pandemic in Sweden and everywhere else on this planet.


If we were restricted during this pandemic the situation after The Event will also include restrictions... at least to begin with.

Why restrictions? Well they will not be put into place by some authoritarian group but arise due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control.

So many things in our society that we take for granted will simply not be functioning because the people needed to make these facilities work will be in varying states of chock.

Let’s take a few examples. Transport. Selling of all kinds of commodities. Schools. Day-care. Hospitals. Industry...

Let’s take a look at powerful organisations that would normally be involved during states of emergency. The first one that comes to mind is the United Nations. This huge organization has many very corrupt individuals in powerful positions. As high a number as 15% of these people at the top of this organisation will be among the first to be arrested. So, let’s just say that we will not be relying upon information coming from the UN at this time.

Next ~ let us take a look at major politicians currently in power around the globe. On average we can expect the arrests of 20% of our politicians. The other 80% will be in such states of chock that they could not be relied upon to lead anyone.

Press Image to Enlarge

2 Worlds Collide

What does the average person or family on this planet spend their time doing?

They work... they have some kind of job to earn money so that they can pay their rent, electricity, heating, food etc. A very lucky 7% of them truly love their work too.

They save money if possible so that they can have better homes, holidays and enjoy some activities beyond work and school.

More than 50% of people believe in an existence of some kind after death.

15% of people... about 1 out of 6 people... have an interest in the existence of life on other planets.

6% of people believe in the existence of galactic beings.

You Are An Odd Ball Just So You Know It!

If you believe all of the stuff that is written on this site, then you are most definitely definable as an odd ball by 75% = by 3 out of every 4 people.

If it were not for the oddballs, then nothing would change. So one could say that it is our fault that things are changing. But In fact it is not us who are leading the way towards change ~ it is being called upon from Source. Divine Mother ~ Goddess wants a return to peace everywhere and we are answering Her Call.

She has chosen you to be a part of bringing about this much needed change.

So why am I writing these facts? I am hoping that it will help you to understand just what a huge chock it will be for your friends and families to wake up.

I have a complete and deep first-hand knowledge, understanding and experience of what I am speaking about.

A total collision of worlds is soon to take place.

A total collision of world views is about to take place very shortly.

    ~     ~     ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~

We Need To Be Examples of Truth


You are now being called upon to be a living example of truth and integrity.

People around you will be in great need of stable and loving humans around them that have an understanding about what is taking place when their whole world is swinging – erupting - falling apart.

If you have been following this type of information for at least 18 months you know enough to be a balancing factor when the truth of our imprisonment here by dark beings becomes common knowledge.

You will not need to memorize facts and be an entire library of information about whose who, or what happened and when.

The facts that need to be made known to humanity will be heard by everyone.

They will be delivered in a balanced way at a pace that makes them as easily digestible as possible by the many.

We cannot in any way affect the level of shock which will be very individual, but we can be the ‘rock’ that stands still and balanced and can comfort and ease the awakening process.

Your poise and balance and harmony will have a hugely positive effect upon people around you and on the road that they must inevitably follow towards an acceptance of the new reality.

Never before has it ever been as important a time for you to be in your most balanced calm and harmonious state.

Therefore - it is paramount that you are fully accepting of yourself now.

Love yourself and all else will follow.

A Time of Repair

Humanity as a whole will now have to begin a process of repairing the way that they exist. Their thoughts about reality will have to be completely and utterly revised.

From the very moment of The Event we as a planet will now exist in a very very different set of ‘rules of existence’.

We as the human race are entitled to have everything that we need to exist on this planet free of charge, simply because we exist here.

The new laws that will be introduced will only be for our benefit and for the prevention of unnecessary harm to others.

It’s going to take some time for people to adjust to being free beings on a free planet.

寒山拾得 Hanshan and Shide ~ Press Image to Enlarge

The Secret to Our Success Now ~ Relax and Laugh and Trust


This is a picture from the Illustrated I Ching book {my greatest treasure } of a monk and his friend a poet in a state of calculated waiting, chuckling with each other while expecting a turn of events...which promise to be positive.

The viewer is recommended to ‘quit worrying, relax and try to be happy because the divination is one of good fortune in spite of how things might seem at the moment.’

This is the state of mind that I have now decided to remain in at present.

We know without a shadow of a doubt that ‘a positive end result is secured’!


These visualisations ~ like for example seeing a pink light energy covering the entire surface of Gaia and seeing the Flower of Life pattern {see image just below this article # 250} like a beautiful Golden Cage encompassing the planet are SO SIMPLE to do... anytime ~ anywhere ~ and KNOW that this lowers the risk for violent reactions during these end days.

Sending each of you much Light and Love TZ

Sunday, August 23, 2020

[GaiaPortal] 2020-08-23: Formations of the Heavens form

Formations of the Heavens form.

Energetic accelerants have been precisely placed.

Parities are removed.

Stabilizations follow.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-21: Article 249 - There is Nothing ~ Absolutely Nothing ~ More Important than Love (Part One of Three)

21st August 2020

By Therese Zumi Sumner

Everything In Society Will Have One Goal = Love


Directly after The Event there will, without doubt, be a period of emotional chaos on our planet. The digestion of so much truth coming forth will leave people in states of confusion, bewilderment and shock.

Clear Guidelines Exist

I am assuming that Goddess ~ Mother has given those who will be in charge of informing humanity about what is taking place, clear guidelines as to what is initially revealed.

All War Has Ceased

I am convinced that the existing text material which has the basic first priority information to be revealed to mankind ~ worldwide ~ simultaneously ~ will make it clear that there is now officially peace on this planet and all war has ceased.

The arrests of the millions of people who have been controlling us (see # ), the ones who have been pulling all of the strings to create wars, will mean that the cessation of war will be immediate.

This initial information will point out that there will now be united efforts worldwide to create a world of peace, prosperity and a harmonious joyful existence for all of mankind.

Love Will Guide the Way

No matter what the subject matter is that will be under discussion after The Event the absolute greatest priority will be “how can changes in this area increase the Love between the people involved”.

This one word will serve to lead the way for the development of a new society that will increase the quality of life for every living being.

The word Love is synonymous with the word Truth.

The word Love is synonymous with the word Respect

The word Love is synonymous with Inclusiveness

The word Love is synonymous with Forgiveness

Not A Time for Action Yet

I believe that you like me will easily be able to assume that a period of inertia will follow upon the Event. Have you ever seen people who are in a state of complete confusion, bewilderment and chock immediately getting started with creating something new in their lives?

People Will Seek Leadership ~ Are You Ready Now?

The people will be looking for someone who has an understanding about what has taken place to lead the way forward in guidance.

Are you ready for your role in the building of a new society?

Are you ready for your role as one of the many millions of healers that will be needed?

Reality ~ Not Potentials

At this time everyone will be deeply involved in dealing with the realities of the new situation around them. We will be in a period of time that demands a ‘natural response’. This will be a time when you will be working in tandem with your intuition.

This cannot be planned but it can be practiced now.

Practice Mode

We are truly in a time when we ought to be practicing for The Event and the confusion that will be abounding at that time.

We will find ourselves in a situation of not knowing exactly what is going on. A situation where we might temporarily be faced with a great lack of trustworthy information about what is happening.

We will be faced with the realities of chaotic change and there will be no other option but to rely upon a ‘natural response’ to the situation in hand. We will be dealing with practical solutions to very real circumstances that will need to be dealt with one step at a time.

We cannot plan and create potential solutions now to be in control later. We simply cannot because we don’t have a clue as to what the situation will be like exactly. Whatever the situation might be it will demand a total trust in the use of our intuition. This can be practiced now.

Being Emotionally Ready

Last week I found myself reacting to little disturbances with frustration and irritation. I felt angry and I had no clue as to why. It occurred to me, after this had continued for some days that I should ask the Pleiadians for some emotional healing. In the past 6 days I have had four sessions. Now I’m beginning to find my balance again. Directly after the first session (Lying on my bed for about 30 minutes) I washed a pile of dishes. The anger was so palpable that I made a lot of noise throwing knives and forks etc into the sink while rinsing them off... if my neighbour was home, he must have wondered what on Earth I was doing.

Its pretty clear now as I sit and write at my computer that these sessions with the Pleiadians were a necessary component of my being ready for my future.

Do not let this amazing opportunity pass you by! If you are feeling perfectly balanced in every way – fine – if not, then you can do something about that NOW! {see #}

Do Not Try to Act Independently in No Man’s Land

Last week before beginning this article I truly felt like I was In ‘no man’s land’. I found it difficult to find what I should focus upon. I felt quite frankly a bit lost.

I am sure now that I was being prepared in some way for the time ahead.

The situation we will exist in after the final Flash Wave ~ when the final Tsunami Wave of Love is allowed to engulf this planet and tear down the remnants of the Veil ~ will be like existing in ‘No Man’s Land’.

It will be an entirely new situation unlike anything that we have ever dealt with before.

We should NOT ATTEMPT to act alone.


We will literally be surrounded by myriads of Light Forces of Love on this planet. We will have the company of the Angelic and Archangelic Kingdoms. We will have the company of the Ascended Masters. We will have the company of our Galactic Family sending us love and harmony from the millions of ships surrounding us.

Before you take any action... sit in meditation... and when you have a very clear vision of how you will act in a given situation... you will be able to venture forth to accomplish that action with a very clear knowingness that you are not acting alone.

To be continued...



[Veritas Galactic Sweden] Article 248 - UFOs / ET Crafts over ECETI Compilation from Contact Has Begun 2

TZ here; It's impossible to have anything of true value on the Internet for many hours before it is taken down. I am reposting this 1 minute video advertisement for James Gillilands ECETI ranch in Washington State.

What I had intended doing was to provide direct links to the 2 newest videos from the ranch showing that there is tons of activity there right now. This short video does give a clear idea of what was seen in those 2 new videos which have of course been taken down by the Cabal.

Hopefully this one will still be there if you would like to take a look!

Here is a link to the ECETI site.

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-12: Article 247 - Important Cobra Update with Some Comments


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Planetary Initiation

Universe beyond our Solar system is already experiencing vast restructuralization as it is already entering the new cosmic cycle, when all creation will become aligned with the One.

Meanwhile, our Solar system and especially planet Earth is still experiencing the final purification of primary anomaly. Now all focus is on planet Earth which is experiencing a strong planetary initiation during 2020:  

Dark forces are trying to misuse the energy of this planetary initiation by subjecting humanity to Corona occult ritual:

You can counteract the effects of this Corona ritual by reframing it. You can reframe isolation/ social distancing into meditative retreat, you can reframe hand washing into spiritual purification and you can reframe mask wearing into occult silence which is always needed before the initiation.

By doing so you can shift the energies of the negative Corona ritual into positive energies of spiritual initiation /breakthrough.

Inside our Solar system, planets are orbiting around the Sun and are creating interference patterns in the plasma field that significantly influence situations on this planet:

During the next two months and a half, until the beginning of November, there are three key astrological configurations that will determine the course of events.

The first one is Mars stationary/retrograde, which will form challenging aspects to Saturn, Pluto, Eris and Black Moon (Lilith):   
This will bring many delays, frustrations, violence and suppressed anger boiling over.

The first manifestation of this configuration was the explosion in Beirut. It was a plasma nuclear explosion which was done with the purpose of destabilizing Lebanon:

The real orchestrators of this attack are the Black Nobility families and the Jesuits. It is interesting to note that Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Jesuit superior general, who was the man in charge of the Fukushima 3-11 operation, lived and died in Beirut:

It is also interesting to note that Beirut is the site of the Goddess Vortex of Nymph Beroe, which is one of the main vortexes Jesuits want to destroy:

They are using this Mars energy to polarize USA further:

This Jesuit strategy can actually backfire as soon as the negative Mars influences are neutralized. I am not at liberty to say when will that be:

{TZ here; We support the neutralisation of Mars negative influences through Goddess meditations and Flower of Life meditations as explained in # 241 # 238 # 239}

Here I need to add that Trump is less and less susceptible to Jesuit manipulation, as he was never actually part of the Illuminati death cult:

The second key astrological aspect in the next few months is Saturn conjunct Chariklo. This configuration actively suppresses Goddess energy, brings austerity and isolation.

{TZ here; We support the neutralisation of the negative influences of Saturn conjunct Chariklo through Goddess meditations and Flower of Life meditations as explained in # 241 # 238 # 239} 

Jesuits and Black Nobility families are using this energy to promote lockdowns in preparation for their New World Order plans:

Their lockdown narrative has only one problem-Sweden:

The third key astrological aspect of the next few months is heliocentric Eris-Pluto square. This energy brings many valuable lessons to the Light Forces that want to liberate this planet. They are finally beginning to understand the degree and level of suffering and anomaly present here.

Process of clearing the Draco fleet has reached the point when the Light Forces are finally able to reach the surface of the planet with their positive quantum Mjolnir technologies and assist the Lightworkers and Lightwarrors.

A special Surface Task Force has been formed on the motherships of the Light Forces, with global teams working on the planetary energy grid, and personal teams working on assisting the individual Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, monitoring and evaluating their development and preparing them for Contact.   

If you wish a personal team to be formed for you and assist you, you need to say the following protocol aloud three times: “ Command 12 21”. The first time you say this, a personal team will be formed, and each time you invoke the protocol after that, you personal team will check your status and help whenever and however they can.

For emotional healing, you can keep using Command 771 protocol:

One important aspect of this final war against the Draco is that the Light Forces were able to seize advanced Draco technology which shields Draco ships against toplet bomb explosions. The Light Forces were able to duplicate that technology and will use it to isolate and contain the remaining toplet bombs until they are completely cleared.

This gives a huge strategic disadvantage to the Draco, and they will not be able to execute their plans. They were planning to let the Cabal install their New World Order to enslave humanity, then invade the surface of the planet, kill the Cabal and rule over their human slaves:

There are many things happening behind the scenes that I have no clearance to report, and many new elements will enter the scenario since the beginning of November. As we come closer to that time, I will be able to say more.

Victory of the Light!

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-11: Article 246 - Short Message


Amazingly the day after my latest article # 245 I find out who the group of people are behind the huge demonstrations in Germany. It turns out that 500 German doctors with thousands of others behind them are spreading the truth about the COVID 19 scam worldwide. So now I understand why so many German people are awake compared to the rest of Europe. Go here to listen to this short video which is translated during the talk from English to Spanish.

Warmly recommended TZ


[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-11: Article 245 - On the Eve of Total Change 3 out of 4 People Worldwide Are Fast Asleep

11th August 2020

By Therese Z Sumner

Swedish people are fast asleep, as far as being aware about what is going on in this world is concerned. I see it all around me. I’m sorry Swedes but you know nothing about what’s going on. You, along with the majority of citizens in most countries are all duped about the Covid 19 tricks to keep us under control by the powers that be. Even though the restrictions here have been mild in comparison to other countries you are all still ruled by these false prophets and what they say. People’s lives are so limited because they believe what authorities tell them.

Swedes know nothing about what’s going on in this sick world. They might think that they do. They would mostly see themselves as being very informed and intelligent human beings and aware of the world around them but it’s a myth.

Yes, some people are waking up and getting wise to EU and UN control tactics but the NWO… now what the hell is that… they would ask.

I sound very derogatory and mean speaking about my fellow countrymen like this but sadly to say it’s the truth.

Swedes are a spoilt nation. When I say this, I am comparing life here to the rest of the globe. Generally speaking their standard of living has been pretty ok for a long time. The nation has not been involved directly in any wars for a very long time and they are simply put very naive.

But of course this is not only true of Sweden.

Because everyone everywhere is kept busy with their life puzzle and their relationships. Most people simply don’t have either the time or the energy to even try to understand the seeming injustice taking place in other countries.

Are there in fact countries that are in a worse state of ‘being asleep regarding the truth’ than Sweden? The answer to that question is 'yes indeed'.

One of those countries would have to be our next door neighbour Norway. When Norway became a very rich country overnight, when they found oil off the coast, things got very cosy economically speaking for the Norwegians. This change took place in the 70’s.

Yes, there are awake people, but they are few and far between.

Covid 19 Coma

If people were asleep before this pandemic, then they are even more comatose now. The entire planet is controlled by authorities giving guidelines as to how our lives should be lived. Where you see the most restrictions is where there is great fear that ‘they’ are losing control and therefore there is a greater need for control among the leading politicians. One example of this ‘over control’ is found in Germany.

The Germans are waking up faster and faster, but you would think that Germany was on another planet and not literally a short ferry ride from Sweden, due to the corrupt media control in Europe. Here in Sweden we haven’t a clue about what’s going on in Germany.

At the beginning of last week we were told about the previous Saturday August 3rd demonstrations in Berlin. They told us on the morning news that 17000 people took part. Someone in Germany told me that ‘they’ (cabal) are particularly fond of that number 17?

I did an internet check on the numbers involved in the Berlin demonstrations and all I could find were articles saying the numbers of demonstrators were between 17000 and 20000.

However, through contacts in Germany I have seen three very reliable German blogs that clearly show that these numbers are all lies. The people involved in these demonstrations believe that the truth of the numbers is somewhere between 800,000 and 1,2 million! That would be the equivalent of the entire population of Stockholm being out in Berlin demonstrating.

Here is a direct translation from German of information on one of these videos.

“Merkel-Land is a land of lies

The largest demonstration to date for the lifting of the disproportionate corona measures took place in Berlin last Saturday on Straße des 17. Juni {a street in central Berlin,}. Hundreds of thousands of people ran storm against unconstitutional measures and the mask requirement. COMPACT editor-in-chief Jürgen Elsässer was there at the Freedom Day in Berlin and estimated the number of participants to be at least 500,000, the organizers even spoke of 1.3 million people. It is clear that yesterday, Germany experienced one of the largest demos since 1945, even if the authorities and the media try to lie down the number of participants to 17,000 to 20,000. As “Compact-online” proved, the demo the day before yesterday was one of the largest, if not the largest demo in post-war history and probably even in the history of all of Germany.”

The truth of the matter is that Germany is literally falling apart and has been doing so for at least 2.5 years. This is why the Germans are waking up en masse.

People wake up when they have to realize the truth by seeing suffering and madness around them.

The Germans are protesting about the enormous corona restrictions which include having to wear face masks everywhere. Other reasons that the German people are now taking to the streets to say ‘enough’ is that the economy is falling apart. The Covid 19 restrictions have led to big problems in German economy. There is a crisis of the Automobile industry. For many weeks now thousands have been losing their jobs. The banks have big problems right now, because many people, 100’s of thousands cannot keep up their loan payments anymore. The unemployment figures are not at all reliable truth.

Here in Sweden we were given an example of unemployment figures in various countries due to the pandemic. In Sweden they say that it is 10% compared to Germanys 4%. The German figure is a HUGE LIE! According to various sources and my own Guidance the German unemployment is in fact about 15%.

When the government in Germany is asked what they intend to do about the illegal migration, and the lack of taxpayers.... they refuse to say … it’s all top secret.

Those involved in the German demonstrations hope to have 3 million people taking to the streets in the next one.

Three European Countries ~ Very Different levels of Awareness about corruption at higher levels of Government etc.

I am informed the following by my Guides

In Norway I am guided to say that a mere 0:5% of people are awake! {That’s what too much cosiness does for you.}  

In Sweden the numbers are higher and as many as 11% are now awake.

Germans who are awake comprise 72%!!! of the population...

That should tell you how bad things are there. The shock of The Event will be less for the Germans.

When the Event is Upon Us

The good news regarding all of this is that this situation where everyone is tied to restrictions and remaining where they normally live, rather than travelling, will be an advantage. Also being used to situations in life not being the same as usual will actually be an advantage when change is soon a fact. Here I am referring to REAL CHANGE.

Let’s take a look at one aspect of things like schools. More than likely schools will not be open ~ other than maybe places to gather and talk eventually ~ after The Event. First and foremost the vast majority of teachers will be in a state of chock. I would imagine that a time period of about 2.5 months would be the least time that schools are closed. Add to that, that many of the subjects that are taught currently, will have to be revised completely. Like History! the different Sciences like Chemistry, Climate, Economics, etc.

21% of Earths Inhabitants Will be Awake when We Transition

That means that 4 out of every 5 people on the planet will have to go through a huge awakening process. Like I have shown you here this will vary from country to country.

IT'S NO WONDER PEOPLE ARE ASLEEP!! When three countries like Norway, Sweden and Germany that are so close on the map of Europe are not aware of what’s REALLY going on across the border, because of the controlled media corruption, then it’s easier to understand how the cabal have managed to dupe everyone by being totally in control of the media ~ worldwide. Since I was taken off Facebook, I can see that when I search for something alternative, I get all kinds of weird suggestions of other ‘acceptable’ blogs {controlled blogs} that even usurp the names of the most well known Light bloggers and their websites.

The control is total… for a little while longer… when everything done will be undone… in the flash of a moment…

Although we are on our way toward the attainment of one very big goal, we are constantly aware that we have not yet arrived. This state of mind leaves us feeling uneasy…

But… we have won the battle!

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-08-09: Article 244 - Take the Amazing Opportunity of Receiving Emotional Healing from the Pleiadians NOW

9th August 2020


By Therese Z Sumner

If you know that you are completely healed from all of your deep inner past emotions and trauma then good and fine you do not need to read further.

If on the other hand you are sure that you do have unhealed emotions buried inside, or indeed even if you are in doubt as to whether you have or not, then NOW is the time to ask for help.

Help is now available free of charge just for the asking! And its being offered from the very loving Galactic Family known as the Pleiadians.

In the near future ~ soon ~ or even very soon ~ there will be emotions flying all over the place. What is not healed within you will rise to the surface for healing when The Event is a fact. If you would like to be sure that you are healed emotionally prior to this taking place, then there is no time to lose.

The Pleiadians would like your feedback after each session. Give yourself 30 minutes time to lie down and receive after calling upon them for the healing session. Results can be immediate but generally can come the day after the healing.

Hoshino at We Love Mass Meditations has now arranged a place on the website for you to leave your feedback, which I recommend that you do, as this can help others to see the effectiveness of the healing.

Here is the link to that page.

Translations to Many Languages

Also, anyone who would like to spread this information around the planet will find wonderful ‘gifs’ and pictures in most languages on this same page.

Namaste Therese Z

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

[Veritas Galactic Sweden] 2020-07-31: Article 241 - Powerful Liberation Meditation

Therese Z here; While doing some research I came across this update from Cobra from february 18th 2018. I immediately felt that this is what needs to be our focus now ~ our utter and complete focus beyond any interests in the outside world until we are free.

"Now it is time for us to understand that caring, loving, soft energy is the energy that will ultimately transform our planet and assist the Light Forces in removing all darkness from the planet. Being soft is NOT a weakness, it is ultimate power:"

Along with the Flower of Life meditation # 238 and the suggestions from Archangel Michael in # 239 there is absolutely nothing that we can spend our time doing, that is better support for our own harmony and the arrival of The Event, until The Event is a fact and INDEED even beyond The Event. Cobra has suggested that we should spend time in nature ~ as undisturbed nature as possible aand what better than to combine some of these meditations with our time in nature.


Power of the Goddess

Sunday, February 18, 2018

As we have now entered the termination phase of the planetary liberation process, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet:

People on the surface of the planet have been programmed to believe that being soft and caring for other sentient beings is a weakness. This programming has originated from the Archons, then distributed through Jesuit and Illuminati networks and then through the mainstream media to the surface population through the meme of “survival of the fittest”.

This meme was spread among the surface population to suppress the caring energy of the Goddess, which is the energy the dark forces fear the most:

Now it is time for us to understand that caring, loving, soft energy is the energy that will ultimately transform our planet and assist the Light Forces in removing all darkness from the planet. Being soft is NOT a weakness, it is ultimate power:

It is also time now for all women to support and express the caring part of their Soul, anchor that energy in the planetary energy grid and connect with other sisters in Sisterhood of the Rose:

Or in global sisterhood:

It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible:

Press Diagram to Enlarge

Goddess Vortex Meditation

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise 

2 While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light

3 Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise

4 While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and NOT as e in "Venus", and a is pronounced as a in "America") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.

5 Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.


Return of the Goddess Meditation

1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

  1. Visualize a pillar of pink Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize a loving feminine presence in the shape of a beautiful Goddess descending from the sky and entering your physical body. This presence will harmonize your inner woman and make you more loving. Stay united with that presence for a while.
  1. Visualize bright new spiritual future for humanity, with men and women in perfect understanding, with our society growing beyond need for wars and conflicts as all dark entities, physical and non-physical, are removed from our planet. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source in perfect balance of their inner male and female aspects.

Please do this visualization as instructed and do not change it as otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

The divine masculine presence (the Hero) in each of us needs to be activated also. The Hero is a warrior that moves beyond revenge and powerless anger into full fierce power of methodically removing the darkness in order to protect everything that is sacred and beautiful, to protect all children, women and men that cannot defend themselves against the cruelty of darkness so prevalent on the surface of the planet.

Long time ago, the weapons of the Hero were the sword and the pen. Now, the weapons are his one-pointed mind, the scalar protection devices and computer keyboard. And Mjolnir:

The Hero understands that all suffering on this planet is artificially engineered. He understands that he can not force his fellow humans to awaken, as they have retreated into their Islands of Sanity (beer and football) to avoid facing the too cruel reality of Draco occupation of the planet with all horrendous child abuse and untold suffering, as it was precisely described here by Benjamin Fulford's reader AHZ:

It is time now for each of us to unite the Goddess and Hero archetypes inside, become whole and stop fighting with each other, and unify in this last stage of planetary liberation process:

Victory of the Light!